Page Six THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN. N. C. Friday, January 14, 1972 As Seen in The Mirror's SPORTS of Athietes and Events Newspaper accounts last Monday morning describing a fight that occurred during the South Carolina—Marquette basketball game read like something lifted out of Grimm’s Faii7 Tales. Millions watching on television, including thousands of fans in the New Bern area. NAT DIXON NURSERY - GLENBURNIE - Growers of Fine Trees, Shrubs and Plants saw what happened, and it wasn’t as some sports writers in Columbia reported the hectic fracas. Published stories said the battle “finally was broken up by the officials and coaches’’ and “The South Carolina band played the Star Spangled Banner to give police an edge if any of the crowd started surging on the court.’’ Actually it wasn’t the coaches and officials, as reported, who stopped the melee, but the police. And there wasn’t any IF about the crowd. Many of the more stupid did surge onto the court. As for the Gamecock band playing the National Anthem. This wasn’t done until the fight was over. Like one of the commentators doing the television show said at the time, '"niey played it four minutes ^V^ndep whaf mates if fasfe so ^69^ MIMOifTV Of TNI COCJKOU COMfAMT BY i I I I New Bern Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Inc. NEW BERN, N. C. Every Noble's lady wants to look divine when she attends dances of the Mystic Shrine. Choose your formal with infinite care, and rest assured they'll know you're there. We have your color, and we have your size, so take your pick as a shopper wise, and when you join the happy throng, you're bound to know that you belong. 2704 NKUSC BLVD. NEW BERN, N. & ROOFING ... At George Air Force Base, Calif., partially finished modular house gets the last roof section. Towering crane arm lifts roof slowiy into position over second floor as construe- tion crews guide modular unit toward its place. The project was undertaken to show that cost reductions are possible without loss of quality through use of material technologies, volume pro curement and factory assembly methods. The complete com munity included 180 townhouses, 16 apartments and four ranch style houses. too late.” Considering the disadvantage any visiting team is under at the Carolina Coliseum in Columbia, it’s a wonder the Gamecocks ever lose a home game. If Marquette can win there, they can win anywhere. The one bright spot was the officiating. Under exceedingly trying circumstances, the whistle blowers called a good game. No one can truthfully say that the fight resulted from the contest getting out of hand. South Carolina has, without question, one of the top teams in the country, and deserves its high ranking in the polls. However, it is doubtful that Coach FYank McGuire and his outfit will ever win any sports manship awards. Admittedly, college basketball isn’t for sissies. It’s rough and it’s tough, but a lot of athletes manage to succeed at it without carrying a chip on their shoulder and swinging haymakers from a player’s blind side. After what happened last Sunday afternoon, there’s more reason than ever to be glad that South Carolina is no longer in the Atlantic Coast Conference. MIRROR MORSELS There is, I know not how, in the minds of men, a certain presage, as it were, of a future existence, and this takes the deepest root, and is most discoverable, in the greatest geniuses and most exalted souls.—Cicero. There is little peace or comfort in life if we are always anxious as to future events. He that worries himself with the dread of possible contingencies will never be at rest.—Samuel Johnson. Call ... D. E. JONES SHEET METAL CO. for • HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Authorized Chrysler-AIr Temp Sales and Service 2216 Trent Blvd. Phone 637-6951 ALCOKE'S TIRE AAART 416 Broad St NEW & USED TIRES • DEPENDABLE TIRE SERVICE OFFICE esa-ssae Not to return one good office for another is inhuman; but to return evil for good is diabolical. There are too many even of this sort, who the more they owe, the more they hate.-^ Seneca. All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.—Aristotle. Duty is the grandest of ideas, because it implies the idea of God, of the soul, of liberty, of responsibility, of immortality.—Lacordaire. If you cannot inspire a woman with love of yourself, fill her above the brim with love of herself; all that runs over will be yours.—Colton. Genuine good taste consists in saying much in few words, in choosing among our thoughts, in having order and arrangement in what we say, and in speaking with com posure.—Fenelon. Life is hardly respectable if it has no generous task, no duties or afflictions that constitute a necessity of existence. Every man’s tosk is his life preser ver.—Emerson. Our present knowledge of the universe is such as to leave us with a very inadequate con ception of the majesty of existence.—Oliver J. Lodge. Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverent than plausible, and more advised than confident. Above all things, integrity is, their portion and proper vir tue.—Bacon. Though reason is progressive, instinct is stationary. Five thousand years have added no improvement to the hive of the bee, or the house of the beaver.—Colton. DEALER'S AUTO SERVICE Expert Body Work • 24-Houi Wrecker Service Auto Painting 429 FIRST ST. 637-5466 DAY or NIGHT HOME 637-4200 ^itn .Andrews REALTOR P. O. BOX 2742 Hwr. 70 WifT NEW BERN, N. C. 28B60 ACROSS ntOH BmNC RISTAURANT When You*re Pleasure Bent, On the Neuse and Trent, A BOAT YOU BUY AT KIMBRELL’S WILL BE MONEY WELL SPENT