Page Four THE NEW BERN MIRROR, NEW BERN, N. C. Friday, May 5, 1972 THE NEW BERN MIRROR Published fvery Priday al 410 Johnson Siraai Now Born, N. C., by Iho Sole Owner J. QASKILL McOANIEL Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year S2.50 Second Class Postage Paid at New Bern, N. C. THE WAY WE SEE IT Nothing, not even the Raleigh News and Observer, is going to keep Governor George Wallace of Alabama from trouncing Terry Sanford tomorrow in North Carolina’s Presidential Primary. And cwitrary to what liberal crackpots might have you bdieve, everyone among the many voting for Wallace won’t be a sheet wearer, a cross burner, or, as th^ delict in saying, a Southern red neck. In the lot will be some decent, intelligent people. So intdligent in fact that they exercise the right to do their own thinking, rather than have the editor of any newspaper do it for them. The unfair attacks front paged by the News and Observer helped rather than hurt Wallace on the home stretch of his campaign in the Old North State. A few more features by Claude Sitton, recruited from the New York Times, could have made Sanford’s defeat as bad as General Custer’s. You would think that the president of a great iniversity like Duke would know better, but Terry has made the mistake of patterning his television talks after Mr. Sitton’s low punches of recent issues. Sanford insulted the I. Q. of aU North Carolinians when he emphatically said he was not going to engage in personalities, and then devoted virtually his entire speech to a personal attack on Governor Wallace. Somewhere in the midst of all that wordage, it mi^t have been enlightening if Terry had explained why he has stated on national television that the school bus issue is not important. Down in Florida it seemed to be pretty important, or maybe Mr. Sanford hasn’t heard what happened to his fellow liberals in that state. And in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where there aren’t many collard eaters, it also seemed to be pretty important. It it unreasonable to believe that here in North Carolina, vliere thousands of children are being bused needlessly, we are very much different from the outraged parents elsewhere? Saturday, we believe, is when a college president will get educated. PERFECT COLOR TV SET FOR THE BEDROOM ... OR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOMEI Sylvania color bright 85 color picture tube has 226 $q. in. viewable area (21" diag. meas.). This model features a "cool running" Gibraltar chassis for reliable per formance. AFC ensures a perfectly tuned picture at the touch of a button. Excellent sound from 6" oval speaker. Deluxe Walnut grained vinyi-on-metai cabinet. Roll-about stand optionai, extra. Sylvania mcrael CE81W. Only *459” TV KKCKPTION SIMri,,\'l Kl) U/. .1 rodfmotl S/'von rj I IrrliM Pr • f* Ir Wyatt’s Electronics 517 OiOROE NEW BERN MMillllllMlltllMimilMHIimMMMMIMMIIMimMMMimmMIMM Historical Gleanings —By— ELIZABETH MOORE UlltllMMmilHHIl iiHiiiMJiimN Him The Deposition of ELIZABETH B. JONES State of North Carolina, Craven County, 1836. The deposiUon of ESizabeth (she having been duly sworn) Stateth: That she is acquainted with Richard Buck and Polly Buck, they are man and wife, and reside at this time in On slow County, North Carolina, about forty five miles from New Bern. Bu^ is a shoe maker by trade, came from New England about twenty five or thirty years ago, and afterwards, say about 1809, or 1810, married the aforesaid Polly, whose maiden name was Cannon. Richard Buck and his wife, lived after their marriage which took place in New Bern, several years in that town, whence they removed to Onslow County, where they now and ever since have resided. Richard Buck, this deponent supposes to be about 55 years old, is of dark complexion and hair. Polly Buck, his wife, is about forty eight or nine years old, of law statue and thick, and has remarkably red hair. The deponent further says she herself is the daughter of a certain Isaac PaMdge who emigrated from Blackwater River in Dwchester County, State of Maryland about the year 1771 or 1772, to the Tbwn of New Bern, North Carolina, where he married and settled; Hiat the said Isaac Patridge had a sister whose maiden name was Mary Patridge, that the said Mary married a man in Maryland by the name or Gustavus Copper by whom she had, while living in that state, three children: Samuel, Misrris and Cyrus Copper. This deponent further states that her father Isaac Patridge about the TRAFFIC TIPS r/ New Sign To Warn Motorists of The Need to Yield The new red and white YIELD sign will be installed along our highways. It will replace the traditional black and yellow sign with which motorists are now familiar. The use of red rather than yellow background color more closely symbolizes the regula tory nature of the YIELD sign. The driver of a vehicle, when approaching a Yl ELD sign, must slow down to a reasonable speed for the existing condi tions. After slowing or stopping, the driver shall yield the right- of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or to a vehicle approaching on another high way, so closely, as to constitute an immediate hazard. If traffic requires it he must stop. I Village Verses SUNSET CLOUDS In sunset clouds, a blaze of red and gold Brings us a promise of smiles after tears; God’s sunset clouds, they renew dreams of old. And paint the hopes of faded yesteryears. Each broken heart finds sincere sympathy. As twilight draws the curtain for its play; Before a scene of bright hued majesty The night comes down, to softly kiss the day. —JGMcD. year 1780 went to Dorchester County, Maryland on a visit to his parents, and while he was there his father died; That when he returned home, he brought with him Capt. Copper, his wife Mary and their family, who settled in the town New Bern. She further states that Capt. Copper shortly after his removal to North Carolina (say about a year) was lost at sea, leaving his widow and three children, two of whom, the youngest Menris and Cyrus died soon after. Samuel Copper, the only surviving child was bound to a painter, brought up to, and afterwards followed that trade, and afterwards died in New Bern, never having married. This deponent further states that after the death of Capt. Copper, about 1781, his widow Mary Ciopper lived in the Town of New Bern, a widow until about the year 1786, when she married a certain (ilapt. Jesse Cannon by whom she had one child only by the name of Polly Cannor. She further states that Capt. Jesse Cannon and his wife Mary resided in New Bern several years (say about four or five) thence removed to a place called Beaufort, as deponent thinks and afterwards to a place called Pungo, where he died about the year 1792. His widow then returned to New Bern where she resided a few years and died, leaving but the two children Samuel Copper by the first marriage and Polly Cannon by the second marriage. Polly Cannrni, then a minor, cmtinued to reside in New Bern until she grew up and afterwards when she married a certain Richard Buck, a shoe maker as before staM. Said Richard Buck, and Polly Buck formerly Polly Cannon, are now in full life and this deponent believes and lives in Onslow County as before stated. Capt. Jesse Cannon, the father of the said Polly Buck is well remembored by the d^xment. He wasa low thick set man with a fair cmnplexion and no hair over which he wore a wig cued behind. From his general ap pearance, most people would take him to be an Irishman, but she has understood and believes that he was related in some way, perhaps a cousin, to his wife, and that he came from Dorchester County, Maryland and the same neighborhood that she did. Further this deponent sayeth not. (Deposition in the suit of Richard Buck and Wife vs. John G. Gayer and others, Accomac County, Virginia). (deponent furttier states that her father Isaac Patridge about the) The wise prove, and the fooludi confess, by their con duct, that a life of emplo^ent is the only life worth leamng.— Paley. Eubanks Refrigeration Service 413 Tryon Palace Drive DIAL ME 7-2571 Quality Shoe Repairing at Reasonable Prices IDEAL SHOE SHOP JOE HATEM, Prap. 903 Broad Sirtel ME 7-5011 Ben Moore's Shell Station 900 GEORGE ST. 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