Friday, August 25, 1972 THI NIW BIRN MIRROR, NIW BIRN, N. C. Page PIva Buds AND Blossoms ■y MAMIE MILLER "Now Mt your heart and your Mul to aeek the Lord your Ood."—I (%ron. 32:19. Paul was a mlailonary. but before thia he wai an ordinary tent maker. Paul will alao be remembered aa the great gar* denar who atarted grafting. Romana ll:18-24 relatea the atory of how the branchea were broken off and grafted to good ESSOTANE GAS SERVICE FOR COOKINO, HOT WATIR a HIATINO TANKS PURNIIHID TRII Scott Gas Co. 2? I Middle - Ph. 637-3179 (Product Humble Oil Co.) olive treea. We think we know about planta, but It la all written for UB In the Bible. The diaeaaea, the weeda, the harmful and good Inaecta are all deaciibed for ua. Should we read much about auch people aa Solomon, Paid, and Anloe, they have plenty to tell ua of huabandry, Flax, thlatle, aweet atorax, conunon garlic, onion, acacia, atar of Bethlehem, Syrian acanthus, oleander, blue hyacinth, Palestine tulips, apricot, pomegranate, saffron, crocua, scarlet lUv, olive, fig, anemone, mustard, Jeruaalem thorn and aloe were mentioned many tlmea In the Bible, along with many more. For thii wecdc’s Buds and Blossoms poem, ahare with ua Orace Noll Crowell’s Quiet Things. Ben Moore's Shell Station 900 GEORGE ST. MeCrtary New Tlrat WASH - ORIASI - OILS - X TIRIS OUARANTIID RICAPS PRICID TO SILL We Appreciate Your Business. Ben & Doris New Bern Loan & JeweloK Your Reliable Diamond & Wotch Store. 3tS MIDOll ST. PERFECT COLOR TV SET FOR THE BEDROOM ... OR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOMEI Sylvania color bright 85 color picture tube hat 226 tq. In. viewable area (21" diag. meat.). Thli model fealurei a "cool running" Gibraltar chaiili for reliable per formance. AFC eniurei a perfectly tuned picture at the touch of a button. Excellent sound from 6" oval speaker. Deluxe Walnut 8 rained vinyl-on-metal cabinet. Roll-about stand optional, extra, ylvania model CE81W. Only *459»‘ TV RKCKPTION SlMl'l-ATKI) TM *»Trodemo'li Sy’von^q Plec>fl( FtMvth Inc. Wyatt's Electronics SI7 OlOROI NIW URN The clion axpanoa of a prairie’s solitude, And calm, unhurried hours, I love theM. I have been tangled in the nets too long; I shall escape and find my way again Back to the quiet place where I belong. Far from the tinseled provinces of men. These will be waiting after my release; The sheltered ways, the quiet ways of peace. U.8. • Nunbar 1 Tornadoes occur more often in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Butteric & Simplicity Patterns and all types of notions and Dress & Suit Material. THRIFTY FABRIC SHOP Kinston Highway Dial 637-6565 FOR FINER PORTRAITS CHOOSE WMY STUDIO PIANOS TRY BEFORE YOU BUY $10.00 a Month Rents a New Wurlltzer Plano. Rent Applies to Purchase If You luy. FULLER'S MUBip, HPU8E 2I6'/3 Middle Street New Bern, N. C. ' i;. PRY BONDED BUILT-UP ROOFING —Call For PrM Eatlmatei R. E. BENGEL 1311 N. Craven at. Dial Ml 7.3404 r Theee I have loved with paaeion, loved them long; The house that atanda when the building hammere ceaae. After wild syncopation, a sane song, A tree that straightens after the winds' release. The cool green etlllneai of an April wood, A silver pool, unruffled by the breese. I Final Summer Clearance All Our Rsniainlig Summer Stock of I SHOES-BAGS-DRESSES- SWIMWEAR - SUNWEAR - SPORTSWEAR - SKIRTS - SHORTS - SLACKS - ACCESSORIES s ! real savings i s s s I - -I* i