The NEW BERN PUBLISHID WBIKLV , , IN THI HBART OP / . *4STBRN NORTH VOLUME 16 NEW BERN, N. C. 28560, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1073 NUMBER 25 The sultriness of August we would rather not remember, as anxiously we wait to greet another bright Sep- tember,..Septemter, with its hint of fall and harvest moon, gold .ghining; its inner melan^lholy that sets hearts to quietly pining. There’s a sorta crispy feeling in the cooling autumn air, there’s a bit of romance stealing all around you every where The fields are ripe for reaping, and soon fruit and primises grain will be safely stored for winter, against the snow and rain. We’ve never seen an August yet that one could view ^th pleasure, mosquito bites and prickly heat aren’t souveniors to treasure. And though Dan Ciq>id does his best to keep his arrows true, a kiss is less convincing when you’re steaming like a stew. Proposals aren’t attractive, if they’re cloaked in perspiration, it takes a night that’s airy to get real appreciation...And so we write these simple lines in praise of sweet September, when Nature lends a helping hand to Love’s faint glo^ng ember. . The stars takes on new meaning, and the moon adds kilowatts, old timers dream of Memory Lane, and lost forget- me-nots...While youth, too young for memories, loves unmindful of the past; kids squander their romancing, little knowing it won’t last. Thou^ some of us have seen our day, at least we can remem^, so goodbye, sultry August, it is high time for Se^ember. +-I-++-I- Yesterday was when almost nobody in New Bern fished with a rod and reel. Cane poles dominated the scene, and in stead of shrimp or artifical bait, a can of worms was what you counted on for a good catch. Little did we know that, aside from appealing to the flnny tribe, earthworms are nature’s plowmen. An acre of garden holds an estimated 53,000 squirmers, and 10 tons of soil pass trough ther bodies each year. Just to gaze at and feel of an earthworm, you’d swear it is as slick as a biild head, but they are covered with tiny bristle that are a big help when they crawl and bturrow. If you’ve never been able to figire out which end of him is what, you can stop wondering. I^rows divide ms body into lings. The ones in front are larger than those in the middle, and those bdiind are flatter. You’re wrong if you think earthworms are very simply constructed. They have digestive organs, including a crop and a gizzard, and uey have a circulation system and a nervous system. What’s more, each of its 92 body rings hks a tiny pair of kidieys. The center of its nervous system, serving as its brain is very small, but sense cells on the surface of its body enables it to recognize sounds (Cimtinued on page 8) HfUi 2)fnt-(llraiipu CCuttitlij Public Eltbranj ife'-'i'-'.' '•if f.-l y-v t -V.' Autumn Is Coming To Carolina