' **••••••••••« Community Calendar This Week’s Activities The Vanceboro Elementary and Farm Life PTA will hold its Hrst meeting Mon day night, September 18 at Farm Life School at 7:30 p.m. Thereafter each month the meetings will be held each third Monday night in the month. December and May (1979) there wUl be no meetings. All parents are asked to come out and get involved in their child’s education. music each night at the revival and The Gabriels will sing at Homecoming. West Vanceboro Church of God will have a bake sale on Saturday, September 30. It will begin at 10 a.m. and last until all the goodies are gone. The Vanceboro United Methodist Church will cele brate Homecoming on Oct ober 8, 1978. Rev. Harold Elliott of New Bern will be the guest speaker. Lunch will follow the morning worship service on the grounds^. I Women’s Auxiliary Meet$v ] O S Items of Interest Upcoming Events The Vanceboro Pentecos tal Holiness Church will hold its annual Homecom ing Sunday,September 24. The guest speaker will be Rev. Horace Rogers of San ford and a former pastor of the host church. Pastor Frank Moore ex tends a welcome to all former pastors and friends of the church to this special The Vanceboro Rotary Club meets every Thursday night at 7:00 pm in the banquet room of Vera's Diner in Morris Plaza Vanceboro. in The Rangerette Unit 111350 - Ernul meets every second Sunday in the month from 2 - 4 p.m. at the WOW Hall in Ernul. occasion. Story Hour meets each Tuesday morning for pre schoolers from 10 to 10:30 a.m. at the Craven County Library, 400 Johnson St.,. New Ber-'i. Revival services will be held at the Vanceboro Christian Church beginning Monday, September 25 and ending, September 29. Homecoming will follow on Sunday, October 1. Rev. Henry Speight, former pastor, will be preaching at both events. The church choir will bring special West Vanceboro Church of God will begin revival ser vices Sunday night and will continue through Sunday, September 24. Rev. Glenn Easom of Kenly will be doing the preaching. Sun days the services will begin at 6:30 p.m. and Monday- Saturday the services will begin at 7:45 p.m. The Ranger Unit #1347- Emul meets every first Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm at the W.O.W. HaU in Ernul. ssss8ssaissss8a8sassi New Employee? "Hey boss, there’s an ap plicant outside who says he used to make his living by sticking his right arm into a lion’s mouth." "What’s his nameV’ "Lefty!" Mr. Farmer, It’s time to cut those tobacco stalks. Invites you to come In and see their complete line of Long & Woods Cutters, especially the new Woods 10 foot rotary cutter. LONG IMPLEMENT « TRACTOR CO. Highway 70 West New Bern, NC 28560 "MD.. . .. Tele^one: 919/633-2177 Cemploto Lina of Hoying Equipmont Your authorized SPER^Y=«^f\EW HOLLA^D dealer. HACKTD^CHODmCS LADIES PRE- WASHED JEANS *8” \lay-a-way \for Christmos Toys arriving doily, SPECIAL BUY! DACRON PANELS 52 X 81, Assorted Colors $]99 ea. EXTRA SIZE Polyester & Cotton Tops $^95 DEE CEE 14os. Denim Stroight Leg Western Jeons $1050 8 digit CALCULATOR Reg‘17” Now *9” on BODY ON TAP Boor Enrichod Shampoo Rag 29* only 22V triol Moin Street Cannon's Variety Store Vonceboro. NC 244-0508 The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Vanceboro Pentecos- al Church held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night, September 5 at the church with Mrs. Barbara Whitford, president, ex tending a welcome to all especially Mrs. Mary Moore, the new pastor’s wife. There were 14 mem bers present. Mrs. Linda Sue Autry, who recently moved back home to Vance boro was welcomed, also. Mrs. Whitford was in charge of the program enti tled, "We Are Not Alone”. She used the familiar verse of scripture John 3:16. The minutes of the last meeting was read by Mrs. Ruth Wiggins. Plans were made for a “Yard Sale” and Bake Sale combined. The date for the event is Satur day, September 16 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at John Franklin Kite’s home. (0 The Woman’s Auxiliary Benediction was repeated in unison and the group was dismissed. 3 IT a U.M. W. Meets •) The United Methodist Women of Vanceboro Meth odist Church met Tuesday, September 5 at the church with 30 members present. Mrs. Daisy Wetherington opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Agnes Lancas ter, president gave her greetings and opening re marks. During the business meeting plans were discus sed for both entertainment of senior citizens on Sep tember 8 and the United Methodist Youth on Sep tember 10. Several shop chairmen spoke of plans for the bazaar which will be Nov ember 11. Mrs. Pat Wright present ed the program “A Case For Juvenile Justice.” A lively discussion followed concerning the program topic. The Annie Dixon Circle was named circle of the month. Members were urged to plan to attend the District Personhood Retreat in Greenville on September 14. *®®8S®8SSSSSSS88SSS8SSS@SSS8SSSSS®g8SS8gS88S Rally Day Rally Day was held .at Chapman’s United Metho dist Church Sunday during the Sunday School hour. The rally was held to in crease interest and atten dance. A program of “The First Rally Day” was given un der the direction of Mrs. Mar.y Adams. Those partici pating were Wane Barrow, Angie Rowe, Treasure Whitford, Charolotte Smith, Angie Smith, Hilda Barrow, Earl Adams, Gladys Wig gins, Ralph Venters, Eve lyn Williams, Annie Lassi ter, Thelma Barrow and Jimmie Byrd. Girls Auxiliary Mee'ts'"'""’" I Jimmie L Morris & Sons Inc. P. 0. Box 465 - Vanceboro, N.C. 28586 244-1515 Drott - Dragline - Dozers - Payscrapers The Girl’s Auxiliary of the Vanceboro Pentecostal Holiness Church held its monthly meeting last Tues day night with Miss Rhonda Fulcher calling the meeting to order. New business was discussed and two new members were welcomed, Frankie Moore and Michelle Hudson. Mrs. Alma Drake gave the devo tion taken from Proverbs 31: 2'7,28 and read a very Interesting story. Miss Cheryl Ward gave the benediction. The girls then adjourned to the kitchen where they enjoyed making candy. SPAIN’S TV Service 244-1669 Service to All Makes & Models Used TV Sales Old Town Hall Vanceboro, NC VERA'S DINER Open For Breakfast 5 AM Lunch Served Daily Home Styled Cooking Morris Plozo Vonceboro. NC 244.1444 e i Be Prepared For Disaster Hurricanes can cause countless damage to your property. See us before trouble : strikes. We’ll update; your policy. h.m.b. Insurance Agency 244-1381 Morris Plaza V|M§bgro, N.C. D