Wttt Craven Highlight* Saptember 28,1979 Page 2 WOW Officers Meet On Saturday, September 22, 264 WOW Officers, Area Managers, Field Representatives, and Jurisdictional Officers attended the WOW Officers Workshop held at King’s Restaurant in Kinston, N. C. Registration began at 9:30 a.m. doughnuts and coffee were served at this time. The opening session was called to order by State Manager Harvey L. Bedsole. The opening Ode was led by Area Manager Bob Thomas. The Pledge of Allegience was led by Gary Matthews, Jurisdictional Watchman. Dr. William Howard Carter, Juris dictional Chaplain gave the prayer. Jurisdictional President J. Kelly Pearson gave the introduction of the Jurisdictional Officers. Our Representative Form of Government, Our Lodge System and The Importance of the Ritual was presented by Juris dictional Vice-President Joseph B. Chandler, Jr. An open discussion was held by National Director & Fraternal Coordinator J. E. Williams. They recessed for lunch with everyone enjoying a family style seafood dinner. Mr. Cliff Faglie, Area Manager, explained the Lodge Leadership Manual. Woodmen Care Package was explained by State Manager Harvey L. Bedsole. A scrapbook discussion was led by Betsy Stallard, National Pater nal Committee Member. The Youth Program was presented by Ernul’s WOW Youth Leader Thelma Whitford, she was chosen as the number one Youth Leader in the Nation for 1978. A coffee was held at this time and after convening a question and answer session was led by National Director and Paternal Co ordinator J. E. Williams. The closing Ode was led by Area Manager Jerry Lennon. Those attending from Chmp 652 Ernul were Robert Ipock; Leslie Ipock, Gilbert A. Whitford, Billy Lee Hughes, Jerry Morris, and Field Representative Danny Whitford and Officers from Vanceboro Grove 6280 were Myrtle Ipock, Monnie Whitford, Lynne Hughes, Patrica Whitford, Shelia Whitford, Thelma Whitford, and Kim Harmon. Each Unit represented received an Officers Workshop Atten dance Certificate. The Vanceboro Ran- gerettes met on Friday night September 14 at 7 p.m. at the Woodmen Hall in Ernul, for a slumber party. After all the girls arrived and set up their beds, they worked on their Jasper families visit Mrs. Bessie Daugherty has returned home after spending several days with Mrs. Bert Hubbard in Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Taylor of New Bern, Mr. Hervie Ipock of Asbury and Ms. Johnny Sullivan were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ipock Sunday. Miss Carol Dail is attending a workshop in Wilkesboro N. C. this week. Mrs. James Dawson is a patient in Craven County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ipock and Mrs. Fannie Quimby spent the weekend at Emerald Isle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown were dinner guests of Mrs. Alice Brown and Mrs. Mae Herring Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Dixon of Memphis, Tenn. announce the birth of a son on Sunday. Mrs. Dixon is the former Miss Jallene Perry. Mrs. Fannie Quimby left Wednesday for Memphis to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Giles Dixon and young son. Mrs. Bessie Ipock and Ms. Johnny Sullivan visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daly in Vanceboro Sunday. Mrs. Lillie Hardison visited J. W. Hardison at the New Bern Rest Home Sunday. James Dawson spent . ce uetm In and Around Ernul by Mrs. Alma Drake 244-0280 Senior Citizen Project. Then the girls played musical chairs and “Simon says.” Later they fixed pop corn and had soft drinks. During this time the Jr. Leaders Sheila Whitford and Kim Harman, had fun taking turns telling ghost stories. Afterwards everyone put on their P.J.’s and went out on the front stoop to look at the stars. After finding the big dipper and little dipper, everyone went back inside and some of the girls had a pillow fight, while some watched TV. Saturday morning after breakfast the girls cleaned up the hall, then collected for Cystic Fibrosis in memory of Donna Lloyd. When they returned to the hall, they had hot dogs and all the trimmings for lunch. Everyone enjoyed the slumber party. Jasper News by Mrs. Fannie Quimby 637-2555 several days last week at the Santee Cooper Lake in South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis and daughter, Carolyn, of Charlotte spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dupree and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bassetti of Thomasville and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heath spent the weekend at Adams Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Alonza Wetherington, Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allie McCosley visited Mrs. Bert Hubbard in Cary on Sunday. Danny McCosley of UNC at Chapel Hill and Ms. Ellen Daugherty Johnson were also guests. Miss Susan McCosley, of ACC in Wilson visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Allie McCosley on Thursday. OFFIHElWllI- .. .. © 1979, McNcught Synd. The Washington "eport bv Rep. Walter B. Jones To say the least, no two weeks in Washington are the same. Last week on early Monday morning I met with the Vice President of the Allstate Insurance Company, Joe Howell, and also the chief counsel for Allstate. This was regarding TV ads they are currently running offering a discount to non-smokers. Inasmuch as current legislation prohibits the the tobacco industry from doing any advertising through the medium of television, we contended that this was unfair; and as a result of the meeting, were virtually assured that at the termination of their eight-week contract, they would desist from using such type advertising. I want to commend Allstate and Sears, ^ebuck Company for their fair-minded thinkine in this matter. On Thursday, September 20, along with approximate^ 50 other Members of the House, I was invited by President Carter to the White House for dinner and for what I considered a most productive and frank discussion of the relationship between the White House and Congress. Physically, the President looked well and he spared no punches in being critical of the Democratic Members of Congress who for the most part failed to support his programs. He even stated that he kept a computer list in his desk drawer of our individual voting records and implied that assistance from the White House in the future will be conditioned on House support or lack of same. Some 12 of us were rcognized for comments to offer our criticism or suggestions as to how relationships could be improved and when it came my turn I emphasized the independence of the bureaucracy, the different Departments and Secretaries, and their apparent lack of respect to Members of Congress as it relates to inquiries and demands for assistance. He assured me that for any indifference noted in the future, if I would call it to his attention he would see that the situation was remedied. As it relates to the White House- Congressional situation, I think it was one of the most profitable two hours that could possibly have been spent. VERA’S DINER Open for Breakfast-S a.m. Lunch Served Dally Home Styled Cooking Morris Plaza Vanceboro 244-1464 Treat a Friend to llie Highlights Tf The West Craven HIGHIIGH (USPS 412-110) RICK CANNON PUBLISHER R.L. CANNON, JR BUSINESS MGR. CONNIE BRYAN NEWS EDITOR MIKE HODGES, SHERRY TOLER . CIRCULATION P. 0. Box 404, Main Street, Across from the Post Office Vanceboro, N.C. 28586 Phone: (919) 244-0780 PUBLISHED EACH THURSDAY Second Class Postage Paid at Vanceboro, N.C. [Entered March 1. 1978| SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Single Copy 20 c 6 Months $4.16 2 Years $10.40 1 Year $6.2 3 Years $141 [Includes N.C. Sales Tax] [Tax not appllcabla to subscriptions MAILED from and lor out-of-state. Deduct 16c, 24c, 40c, and 56c respectively from above.)