I 9 THE WEST CRAVEN HIGHLIGHT Volume 2, No, 41 Vanceboro, N.C. - Thursday.,October 1^79" Ta pages Fireman’s Day held in Township 9 20 Cents by Fannie Quimby t .The sounds of the cleaver ere in harmony as the firemen and helpers chopped eleven pigs that had been cooking over charcoal all night. The aroma was even sweeter as it floated through the air to arouse the community that they would soon be able to enjoy the best barbecue in the county for their lunch. The fireman gathered at the 9th Township firehouse in Jasper Friday night around 7:00 p.m. to put the pigs on their bed of coals. Once they got this chore done, then they settled down for a good old fashion Checker tournament. The checker experts Roscoe Case, Edward Hoell, THOMAS VISITS Senator Joseph Thomas surveys the festivities and says he enjoys meeting the people in his district and is proud of the fine job they are doing in their commu nities. ill*-- READY, IF NEEDED — No. 3501 stands ready to make the call if there should be a need. Just one of the fine pieces of equipment on display at the Jasper Fireman’s Day. Cook out at Farm Life By Rick Cannon Vanceboro - - Children and • ichers at Farm Life ementary School ate out last Friday for lunch. The lunchroom staff headed by Mrs. Paulette Smith treated the kids to a cookout in the parking lot behind the lunchroom. “As far as I know, this is the only cookout of this kind by any school in the county. ’’ commented Mrs. Smith. “We did it just for the fun of it and to have something special for the children before it turns cold,” she added. All the children seemed to really enjoy the meal of hamburgers, hot t gs, beans, apple, rice ispie square, and milk. Mr. Richard Bowers, principal of Farm Life Elementary School, said that he was very pleased with the fresh innovative ideas planned and carried out by the lunchroom staff. “Activities of this type help cause the children to be more enthusiastic about eating lunch and makes for a more enjoyable lunch for the children,” Mr. Bowers added. Bowers, who served as hamburger chef, commented that he enjoyed helping with the cookout. Polly Wiggins, a third grader, commented that she hoped they would do this again as she gulped down her hot beans. Another third grader, Stacy Weatherington, said that the cookout was great except for two things, the ants and the bees. Jim Wray, a third grader sitting over in another group, spoke up saying that everything was great, especially Mr. Bowers’ hamburgers! Merrel Dail, Fountain Kornegay, Johnny Dawson and Bobby Ipock waged quite a battle until around 11:00 p.m. When Fountain Kornegay and Bobby Ipock eliminated the others and they retired for the night in preparation for the championship game on Saturday. Of course there was no better way to start the day than sitting down to a good country breakfast of brains and eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee prepared by Roscoe Case and Dale Dupree. Everyone was then ready for the full days activities. Meals were carried to Craven County Community College for the 250 people attending a fire and rescue conference. Meanwhile back at the fire house Bobby Ipock came out champion of the checkers with a prize of $15. The Ladies Auxiliary and helpers did a superb job of feeding the vast number of hungary people coming in throughout the day. Meanwhile Sammy Riggs was holding down the fort at the yard sale, he was an expert on pricing and selling these goods. As 1:00 rolled around, it was time for the horseshoe tournament. Those who entered this event were Merrel Dail, Dennis Gray, PREPARE PLATES — Firemen and their wives pitch in and take care of HORSESHOE PITCHING - (from left to right) Rhem Vincent and Dennis Gray are declared Horseshoe Pitching Champions at the Annual Jasper Firemans Day Activities. The prize money is presented by Roscoe Case extreme right. preparing the Barbecue plates that were served during the day. Rhem Vincent, Howard Lamm, Bobby Ipock, Jason Davis, Bruce Jones, Clem Daugherty, Ronnie Riggs and Rodney Sutton. The finals ended with Bruce Jones and Clem Daugherty playing against Rhem Vincent and Dennis Gray. The latter won the tournament and the prize of $15. Supper was now being served and all hands were being used. This long exciting day was a very successful one for the 9th Township Fire Depart ment members could rest for awhile before planning next year’s events. . More Photos On Pagre 12 COOKOUT — Students at Farm Life School enjoyed a cookout lunch of hot dogs and hamburgers last Friday. Richard Bowers, principal, can be see through the smoke while he cooked the hot dogs and hamburgers. Lunchroom manager Paulette Smith (front) and her workers prepared the plates. Football Contest Page 6 fflGHWAY STATUS UPDATE TT Folly Bridge to be opened October 24 The Folly Bridge on NC 118 about two miles west of Vanceboro has been closed for approximately two weeks; however, N. C. Department of Transport ation officials reported this week that the bridge will reopen October 24. The temporary closing will allow NCDOT mainten ance crews to replace defective bridge supports. While the bridge is closed, traffic has been detoured on NC 43 and the Butler Ford Road (Second ary Road 1478). Tex A. Kelly, district engineer, said that every effort is being made to complete the project as soon as possible to minimize any inconven ience to the traveling public.