SA.INT MARY’S SCHOOL Raleigh, North Carolina NUMBER 1 THE GRAPEVINE 22 October 1936. The GRAPEVINE represents the first attempts of the. 'Belles’ to get out a news- sheet of sorts entirely for their jnfomation, pleasure, or whatever you want to call it. The STAGECOACH and BU1.LETH'J staffs will do their feeble best to assus something amusing and entertaining, or possibly even instructive, every wo wee s. Obviously this will be difficult to do the student body will cooperate y handing to members of the staff items of interest, Ti.Tietner they be .jer.i.ou3 o.. humorous; that’s the general idea. lust tell us what you think is news of any sort (students and faculty), and leave the rest to us. We will dreeS it up o h '^^^^^Just^to^make it easier for you to get your news to us, we’ll list the members of the staff: Ann Whaling, Olive Cruikshank, Clarice Bailey, Virginia Bovrer, Lucille Aycock, Mary Jane Yeatman, Alexa McColl, Ann iVlxeat. To be in a receptive mood now for items to fill our next issue.^ Are you wi us. Incidentally, you might toll us what you think of this issue. »e can a e And any suggestions you want to offer, too. Have you heard about the outdoors "reading room?" It’s great. Mrs. Nash as arranged to have benches (tables will soon follow) placed under a tree just outside her office so students may do their library reading outaoors so long as weather permits. When it gets cooler, the benches and tables v/ill be move in o e sun shine so we may read in comfort. And if you don't’3 fun, jus ry i , o talking, no confusion. Just peace and quiet. Reading and taking notes under these conditions isn’t half bad. We’ll see you there. Miss Lalor: "Peggy, what is an enzyme?" ^ Peggy H. : "An enzyme is a disease of the face. For the first time in Saint Mary’s history the members of the Y, P. S. L. Council hit on an/ original way to entertain the League. After dinner Tuesday night everybody trooped out to the back campus, where the meeting was hold around a big bonfire. We hereby present a compass to the girl who rushed out at th^ adJvmo ment to light the fire; eha mistook the dumpheap for the bonfire, and ligh.^ Finally, v/ith everyone seated around the right fire, the different classes pret,^ d skits and "takeoffs" to the loud and obvious emjoyment of the bonfire circle, who had no trouble at identifying the persons taken off. At last the moment arrived. Food mysteriously appeared from the dark into which I/lr. Moore s ghost had just dis appeared, and miraculously the night was filled with song while the foo was sumed in record time. Here are hearty thanks for a good time, an a v/ ispere sug gestion that more parties like this one should be given. Vife are glad to hear Betty Gaither is getting better fast. Hope she will be back soon. Last Wednesday afternoon tho Sigma Lambda and E. A, P, Literary Societies gave a tea in the narlor for its 13 now members, v/ho were v/elcomed in tho name of the two societies by Peggy Mathewson, President of the E. A. P.’s. Eleanor Jac "son, rasi dent of the Sigma Lambda’s, directed the iniation ceremonies, following which, ice cream, cake, and salted almonds were served. You know, these literati have to be coddled, fed, and then inspired before they can produce their gems, and we are all , y JT — of a dither waiting for one to emerge. Miss Lee left Sunday for New Jersey, where she will remain until Christmas, shall certainly miss her. We Mr. Moore’s V/ednosday morning classes had a close look at an apparition, but they weren’t as surprised as he was. If he reacted even more quickly when he saw the original one, she must have had a good time. Of course, you knov. apparitions are funny things and move wherever they wish to, but it is curious tha^ this same appavition appeared the night before in another room on the other side of the campus, ■^id did it have fun? il/hat do you think, dearie? Who has "Huskie" got a date with in the parlor on the night of November 14th? Arid why can't Helen Noell go home that same weekend? Well, don’t shout so; vre vrere just asking. Things wo would miss: Our parallel reading Sleeping through breakfast Going home every weekend Having dates every night Having crip courses Unlimited light cuts Gym classes in the morning 14158