•CILJr^VIliE i'.:.. IJor o 15, 1C 37 Our r^tes Or tills Bo UOt, 30i Ii: -I L'S . V I'.OJI. W6 uouo loSUE depend on the ono paper. .1 those fates sone thought appeal v/i’thout ■ /.w Jordan v/cnt into the second gaiue and out-denonstrated the derion- i/e thank Hiss Tash for the i:3atch and oiTer a laurel '.nreath to Pie and strators. arrangins I rr* X :^:3o.r /Jrvts- v«o best that \fQ could do. ‘ \»iti* us 0,3 pou scan through Bleotion: T*i.e interest ir. all liatters pertaining to student government created by our recently installed honor system made the election of rxext year's student bodj'' President seen even more exciting and im portant than it v/ould usually have setined. \ve v/ere looking for a leader t;ho could keep the spirit ,0i the student body behind our nev/ system and help us on to even more absolute self-government. are confident that v/e have such a loader in Hary Louise Pdddick, and v;e are looking foit/ard to co operating Y/ith her next year in increasing our self-reliance and dependability. Badiainton: . 1 V indreds of centuries ago, s-id Hr. w'ade Lewis, Representative Dramatics: of the Sporting Goods LcY/ises, at our demonstration Badminton game last Saturday afternoon, ''biidnin- ton games \7ere slov/er, because -people wore so many clothes.*' V»'e imnediately began to wonder \dieth- er iidaiu and Eve Y’/ere but we stopped to hear the rest of the history of badminton and try to catch the names of the demon strators and the substitute (best beloved, don't forget the substi tute), Then the student body, de creased by the nuraber of Belles Kay Prolicking at Chapel Mill, at home for the Y/eek-end, or dressing for the S.p. j. Ball, Economy: Puddin rose up in So class and frantically vfaved her hand at I.r. Guess, All students ci’aned their necks and Humured, '*Keroy, Lytle knows an, answer." Up spoke Hr, Guess, glad to see Puddin so enthusiatio, ‘"..ell, Lytle. "Oh, Ii*. Guess," wailed Puddin, "please lemi^e go get the little storejbox off'the counter. I kno*‘^ somsT^Jdy' 11 taxce it. Lumble^ Hr. Gu-ess—“iif Ec ono mi cs student!" Vote; Tuesday v/e voto(i for the eight most outstanding girls of the year. Pictures of these girls will appear in the annual and un til the*"Stage Coach" is published Ve v/ill just have to remain in the dark about the v/inners. There are many possibilities, aim may the best eight i/in. Uerer.'t v/e surprised and pleased to discover that we had a olavn/riglit in our midst? Not only can she 'write plays but she can ^ __ _ "oroduce them, act in them, anu win iidam and Eve were taus hampered, prizes v/ith ■them. Indeed, v/e are - ■ ' ^ proud of Phoebe Bashpre for her excellent v/ork. gathered Dramatic Clubbers in Chapel Mill for the Carolina Dramatic Association Festival sa't back^ clapped and roared, v/hile Hiss- ^ Davis and Phoebe v/alked up on .the stage of tho Playmaker's Theatre around the court, tnose on one side scowling at the sun and those on the other side shivering in the shade. kith a little embarrassment {imagine yourself demonstrating badminton to a boy’s college), the players, started the first gar.ie. The wind made playing difficult, but since a real badiiinton game was a no'.’ experience fo'r many of us, \/e enjoyed-it in spite, of the wind and cliattaring teeth. The exclteiaont increased, ho'./evei , '..'hen\athryn B'lemi..ing and .Fie to collect the av/ards won by their oY.n hard v/ork and by the cooperatich of St. Hary's talented actresses. Hiss Davis has walked up there so often she haS nearly v/orn the steps down and shaken off Prof continue ixocli’s an.i. Hay ®be to V7in! Vereln L'eeting; On April 4th v/e Belles v/i:o belonged to the Deufsolier Vercin put on our Easter bonnets, and, after much ado umbrellas (His! ‘.bout gettij Ioud 'a orc'.i •r)