Lay 8, ly37 THE G*inPEVIl\E LITEPu^Y SOCIETY B.J'QUET: Issue 10 The Si3tna-Laiibda and L. a. P. literary societies mot with their nev/ members at Carolina Pinos last Friday night. The meeting \/as hela in the a banquet and every rriinute enjoyed. fom of was occas- at for a fe\7 v/ere ■ Dressed for the galla ion, \7B cro\\rded on the bus si>;-thirty and started out most enjoyable evening; a. minutes after arriving, ’..■e invited into the dining room. The room was lighted by candles o and the decorations carried out the color scheme of green and lavender. Fear her place-card each new member found another card vdth a part of her initia tion written upon it. On tre tables in contrasting colors vrere the letters frofaing Saint I'-sry's. D'iti.. much admiring of decorations, every one sat dov/n and th.e program began. Ivlathewson, president of the E. A. P.*s, v/elcomed us cordially, and Patsy Jo;ms re plied. During the course of a scruptuous dinner, Helen Rose h'iuten and Clarice Bailey pre sented gifts to the presidents of the clubs. Virginia 3o’./er presented Iloore, also, v/ith a carton of cigarettes in apprec iation of his interest and help fulness during the past •'■car. rn » X JlCi program, v;ith the members. each ne’.7 formed the va'itten on greater-part of the however, ’./as taken up initiation of the new hit>t much trembling, member arose and per- aco that had been her card oven to giving an honest opinion of Ilr, I-'oore. After only a fev/ minutes in which to collect scattered senses, the new members were asked to imitate a movie star. 1/e had everyt.hing from Garbo’s eesire to go home to a pig story by Bob ’’Bazooka" burns, miter the old members had tired of movie stars, they requested that t.he no-/' girls Imitate first a meribor of the faculty and then a member of the 'student body* Finally, several old girls made special requests for perform ances from ne\/ girls. 1/ith these last i'eu minutes of nervousness on the part of the new girls, the program closed. Hr. moore made a speech and complimented the clubs on this 3/ear's work. Cue of the most important events of tuie evening //as the ar.nouncemoiit concerning the next year’s :>.,osidents of the clubs. l.'haling announced that the nev/ president 01 the Sivma-Lamb- cia v/ouln be j-u.x; Da’/son; IhH'ie announced that the piesiaent of tlie e. p, ’s v^ould oe Jean Blount, im ..mnt to con- h of these girls and ’wisxi tjiGLi success throughout next 3/uar. Pc..^.gy 01^ gieanor Juckson have ser\’ed the clubs very this year and v/e feel euiG a.xat tme ne;/ presidents v/ill caxi’5'' or* fine ’work Peggy and ^j-wc*..or „..VQ- started. ILxY D..Y: l.e y/onder if tnc beautiful '■^oattier nud air/thing to do \/ith the Ic! a] ge crov/d present at our laty Do;/? -ay--eve 11 if the ’.matner oao partlj/- responsible lor bringing o’ut so many people, tney ’./ere sufficiontly entertained oy tne lovely queen and her court- as ’/ell as the dancers. ’^0 cor nov/ x-'ealize what had kept Hiss VI. yulj.a a;.'.u dancing classes so bas’^ -cnese past few ’,/ecks. hy are enjoying la. Tv..a:mr»s snap si'.ozQ of our Ha / D._y, and/-izre ’./o'ulci also like to see those talcen Donder saving aln? by tae Dtaoe College fans, if caugnt x'ran and Kaj so much full ’./itli the queen’o -c he should be ver-/ pro’ud of the lovely surroundings nature has pro vided for Scin’: E.aC., i-l cliould do her part to help keep'the grounus lovely, me this tome of ./ear the campus is more beautiful ever, and it seems such a ehame i 00 mar it witli papers and other li-tter^ 1 y - cooperation of each indl- vid'aai tiia""o coancsl ^ Oi m:.'xxl B. E. D'jx’iuan, j..»etoi Ox' tij.e .a.. .ij Ojiurcli, ’.,ms o.o' speaker for assembly. Hr. For- xion, V'/ho,made nxs home in Japan for fifteen years, ^ave us an interesting uescription sJf Japan and its people. VISITORS: Ii: vie;.; o'j t..o f^ct that we are not .raving our regular guest ■•eek-end this 3'ear, v/e are inviting our friends a fev/ at a time. For roCvjiit v.v^ek-ends ther have been y.uite a fc’w girls ’,/ith us to get an idea of v/hat lire here at Saiiit Hary’s 1 •. 1. . illtv.ixS .vid very