-^BELLES^ OF SAINT MARY’S VoL. I, No. 2 EALEIGH, NOETH CAEOLINA October 15, 1937 EXPRESSION GRASSES ORGANIZED Saturday morning Miss Davis went to Chapel Hill to attend the Annual Directors’ Conference of the Caro lina Dramatics Association, in which she represented the Junior College branch. Miss Davis says that be sides having a delightful trip, she found many new ideas. While in Chapel Hill Miss Davis interviewed Pro fessor Koch, and told him of her new plans for the Expression classes at Saint Mary’s. She also mentioned the fact that she was requiring Dramatic Club mem bers to submit a one-act play for the contest in the spring. Professor Koch evidently was pleased with her plan, for twice in the meeting he rose and told the members of Miss Davis’ activity and what a good idea he thought it was. “I was never so embarrassed in my life,” said Miss Davis. Among the new ideas Miss Davis brought back are those pertaining to speech and voice training, subjects ot her expression classes. Her classes this year are large and meet three times a week. At the beginning of the week the technicalities and fundamentals of dramatics are taught. The classes in the latter part of the week study the philosophy of expression, charac terization, dialects, and expressive movements. On Eriday night the classes meet jointly to study stage production, pantomime, costuming, lighting, make-up, and the History of Drama. The classes have already started, and Miss Davis has plans for her first production. CRASS ERECTIONS After two elections, the girls who are to lead the activities of their respective classes for the coming ses- Mon were chosen. The Senior Class President, Tudie ^ President, Jean Miller; Secretary-Treasurer, faille London Fell; Honor Council Eepresentatives; Louise Hall, Agnes Sanford, and Alexa McColl. The Junior Class President, Martha Ann Speight; ^ ice President, Sue Clapp; Secretary-Treasurer, Penel- '’Pe Lewis; Honor Council Eepresentatives: Lucy Pit- leiiger, Virginia Allison, and Annie Webb Cheshire. Sophomore Class President, Sallie MacNider; ice President, Virginia Trotter; Secretary-Treasurer, ielen Lou Divers; Honor Council Eepresentative: -‘^I’win Gant. file Freshman Class officers are: President, Mere- ytli McIntyre; Vice President, Jean Ballenger; Secre- aiy-lreasurer, Martha Frances Armstrong. T*rep Class officers are: President, Betty Oates; ice President, Mary Alice Hoover; Secretary-Treas urer, Virginia Brock. The Day Students’ officers are: President, Mary Ann ooiico; Vice President, Mary Olsen; Honor Council «®presentative, Annie Webb Cheshire. The Business Class President, Dorothy Kerr; Vice President, Lillie Eobertson; Secretary-Treasurer, Flor ence Withers. Congratulations, officers! PORITICAR SCIENCE CRUB The Political Club, with Mr. Guess as adviser, held its first meeting of the session on Sunday night for the purpose of organization. The officers are: Mary LeEoy Stanton, President; Sylvia Cullum, Vice President; Jean Miller, Secretary; and Betsy Thomas, Treasurer. It was decided that in the next meeting the situation in the Far East and happenings in the U. S. Supreme Court would be discussed. The next meeting will probably be held October 24, and if anyone else wishes to join the club, that meeting will be her last chance. ARTAR GUIRD The Altar Guild this year is made up of thirty-four seniors, under the leadership of Sallie London Fell, with Miss Bason and Miss Digges as faculty advisers. The members are divided into two groups to perform the duties of the Guild. The first group is in charge of the daily chapel services; and the second is made up of five committees to care for the Church fixtures, with Helen Noell, Agnes Sanford, Jean Miller, Euth Seidler, and Patsy Jones as chairmen. These divisions will be changed periodically, giving each girl a chance to learn more about the services of the Altar Guild. D. D. C. Among our most interesting organizations this year is the “IL D. C.,” which stands for Doctors’ Daughters’ Club. It is a new organization, under the leadership of Mrs. Naylor, and made up of girls from all classes whose fathers are M.D.’s. The officers, elected at the first meeting, are: Louise Wilson, president; Tudie Neff, vice jiresident; and Sallie MacNider, secretary- treasurer. YE ORDE ENGRISHE ’Tis irony! Mutilated pencils, stubby pencil points, and baskets of waste paper bear witness to the fact that Seniors are not gifted in the translation of English into Chaucerian “gab”; and yet the Juniors have proved themselves ready, willing, and peculiarly able (accord ing to Miss Lalor) to produce old English “treasures.” She points with pride to their clever interpretations of: “curroiit periarticle (current periodical),” “knowmatic (noiiiadie),” “scull (skull).” Let us hope that the goose eggs which she saw fit to present to the winners were not as “olde” as the spelling was.