EXAMS Are Over -^BELLES^ OF SAINT MARY’S Next Event SPRING HOLIDAYS ^ VoL. I, No. 8 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 4, 1938 •e CIVIC MUSIC ASSOCIATION PRESENTS HANS 1, kindler and the national symphony On Friday, January 28th, the Civic Music Associa tion presented their third program—The National Sym phony Orchestra conducted by Hans Kindler. Their program was “Toccata” by Frescobaldi, “Symphony in F niinor No. 4” by Tchaikousky, “Miniatures” by Paul ^ White, “Entr’acte Music from ‘Rosamunde’ ” by Schu- „ oert, and “Waltzes from ‘DeRoseiikavalier’ ” by Strauss. . The symphony appeared last year with the associa- tion, and Saint Mary’s students had looked forward to this program for a long time. Although there may be ^any students with a meager knowledge of music, very few of them could attend this concert without appreci ating the magnificent technique shown in the “Toccata,” the depth of feeling of the “Symphony,” the pictur- ^ esqueness of the “Miniatures” or the gay melodic fresh- ness of the Strauss “Waltzes.” PUBLICATIONS STAFF TO RECEIVE KEYS For the first time outstanding members of the staff et the Stagecoach, the Bulletin, and the Belles will re- ceive recognition for their efforts by being awarded gold ' keys. The three editors, the business manager of the ' annual, and the most valuable staff members selected Ijy them will receive the keys, the exact style of which nas not yet been decided. They will probably have some form common to all the publications and the , j^wner’s name on the back. This should be an incentive o better work for all the staff members. 1>. D. C. BEGINS NEW PROJECT The D. D. C. has recently undertaken a very jiraise- —V, jj. nag receiiuy unueriaKcu a veiy juaist- Worthy project. The girls decided at their last meeting jat they would like to do more for the family to whom gave the Christmas basket. Each girl will give a certain sum per month that they would have used 01’ some luxury to these unfortunate people. This to us may not seem such a great gift, but to them it will he n real blessing. On February 9, the H. D. C. is to be entertained at a ea given by Hr. and Mrs. Haywood, and Mrs. West, 0 of Dr. West, at the Rex Hosj)ital. There will he nreo interesting addresses made to the girls by men and 'uinen associated with the hospital. CAMPUS NOTES Monday night, February Tth, in the Auditorium, oil ^^*’^*^cton Palmer will deliver an illustrated lecture f ^0'- Palmer is an acquaintance of Saint Mary’s, fu’o 3'ears ago he lectured before the Student j y in a lively, interesting manner, n his attenqit to increase j)eople’s ajipreciation ot fine art work, Mr. Palmer travels with a finely chosen collection of paintings, some of which are copies of great pictures, while others are originals. These copies and originals, Mr. Palmer finds, are stimulating as well as necessary to his pleasant manner of explaining the technique and interpretation of the respective pictures. The Belles feels quite safe in predicting an entertain ing evening. Betsy Thomas has returned from new Rex Hospital and is recuperating in the infirmary. “All the girls” have sent flowers and best wishes for her a quick convalescence. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas drove down from Maryland to be with her. 45 * Hs Miss Davis and Miss Haig were on the program at a tea at the Governor’s Mansion Friday afternoon, Janu ary 8. Miss Davis gave readings, including “The House with Nobody In It,” by Joyce Kilmer, and Miss Haig played several piano selections. 4« 45 45 Miss Diggs went to Richmond Monday, January 11th, to visit Dorothy, who is ill at the hospital. Immediately after exams Miss Diggs again went to Richmond, this time to be with Dorothy when she is operated on for appendicitis. 4« 45 45 Norris Dameron, of Charleston, S. C., and Frances Bailes are registered for the spring semester. Welcome to you! 45 45 45 The Third Floor East Wing Little Sister Society held its annual convention last week-end. The following honor members, whose ages range from 13 to 15, were present: Ann Baker, who visited her big sister Susan; Catherine Gant, the visitor from Burlington; Virginia Martin, who can “Little A])ple” as well as Sister Elise; and Frances Watts, visiting Martha. During their stay, the sisters went to the Civic Music Concert and to the play at Chapel Hill, had “lunch and movies” downtown, and were invited into Miss Bason’s room for a “con fectionary” party. Other little sisters here for the week-end were Myra Blount, Novella Pope, and Martha Hall. 4 45 45 On Tuesday, January 25th, a class of nineteen stu dents from the University of North Carolina School of Library Science, with a faculty member, Mias Cornelia S. Love, visited Saint Mary’s Library. They were in terested in book selections, and visited and rej)orted on other Raleigh libraries, too, Meredith, State College, and St. Augustine’s.