-vBELLES^ OF SAINT MARY’S POSTURE WEEK Observed ^OL. I, iSTo. 9 EALEIGH, NOETH CAEOLINA Febkuaby 18, 1938 dramatic CRUB presents “THE RIV^ARS” On Tuesday nigjht, February 8th, in the school ^uditorium, tlie Dramatic Club of Saint Mary’s ^^‘hool presented “The Eivals’’ by Eichard Sheridan binder the direction of Miss Florence Davis. The ^®^^^umes and make-up were striking; the interiors ^ttective, and the entire production trademarked by ^Iiss Davis’ usual smoothness of direction. As Mrs. ^lalaprop, Betty Cleavenger gave an excellent por- fayal with her “select words, so ingeniously mis applied, without being mispronounced.’’ Eebecca I'ornian was a beautiful as well as a convincing Dydia Languish, Helen Kendrick blustered and u^ed Sir Anthony Absolute’s part to perfection, ^Jid Louise Wilson as Captain Absolute portrayed an excellent lover and soldier. Sir Lucius O’ Trigger aptly impersonated by Sue Harwood, wdio made ^ splendid Irish baronet. Sylvia Cullum, as Bob ores, with his “Odd’s valor,’’ hair curlers, and his Raehments to various ladies, provided a generous Part of comedy through the plaj’. Eileen Brent, as ^'’id, convulsed the audience with her “by the passes’’ and brooms. Mabel Humphrey and Jean H'Dit as Julia Melville and Faulkland made an amus- though rather incorrigible pair of lovers. Jean iIdler as Lucy, iliss Languish’s flirting maid, won le hearts of the audience as well as the gentlemen ” the play. Bettie Harris as Fag and Mary Eliza- ®th Holmes as the coachman carried their parts splendidly. -^fter the play j\Irs. Marriott invited the cast to ' iiiidnight feast of punch and cookies in the dining ^oom. of words of Mr. Joseph Jefferson, the members af i-1 cast n-ere “rivals only for the applause ^ the audience.’’ STUDY HALL PLACED OX XEAV BASIS EA r ^‘‘^turday morning in assembly, Mary Louise . * j^lek, student body president, announced the in- ? ,'^etion of a new “plan” at Saint Mary’s. The sil 1 of the plan is to eliminate, as much as pos- the unnecessary noise about the campus. In- La' i having the study hall at night compulsory ter ; girls who are deficient in their work, at- will be retpiired only on the basis of con- except in cases of exceedingly bad work. All Op °*’ts will be handed in through the Hall Presi- •He^-1 Student Honor Council, which will de- iii girls accordingly. Persons guilty of noise tert ^*hrary, in classes, on the halls, at public en- J’Oo on the city buses and in the dining eliw^’i ‘^^te room, and Chapel lines will be feible for restriction and for study hall. Copies of the rules and regulations have been dis tributed to all rooms. VALENTINE’S CELEBRATED WITH DINNER Tuesday night, February 15, Mrs. Marriott, Miss Brown, and the kitchen staff outdid themselves to serve a beautiful and delicious Valentine dinner. Pink lights, vases of sweet peas on pink lace paper, and two pink candles for each table created a festive atmosphere. Everyone dressed in evening clothes and entered into the holiday spirit. Such a dinner 1 The chicken salad fairly melted in one’s mouth, and that hot buttered toast — more than one person sighed, “How I wish we could have it like this every morning for breakfast! ’ ’ A waiter brought an extra plate of ice cream to a certain table, and not a girl was able to eat a bit of it! They, like everyone else, had reached the point where they could .say with that little boy, “1 can still chew, but I can’t swal low.’’ Many visitors enjoyed the supper with Saint Mary’s students, and the event was important enough to bring our special invalid, Betsy Thomas, back into the ,dining room; for although Betsy has been in school fot several weeks, she has been liv ing and taking her meals at the infirmary. We are glad to have her back again! FACULTY MAKES INFORMATION SURVEY For the next few weeks, students should be on lookout for any last minute information they can store into their, shall we say, already overtaxed brains. The faculty, probably because its members have become anxious about the average Saint Mary’s intelligence after looking into our usually blank and sleepy faces for the past semester, is going to quiz the student body to determine the general level of information about religion and philosophy, science, geography, history, current events, art, music, litera ture, vocabulary, and general topics. The first of the series of tests was given Wednesday morning on the religion, science, and geography sections. Let’s show ’em, students! We aren’t so dumb—-we hope. FIRMS BUY ANNUAIi ADS These firm have already bought advertisements iii the Sfaffe Coach: California Fruit Store Boylan-Peai-ce, Inc. Eoyster’s Brantley & Son, Inc. J. J. Fallon Co., Inc. Taylor’s Pre.ston, Inc. Walgreen (.'o. T. H. Briggs & Sons, Inc. We are indebted to them as they are to us. Let us patronize our advertisers.