The Eelles of Saint Mary’s ’38 Sallie MacNider still pays us her short visits. She was here November 22 and again on December 10. (Sallie loved the decorations for the Senior Dance!) Peggy Holmes (Carolina) dropped by to see everyone last Saturday, December 10. Penelope Lewis has recently been elected Vice Presi dent* of the Sophomore Class at Sweet Briar. Congratu lations! The engagement of Virginia Brock, Chicago, to Mr. Bill Johnson, also of Chicago, has been announced. The wedding will take place on December 28. Ellen Taylor has pledged Alpha Omega Pi at Ran- dolph-Macon. “Toppin” Wheat made her debut in Richmond last week* Becky Tucker sponsored the S. P. E. dance at David son last week. A TRIP TO SEE THE PRESIHENT! After supper on Sunday, December 5, the Political Science Club met to make plans for a trip to hear President Roosevelt speak in Chapel Hill the next day. Leaving promptly at 2 :50 in two special buses the girls had a very pleasant trip until they arrived at Chapel Hill, where ended the pleasure.' Kenan Stadium had been abandoned because of rain, and Woollen Gym nasium was hopelessly overflowing. After standing for half an hour in the rain, some saw the President as his car passed, loaded with bodyguards. A dash was then made to the buses, but they had disappeared. Our valiant Mr. Guess walked a mile and a half to get them, only to find that for the protection of the Presi dent a large area around the gym was marked “No Trespassing.” Not knowing what was taking Mr. Guess so long, the girls waited on a corner as the rain beggn to fall harder. Mary Connally’s squirrel coat was soaked; Helen Jean’s hat ran and dyed her coat pink; Anne Hooe gave up thumbing to sit in a State Cop’s car. Then the bottom dropped out of the sky. Miss Harvey, Miss Goss, and all trouped back to the gym to squeeze inside for shelter. What a sight they were! Jane Emerson had taken off her shoes to run faster. Hats drooped, shoes oozed. A few girls were ad mitted for a short while to see and hear the President. Finally he completed his talk, and the crowd trampled the already bedraggled Saint Mary’s girls in getting to the door. Political Science Club, which was fortunate in being able to go to hear the President’s speech (school girls in their rooms heard it over their radios while most of those in Chapel Hill heard not a word) headed for school, hungry, cold, wet, tired, and sleepy. Word had been sent ahead to school that hot food would be in demand, and after a quick change to com fortable clothes, the girls enjoyed a delicious hot supper. Mrs. Marriott and the waiters were very kind, serving until eight o’clock. TOWN TOPICS The grand and glorious football season is over and we still kinda regret missing some of those games, but all the others we saw make up for them. In the Day Students’ room the other day we were reviewing some of the highlights of the gridiron tilts. The papers are full of all-Southern, all-State or all-something football teams; so we selected our all-star belle team. We had to have a coach and so we decided upon Jean Cooper. Here’s our line-up and if you don’t believe they are , good, just wait until you read this: Ends, Mary Olsen and Betty Hill; tackles, Emily Schenek and Betty Sex ton; guards, Winifred Vass and Virginia Lee Kirby; center, Charlotte Miller; halfbacks, Margaret Hargrove and Betty Ellington; fullback. Flora McDonald; and quarterback, Ann Christian. There you are girls, a championship team! The Piccadilly Club is planning to give a dance after Christmas. We’re all looking forward to that. There are many other clubs and organizations in the Capital City that are giving dances during the holidays or ini' mediately following. Trips to many out-of-town places are planned by the day students. While most of us will spend Christmas Day in Raleigh, we’re all looking forward to a short visit with friends or relatives out of town. Some of the girls will even visit the families of best beaus and “Sheppy” Quintard’s love is coming to spend Christmas in Raleigh. Dashing hither and yon in that mad Christmas rush on Fayetteville Street, we see Saint Mary’s girl every time we turn around. Mary Watson Prince dashes from store to store, dropping books and papers at every turn. “Tokie” Thiem has the right idea—she stays inside a certain store uptown and waits on those hard-to-please shoppers. The thing about it is, she gets paid for help' ing them! Lucky girl. Besides shopping for trinkets and small gifts, lots of the girls and their families are going in for big things. Have you seen that ne^ Packard that Jane Forbes has been driving? Virginia Foster knows how to get through the dime-store—she t uses her elbows. Pauline Ponton, Julia Vinson, Dotty Bunn, Katherine Hardison, and Mary Nash are also among those gals whom we have seen with their arms laden with bundles. Overheard in the Day Students’ room the other day- “Have you seen that gorgeous new evening gown that Peggy Davis bought?” it’s really a lovely thing—-an white taffeta. And with Peggy’s brunette coloring; don’t you know it’s stunning ? Modest Miss Cheshiro insisted that she was the best-dressed gal at the Senior Dance. Jennille Harris had her Christmas a littlo early; she purchased a beautiful brown three-piec® suit. It’s made in that popular fashion and looks grand on ’Neal. Have you noticed Wyc Allen’s tweed coat? She had spasms telling us all about it—and it’s just as wonderful as she said it was. As for trinkets, wc so® that Sue Berry is wearing a spoon wound around her wrist. We wonder how long it’ll be before the other gals start robbing the silverware drawers and folloir suit. We’re going to lose one of our fellow-students after Christmas—Helen Jordan is leaving. Her family has already gone to New York where she is to join them before the New Year. We’re terribly sorry, Helen. Remember in the last issue when we said something about the town girls eating at school with Miss Davis^ Well, the girls are really enjoying it. Miss Davis and her girls are grand hostesses and the town students feh perfectly at home with them. Keep an eye on the bull®' tin board so you won’t miss your day when it comes- You’ll regret it if you don’t. If you don’t believe ns, just ask Ann Bratton, Martha Ellen, Rebecca AtkinS; or some of the others who went. A I.ETTEB ’Twas the night before Christmas (Santa procrasti' nated a little this year) and Santa Claus yawned one o*