EXAMS ARE OVER!! -^BELLES^ OF SAINT MARY’S NEW SEMESTER BEGINS VoL. II, Ho. 9 EALEIGH, NOETH CAEOLIHA January 27, 1939 NEW DINING ROOM SONG 111 assembly last Wednesday morning, Mr Jones practiced with the student body a new song to be sung in the dining room to returning alumnae. I he wor^ of the song were written by Merrie Haynes and the music arranged by Mr. Jones. It is requested that everyone learn these words so that the song may e Used soon: {Name of person) we’re glad to see you; Glad to have you back again. Won’t you stand and let us greet you ? All Saint Mary’s is your friend. The literary societies are now working on songs to be sung on various other occasions. ASSEMBLY PROGRAM SUCCESSFUL The first in the new series of assembly programs was presented last Friday by the Order of The Circle. The program combined educational news and humorous interludes in the form of a radio program broadcast from the imaginary station WSMS. High lights from foreign, national and local news, and the world of Sports and style, were intermingled with announcements and musical selections. From now on different organizations in the school will present programs each week. The Sigma Lambda literary society is first on the list with a Professor Quiz” to be given on Friday, February 3. FACULTY TEA As is their annual custom, members of the Saint Mary’s faculty entertained at tea for their Ealeigh friends on Thursday afternoon, January 19. In the receiving line were Mrs. Cruikshank, Mrs. Penick, Mr. and Mrs. Kloman, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, Miss Davis, and the new members of .the faculty this year: Miss Goss, Miss Horn, Miss Lassiter, and Miss Williamson. Miss Sutton, Miss Vann, Miss Weise, and Miss Spruill poured tea and several of the day and resident students assisted in serving. The parlor was decorated with large vases of roses and mixed flowers, and the mantle- piece was banked with ferns. A gratifying number of Saint Mary’s friends attended the reception. GYIM NOTES At the first basketball practice for this year, twenty- eight girls were present. Miss Harvey was pleased with this group, but would like to have even more. Basketball is a major sport, which gives individual and club points when the final teams are picked and the Sigma-Mu games are played. The tumbling class also met for the first time last week, and although the ones there enjoyed it, many more are needed. Tumbling is excellent recreation and exercise. ALUMNA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson from Chicago were here for a very short while on Friday, January 13. Before her recent marriage, Mrs. Johnson was Miss Virginia Brock from Chicago. Cuba Silver, one of the last year’s day-students, was at Saint Mary’s Saturday night, January 14. On Sunday, January 15, we were glad to have Betty Sibley here, but she stayed such a few minutes that very few saw her. Come back again, Betty! Jane Vann was here telling everyone “hello” on Fri day, January 20. Last Saturday morning Marjorie England was on the campus. Marjorie comes over to use Saint Mary’s library quite often. Everyone is always glad to see her around. Too, last Saturday, while the annual pictures were being taken, Lillie Eobertson stopped by to see us. Lillie went on to Chapel Hill for Saturday night, but came over again on Sunday. On Saturday night, January 14, a beautiful wedding took place in Saint Mary’s Chapel. The bride was the former Miss Mary Louise Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Marcellus Parker of Ealeigh, who was married to Mr. George M. Fountain, Jr., of Tarboro. TOWN GIRLS’ GAB Just one more day of examinations and then the local girls can stop cramming and worrying about passing History, English, Math., and the like until May. And with the new term, the Ealeigh belles have resolved to concentrate more on studies so that when exam time comes again they will not need any last-minute cram- ming. -11 Many of the parents of the day students enjoyed the lovely tea which was given by the faculty of Saint Mary’s. Mary Elizabeth Hash, Charlotte Miller, and Susanne Leinster were among the girls who assisted in serving. Miss Harvey is very anxious for many of the day students to come out for tumbling and basketball prac tice. The Sigma’s and the Mu’s have separate teams and it’s grand to have the Ealeighites show an interest in the games. Overheard in the Day Students’ room were various wails over exams, among them. Page Eatman’s “We learned that if you can’t make a speech, then tell a story, and if you can’t tell a story, well just quit.” And that’s our predicament. We can’t tell a story or write any news unless the Day Students get together and do something worth writing about. Come on, girls, let’s accomplish something worth writing about this semester!