VoL. II, Ho. 13 “PATIENCE” PRODUCED AND BROADCAST and'it dotes ft was well chosen and did superb mention any one member of the cast ^e ng b^ter than another, for they ^re a l so fine. Bunn as Patience and Cordelia Jones as clem- and skillful performances that were delig fit„“ p'S' •'» >>7 liffhtful and most amusing to watch. I he imm E G,n. .»d Frances Ftah were amoj th J.gh snots of the evening with their clever and well done dmloeue and humorous songs. (Eemeinber Fish an thf cdlo ?) Also outstanding in their performance were the tC officers of the Dragoon Guards: Colonel C«l- verlv Dorothy Bunn; Major Murgatroyd, Barbara Raityf and Lent., the Duke of Dunstable Virginia Trotter; and those delicate lovesick and PO^fio Helen Kendrick and Virginia Smith. Hot o y Princinals were excellent, however, but also tdo two Jhorusi : the Dragoon Guards and the f f ens They furnished an admirable and beautiiul bacK Sounfforthe action of .the opera. Their acDon was well carried out and their singing lovely. And Mary Kistler as the silent solicitor with the ■ The Glee Club should he even moie mended for the broadcast, however—not a case k^ fright” among them in their first ,4h ™dth castina- The whole thing was carried through witn great ease and grace. Yes the Glee Club m cer am y to be highly praised for their performance, foi as a duck takfs to water, so did they take to on Sunday the twenty-sixth of March P®H°. ance (or is a broadcast a performance?) was held in the auditorium from eight o’clock to quarter, past nine, the SnSm-ew froin MPTF P^f.^^^f th for sound. The chorus was grouped at the back ot the stap-P with a tall microphone especially for them. i for the technical ciew to loiiow. „ . j xjj.g_ rr-s nS; Shi. fh,^ nouncer. Hext to him was a larger on w^ch were a number of curious contraptions necessary “ ho casting, whose names are known only to *444st handled them. Mr. Wallace produced fte ^^^^rds’ and a radio technician twirled the dials of the cent The performance went off beautifully; although t eie BELLES^ OF SAINT MARY’S kaleigh, hoeth caeoliha March 31, 1939 were a few tense moments for those present, when Fish Sed ovlr the cup of water and Kay dropped her hook Ld when Patience and Grosvenor changed parts, foi instance .^ne^ and his Glee Club deserve many thanks for giving us these two enjoyable performances and for the immense amount of work they put into it all. SAINT MARY’S WINS CAROUNA PLAYMAKERS’ PUAQUE Amids. squeal, ot delight, (ri* joy, .received the plaque from rtu/M^oeh for vvm oiuff the Play Production Contest for Junior ’j^oiieges oSantog“n the’ eSt were Joyce P?'“H ““J P?“‘“ w“£o„ but the entire east: H.k Marietta Allen, and Sally Wright m witches, fclty Bell Mary ™s.beth Xa.h Carolyn Nor^^^^^^^ wT„ifTnlfa*Bo'; “'phyS Ga^^^ Elvira Cheatham, Mary Guy Boyd, an man as Trees, and Theresa Anderson who read the pro h,rpatfent andTeipfnl movement direction. 5IARSHAUS announced Elections,of the ^Si^t Saint Mary’s were chief Marshal; and itr BrorksT'pVlis Gatling Laura Gordon, and ^'‘Buteh^"i?frorEirhn!^nd, Va. With her pep and vitality she has helped eji-r the -- than once fX?lir‘from Windsor" H. C., is a’member SThe'sigina Lambda literary °^i^"c.!"h^ sTgmi Lambda literary society. She gjJJ field'’w"va! These five girls, elected because of their poise, popu- laiEy aiM leadership, will begin their marshaling duties on Easter Morning.