J Graduation Tomorrow The BELLES OF SAINT MARY’S . . Good-bye School . . Vol. II, No. 17 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 29, 1939 WELCOME, ALUMN.®! On the occasion of its final issue, The Belles wishes to extend its genuine and sincere greetings to the Alumnae of Saint Mary’s. Too often people consider AlumnsB as mere appendages to a school, but Saint Mary’s has always taken a different view. Even more than our AlumiiEe themselves. The Belles and the school know that in the final analysis the Aluninas are the heart and sinew of our beloved institution. And because we want you always to feel strongly your deeply rooted attachment, we beg that you make yourselves at home just as freely as you did in your resident days here, and realize that we count your devotion as the most valuable of our intangibles. BACCALAUREATE SERMON Reverend William H. Laird, Rector of Saint Paul’s Church at the University of Virginia, was guest min ister at the Baccalaureate Sermon for the Seniors on Sunday, May 28. He brought out in his talk to the Seniors the parallel ideas of Whitsunday and Gradua tion. On Whitsunday, Jesus left His disciples and gave them all His responsibilities to carry out success fully. On Graduation Day, those graduating are free to carry on in their own ways in order to gain success. So Reverend Laird stressed to the Seniors the impor tance of their success after leaving school. When they are “on their own,” without the backing of the school and their other leaders, this will be the supreme test of their ability; of what they have accomplished and are able to accomplish. Frances Fish sang the solo part in the Te Deum, assisted by Virginia Trotter and Annie Hyman Bunn in the trio part. The solo part for the offertory hymn, Sanctus by Gounod, was sung by Cordelia Jones. Mr. Kloman added a word by expressing to the Seniors the pleasure he has had teaching them and having them here at Saint Mary’s for the past two years or more. CLASS DAY At 11:00 Monday morning the student body, seated according to classes, assembled in the dell by the Bishop’s house to celebrate class day with the graduat ing class for 1939. As everyone sang “Hail, Saint Mary’s” the Seniors took their seats. They were carry ing the traditional daisy chain which swung in graceful loops from one girl to the next. The president, Peggy Hopkins, welcomed the guests, after which the whole class rose and sang the Senior Song. Frances Warren, secretary of the class, read the class roll, and was fol lowed by Hallie Townes reading the class history. Lossie Taylor gave everyone a glimpse into the future with the class prophecy and Sarah Sawyer recited the class poem. The fun really started when Frances Fish read the last will and testament, bequeathing many of the Juniors. The student body ivas especially pleased at Annie Webb Cheshire’s announcement that this year’s class was leaving the school a brick steak pit with all the utensils that go along with it. The pit will be put up this summer to be ready for use next fall. Martha Lewis then dedicated her annual. Rising the Seniors sang “Good-bye, School,” and carried the daisy chain to the front to present it to the representatives of the incoming class. The program was closed by Mr. Klo- man’s offering the benediction. The 1939 Commencement exercises were opened on Saturday night with the presentation of a Shakespear ian play. Twelfth Night, by the Dramatic Club under the direction of Miss Florence Davis. The plot,of the play is a series of complicated events resulting from Viola’s impersonation of her twin brothm’, whom she believes to have been drowned. Sebastian, the twin brother, comes on the scene, and the “comedy of errors” finally ends happily for all. Sally Wright, as usual, walked aAvay with top honors as the play’s leading comedienne. Her impersonation of Malvolio was excellent, from the red goatee down to the yellow stockings and cross garters. Also, working well together as an amusing comedy team were Helen Kendrick as Sir Toby; Ruth Miller, Maria; Carolyn Norton, Sir Andrew; and Louise Coleman, the Clown. To the romantic leads, special mention goes to Joyce Powell as the Duke; Manette Allen, who was a charm ing Olivia; and the twins, acted by Louise Wilson and Sue Harwood. But full credit should be given to the entire cast, including Grace Thompson, Julia Booker, Elizabeth Boyce, Betty Bell, Billie Rose, Mary Guy Boyd, and Rose Martin. Difficult backstage problems were solved by Carolyn Reed, who was an efficient Stage Manager; Anne Lom bard, who handled the lighting effects; and the make-up committee. Cooperation on the cast’s part as well as the stage helpers’ made possible a smooth production of a well- directed play. Congratulations again. Miss Davis! TO THE SENIORS I think that I shall never find A class that equals ’thirty-nine; A class whose eager minds aren’t pressed To learn their books with eager zest; In whose desires gay fun is prime. And for some pranks there’s always time; It’s a class who has also worked and fought To cram the bull the teachers’ taught; Who has bullied and bossed and been a pest— But we’ve found out it’s the very best. Poems are made by fools like me. But only God can pass a senior ( ?! ?! ?—Ed.)