October 3, 1941 The Belles of Saint Mary’s I I^eae Readers : For the first time in several years ^ am again conducting a column in Belles. Let me hear about your *ove troubles! Miss N. Joy Love. j Fear Miss Love : I This summer I went with a life- pard at the beach. He swore he me, told me such sweet things, j and promised to write. I have yet 1 to hear from him. ' What To Do. , Fear IVhat To Do : , Write and ask him to drop you a hi: ni this summer. Fear r. Joy; .p Miss Love. •S.—Every dog has her day. inquiring reporter is th reporter to argue few- ^^jlean (“Chief''Marshal”) Fulton’s for consolation comes in the three little words, “Sit and ^ope.” Gla ev ®tnour Pan Bond got an earnest thr5,^®®^°n on her face and came with, “Well, you can get a ct Work done in that time, but you I 'VS tisually don’t.” pue that I could give you just but th^' tnore gems of opinion. }ver, only things left to interview both 1 - Fvo coke bottles, and they J, had dates. 1 E i'Fe sake of posterity though. Self ° ^ ^ 'G always wanted to assert my- pajjp the injustice of choosing ary ^Jpliabetically. Our infirm- Snudg°^^^-obsolete if we had our accord^ ^Iternoon office boys picked for power of grip, AuiaE ^®oking the strength of an aud Fie brute force of an ape, Mthst*^ bGartlessness of Judas, could ivitjj tile terrifying eagerness 1 they are met on the Gshold of Dnt„me,„ To of Dateless Dames’ Dorm? those residents of Holt who npon by this description of meiy o , ;i ad^, nbbath afternoon actions, I All ^Gad ®j^Farity to persons living a feather 111 my cap. CAMPUS NOTES The Political Science Club had its second meeting Sunday, Sep tember 28. Mr. Guess took charge of a discussion on current affairs. The Russian campaign was the chief topic of conversation. On Thursday, September 25 Miss Nell Battle Lewis spoke to the students in assembly on cur rent events. line—part of the one you dropped All girls interested in joining the Camera Club please come to its first meeting tonight at 6:00 in Mr. Moore’s classroom. The mem bers will learn to develop and en large their own pictures. j I Went with a boy and everything 1 Iras fiu0 until we went swimming. I WGre my cute Saint Mary’s suit . haven’t seen him since. I Miserable. Fjur Miserable : .i^bere is only one kind of man 'ho could love you in one of those ^hits, and he is blind! ^Fss Love ; ,.A inan broke my heart and I am disillug- ’ ■ - asioned about them all. p, Lollipop. Lollipop : -K-eep trying. Maybe you can find' ‘‘hother sucker. Mr. Guess spoke in assembly Tuesday, September 30, on some of the more pressing problems of na tion-wide importance with 'which the United States is now con fronted. He emphasized especially the stand that our Government will take in regard to the Neutral ity Act. Already, as is known, several amendments, such as the Lend-Lease Bill, have been made to this act, and others concerning convoys and arming of merchant ships will probably be made in the near future. Mr. Guess also spoke of the immediate seriousness of inflation. (Continued from page 1) them in” tactics . . . and who __ . . . for Feeh” is one of the chosen Friday, October 3, will be mov ing day. All boarding students who wish to make changes will meet in Air. Guess’ classroom at 4:00 Friday afternoon. You must work out in advance the changes you wish to make. ^ Willcox, with a languid ex- jjyl®®'Gii’ “What are dates to me? just try me and see.” The Letter Club has planned an overnight camping trip this Sat urday. Bettie Vann, who gradu ated ‘from Saint Alary’s last year, has offered her camp in Franklin- ton, North Carolina, to the “back- to-nature” girls. Airs. Guess and Aliss Harvey will act as chaperons for the group. Kav Roper, chairman of the Stu dent ‘Regulation Training Classes is glad to report that only two girls'among the boarding students failed to pass the examination. Eleven Dav Students out of forty- two did not pass the test. Recog nition must be given to those sem iors who did such a good job of teaching the new students. They were Allie Bell, Lib Adkins, Caro- Ivn Cauble, Alinkie Clarke, Anne Dunn, Kay Roper, Betty AViUcox, Bunny Stribling, Bebe Castleman, and jonny Norman. The Glee Club has recently been organized. Besides several of last vear’s old members, twenty-dour j,ew girls are in the club They are Pattv Ross, Julia Alfriend, Aleredith Johnston, Ann Garnett, Laurie Lucas, L1111 a n Bellamy, Sally AIcKinley, Barbara Bnift, Catherine B u n n. Alary Dickey, Marie Hodges, Elizabeth Royall, Bettv Bassett, Betty IF’itt, Aiuie Dam‘toft, Pat Pagen. Jane Sloan, Olivia Anne Smith, Peggy Beale, Jane AVideman. Bunny Stribling, Pat Coder, and Florence Ferguson. Cross. The library staff is trying to collect for binding two complete sets of the Belles and one of the Grapevine, for records and refer ence. There are two numbers that are missing from the files, and the librarians would be very grateful if anyone who has those numbers would let the library have them. They are as follows: Grapevine: Nos. 2 and 16. (Only one volume issued.) Belles: A’'ol. II, Nos. 2 and 16. A^ol. Ill, Nos 2 and 4. A’'ol. No. 10. Miss Virginia Williamson, as sistant librarian at Saint Alary’s last year, no'w on a leave of ab sence, had planned to go to Co lumbia University to study in the WHERE HAVE THEY GONE? Dora Winters has been in the infirmary for the past week Avith a severe case of poison oak. Last year’s High School graduates have gone from Saint Mary’s to Washington, Virginia, North and South Carolina. Here they are: It is interesting to know that nine of our Saint Alary’s girls are taking organ this year. They are Daphne Richardson, Jean Pul ton, Shirley Schellenberg, Alinkie Clarke, Betty Bassett, Alary Ann Crook, Betty Lou Britt, Kay Roper, and Emily Cheshire. Miss Davis has announced that the fir.st production staged by the Dramatic Club will be Barrie’s Dear Brutus. Kathryn Norman Avas elected president of the Dramatic Club at its meeting on Friday, September 26. Other officers elected Avere Margaret Shackelford, vice-presi dent; Mary Wright Holland, sec retary; Mary Thomas, treasurer; and Lib Adkins, business manager. Ruth Bond has recently been elected president of the Dance Club. The only other officer is Cora Lucas, secretary. The mem bers of the club include Anna Pluck, Polly Lindsay, Neville Ciiin- ming, Alargaret Bethupe, Carolyn West, Jeannette Simpson, Sally AIcKinley, Jane Hurt, Betty Wal ters, Cora Lucas, Aurginia AlcRae, Gene Neff, AU Johnson, Ruth Bond, Betsy Casteen, Alildred Lee, Bunny Stribling, Peggy Beale, Alice Amount, Betty AVillcox, Alartha Bat tle, Alarion Thomas, Ellis Bar nard, Sara Thornton, Suzanne Schmidt, and Cecelia Dicks. Baker, Ann—Hollins. Boyle, Margaret Ann—University of South Carolina. Branson, Barnett Alerriweather— King Smith Studio School, Wash ington, D. C. Fagg, India Dolores—Sweet Briar. Gihhon, Catherine — Holton-Arms College, Washington. Hampton, Henriette—Converse. Harris, Dorothy—Converse. Herty, Dorothea — University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. Hurley, Susanne Headen—Duke. Joyner, Sue Kitchin—National Ca thedral School, Washington. Kight, Martha—Hollins. LoA’e, Alary Elizabeth—SAveet Briar. Alartin, Nancy Patton—Gunston Hall. Niederhauser, Nell Dexter—UnHer- sity of Alabama. O’Herron, Nancy—Hollins. Poisson, Gethyn Rugan—Hood Col lege, Frederick, Aid. Rodman, Alarcia Blount—Hood. Tinsley, Rebekah—Randolph-AIacon. Wooten, Sarah—Converse. School of Library Service. Hoav- ever, she has accepted a position as librarian for the Johnston County Library, a project AAffiich has come about through the ncAV state aid for libraries. Aliss AViliamson’s headquarters are in Smithfield, North Carolina. The Doctors’ Daughters’ Club had its first meeting in the in firmary on Friday, September 26. Vi Johnson Avas elected secretary to take the place of Katheryn Nel son, Avho did not return this year, and Sally Tucker Avas chosen treasurer in place of Grace Wal ker, Avho also did not return. Betty Suiter and Rosa McCauley are so cial secretaries. The entire program of this club is one of ser\dce, for people in need of medical aid, as Avell as those in need of general relief. Olivia Anne Smith, the president says that the Doctors’ Daughters Avill also do such things as rolling bandages and knitting for the Red All Saint Mary’s is glad to Avel- come Miss Tucker back from the hospital. She started Avork Mon day. The annual Youth Sunday in the Episcopal Church Avas observed by Saint Alary’s at the eleven o’clock service on Sunday. Betty AVill cox read the first lesson and Kath ryn Norman, the second lesson. Sophia RedAvood, Charlotte Alahan, and Aliss Louise Jordan spoke on A" o u t h and PorAAmrd-in-SerAuce during sermon time. # * * The iieAv Honor Council mem bers have been selected: Alargaret Shackelford and Sarah Tucker from the Junior class, Anne Ale- Rae from the Bu.sine.ss class, Sarah CroAAffier from the Day Students, and Virginia Woodard from the Underclassmen. Last spring Allie Bell and Carolyn Cauble Avere chosen to represent the Senior class on the Honor Council. The schedule for the Civic Music Concerts folloAvs: November 24—Sergei Rachmani noff. December 16—Lauritz Alelchior and Lotte Lehmann. January 22—Gladys SAvarthout. February 24—Nathan Milsteiii and Luboshutz and Nemenoff. Alarch 12—LaAvrence Tibbett. Alay 1—National Symphony Or chestra. The Nominating Committee has nominated Betty Lou Britt, Anne Dickson, and Elizabeth Royall for the office of secretary to the Hall Council.