L942 HAPPY EASTER Belles OF SAINT MARY’S JUNIOR-SENIOR APRIL 11 Vol. V, No. 13 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA April 3, 1942 Miss Sutton, Beloved Dickson, Dawson, and Dixon Head Student Government Next Year S. M. S. Teacher, Dies Former Saint Mary’s Teacher Dies Monday. Services in School Chapel By Bishop Penick, Mr. Kloman, and Mr. Wright Juliet Biscoe Sutton, one of Saint Clary’s favorite graduates, teachers, and secretaries, died Monday morn- at her home on Park Drive. The tuiieral services were held Tuesday ^ four o’clock in Saint Mary’s '^hapel. The burial service took place at Oakwood Cemetery. Pall- bearers were, Paul Davis, Caid Hill, 'ylliam Guess, Dr. L. E. Hinkle, W. B. Dewar, of Raleigh, and Jolui Manning, Jr., of Chapel Hill. Jhe Right Reverend Edwin Penick, Reverend Felix Kloman, and the ueverend John Wright officiated. - Miss Sutton, daughter of Dr. and tH's. Robert Sutton, of Pittsboro, C., attended Locust Hill Semi- 5,^^'y in Pittsboro and Saint Mary's. f'Wenty years after her graduation Saint Mary’s, she returned to ,6 school as a member of the fac- in the year Dr. Bennett Smedes 1 . *> 7 LHC jvai .1-/1 . JJCAlllCLL I'ed. those days Saint Mary’s '’b.s beginning to grow and the hoard- numbered eighty-four. Miss ’ '^Iton became the j)erfect hall ®acher on Miss Harvey’s present „®11, third floor Smedes. She taught j Polling and “Friday Bible,” as she ondly referred to her class. She ;poke of the Saint Mary’s girls as Girls,” and was always in favor . changing the rules and restric- ^lous to suit the times. She always ook sides with the students, often- ^lUes regarding faculty complaints, 'willing to help them in an}' every way possible. She made friends among the students, u phi students were constantly re-' hir ^^lug and asking to see her. she began to help Mrs, Lee gav, i-he Business Department, she ® Up lioj. classes. Later when Ci'uikshank became Business -Ha secretarial ' She was nostmistress and *ov 1 postmistress Ip. 1“ tease the girls about their ^uters from “Jim or Billy,” seldom the correct name. It was hop*® ®'uall, dear things that made Mg flic most beloved of Saint til teachers. Two years ago at M'S® of seventy-nine and after liaii^ years of faithful Avork at College, she retired .lived with her sister, IMrs. ‘li'chie iceck. I ^^-adios and Gentlemen ivill not, ***' others must not, pick the Howor: crs. \nne Dickson and Sarah Dawson share with Mary Ann Dixon the three most important offices in tue school. President of the student body, Chairman of the hall council, and Vice-President of the student bodv, respectively. These girls have high Junior ratings and have al ready held important offices this ^ Anne Dickson, whose home is at Virginia Beach, attended Saint Mar garet’s before she came to Saint Mary’s. She served as Junior and Senior representative on the honor council and captain of the volleybal team there. Since she has been here, she has filled practically all the sec retary or treasurer offices m ine school, being Secretary ^ council. Secretary-rreasuiei of tlm Sigma Lambda Literarj Societv, Treasurer of the French Club and Secretary-Treasurer of the H Class. She is a inember of ; When iiiterneAved on the porch and asked how she bked y i::„, Ann, elo»j 1» and iminmired, 1 u firrlit-liDDcd about tnc • 1 «-\ye certainly do want to s ai ffiM ceniS wafSted, r;;J,:*Sl-bWearasrichas the others.’ Sarah Dawson came to Saint Mary’s from National Cathedral School in Washington where she was Secretary of the Missionary Board and Cap'tain of the basketball team. In her Cranierton, N. C., high school she was assistant Editor of the news paper. Here at Saint Mary’s she is Vice-President of the Junior Class and belongs to the Letter Club, Hall Council, and French Club. Sarah, also on the sun porch, indi cated her ability for her office next year when she shouted amid the gig gling of the girls,' “Quiet, Miss Ilar- A’ey is trying to take a nap! Saiah beamed and said, on see, I am starting in right aiyay! Oii the serious side she confessed, “I am looking forward to next year, and I shall try to live up to the office to the best of my ability, God willing and all the school behind me.” Mary Ann Dixon attended Need ham Broughton High School in Ra leigh where she was a Marshal, rep resentative to the student govern ment, and secretary to the Latin Club. Last year she went to South ern Seminary, Buena Vista, Vir ginia, where she was Business Man ager of the Junior class and appear ed in the May Court. Here at Saint Mary’s she is Vice-President of the Y. P. S. L. and belongs to the Dra matic Club. Seated in her room, she Avas A'ery hesitant about ansAvering questions and repeatedly protested that she was a “family girl and didn’t knoAV hoAV to express herself on such an occasion.” She did say, though, “I hope to work as Avell with my asso ciate officers as Kay Roper has done this year, and I do look fonvard to making the new girls feel at home.” Junior'Senior Dance Saturday, April 11 Schedule For Easter Sunday Announced Juniors to Entertain Seniors in Colonial Garden. Freddy John son to Furnish Music Choir to Give Special Music at Both Morning Services. Early SerAdee at 7:50 Horton on Park DrivcJ Avhere iPiuainod until her death this Saint Marys Has First Real Orchestra LTNtoe orchestra Members - -If- T>:,. TTidcr the direction of IMr. Bird, The Junio'rs Avill entertain the Seniors at their annual formal dance in a Colonial garden of floAvers, ])ino trees and Japanese lanterns on Sat urday night from 8:30 to 11:55. Freddy Johnson and his orchestra Avill furnish the music. The committees as announced by .fane Council, president of the Jun ior Class, are: orchestra, chairman, Mary Ann Dixon, Anne Dickson, and Harriet Whitner; inrUations, chairman, Sarah Dawson, Mary Ann Cooper, and IMary Burns; decora tions, chairman, Ann (iarnett, Sally Sanborn, Betty Lou Mary Coons, Margie Shackleford, and Elsie ’Adams; refreshments, chair- inan Daphne Richardson, Jane Evans, and Sarah Tucker. For the benefit of you new girls Avho liaA'e never folloAved this par ticular routine, and for you old girls AA’ho have forgotten it, aa’c list all services for Easter Sunday. 7 :00 Rising bell. 7:30 Coffee and milk in the din ing room (better get it, too). 7 :45 Assembly in the study hall to receive Avhite ehajiel caps. 7:50 Early serA’ice. Girls bring their Lenten boxes. Holy Communion Avill be cele brated and the choir Avill sing “In Joseph’s Lovely Garden.” EA-ery- hody returns to study hall, then to the dining hall for breakfast. Easter service Avith sermon by Mr. Kloman Avill take place at 11:00. Evening vespers Avill start at 5 ;30, as usual.