1942 ■e 0^ f tie fof •rap- (tier Tie ;s 3 i» ■vvi® jrial dred Mr^ Pen- pI'C' diy seC' . a» first fO’S' ,ical All )eei* ai’S' W' 1 be aclt tie 15, 1942 The Belles of Saint Mary’s [•ed at les' lei )ije 3it- ot ■si- Ic in' I’S' ,rc ir- I'S’ lie •d- of 05 [O' it- ty :d, ff,. rli iS- !■ ef ic O' ' it* MUS MUSCULUS ^ELL girls i guess this is goodby ^ sure do hate to see you leave 1 liope you wont forget me now ®or look too happy when i grieve been so nice to knojv you all tils school year has just flown ^ started out a mere grey rat Uo\v ive a column of my own ? regular newspaper rat i am ^ get my copy in on time question mark t Know the things and tricks of trade ?ud how to get a good by-line rre struggled hard to find the keys mat spelled out words for me ®ud bruised my grey paws to the bone Jumping from o to z ^ud now the awful time has come ,°r me to say my last ^ trust youve liked my little column and read it in the past uont worry i will see you srs ^hen you graduate )e ■■■ ■ ’ If and next year when youre on your Way u college marriage or some work ^®member what i say . ° your best and never shirk ? Know the error of my ways } really am not such a sap takes an intelligent mouse ° Kun away from a rat trap ®u Woe to those who dawdle u those who at work do sneeze unyll wind up left alone and feeling .me a piece of cheese hush what am 1 Saying i like cheese 0 Is ’er all the hill-tops quiet now, In all the tree-tops Ilearest thou ;mardly a breath; I he birds are asleep in the trees; ,^ait; soon like these Ihou too shalt rest. —Goethe, translated by Longfellow. Historical marker in PLACE “SAINT MARY’S Episcopal School for girls, established 1842 by Rev. Aldert Smedes on site ef an earlier school for hoys which opened 1834.” Tin ms reads the marker which the k Carolina Historical Society siif hmced in front of Saint Mary’s house. _ Uia -I J^*®eulties in securing the itjg included a run-in with prior- Tiif n'^'^ ^ misprint in the wording. Set ■ ^’ week, the marker was m place, consected. A great honor is attached to the ihe historical marker by Wki for the site must be one of ^®ully helped make the history tioji Carolina, and all informa- about the place must be factual, tile g®’ .^™ihshank, as a member of eiety and Head of the school, are connected with Saint y all wYo tile g ^ extremely pleased that of *1 found the school worthy ^ais recognition. CAMPUS NOTES he sitting in the foremost row '0 make sure your seams are straight Wanderer’S night song lA comforting thought for exam and ninmencement week, espiH'iall.v to the ^aiors and Sophomores.—Ei).] The student Handbook has been revised and is ready to go to press, reports the editor, Lillian Jenkins, adding that it wiU have much new material next year. Seventy-eight new girls have al ready registered to come to Saint Marv’s next year. Those participating in the organ recital given Thursday, May 7, wmre Daphne Richardson, Betty Lou Britt, Alary Ann Crook, and Kay Roper. * * * Nancy Norton has been elected Chairman of Assembly Programs for next year. * ♦ * Two Physical Education classes, the 10:00 o’clock Wednesday, and the 9:00 o’clock Thursday, are presenting “Captain Jinks of the Horse Alarines” in peasant cos tume for the Field Day Alonday morning. * if * The senior Dance Marshals for next year will be Mary% Burns, June Bourne, and Alary Liz Varde- man. * * ♦ The Circle has elected Sally Mc Kinley as president and Mary Ann Dixon as secretary for next year. At Airs. Cruikshank’s direction. Miss Jones and Mr. Moore are re writing the school catalogue com- pletelv. '■ - * * * Mr. Donald Peery, a member of the Alusic Department here last A'ear, has been called into the army, and is noAv at Fort Bragg. * * * Those Avho finished the Home Hygiene class and are to receive certificates are: Betty Bobbitt, Carol Cobb, Ann Damtoft, Alary Branch Henderson, Yi Johnson, Louise Jordan. Betty Kendrick, Caroline Long, Alarion AIcLeod, Dolores Alullett, Alerriette Alac- Gregor, Nancy Peete, Rhea Holmes, Helen Riley, Alargaret Shackel ford, Shirley Shepherd, Jane Sloan, Olivia Anne Smith, Sarah Wads worth, Betsey John AVest, Cnrolyn AVest Flo AVilliamson, Jo Henry, and Kav Roper. Miss Louise Jor dan made the highest average and received a prize of two dollars in defense stamps. * * * A red pulpit hanger has been presented to the Chapel by the members of the Altar Guild. * * * The French Club ended its work for the vear with the puppet shows “ Guignal ’ ’ and ‘ ‘ Le Cuvier A ew officers will be elected next yeai. * * * The faculty presented Mss Jor dan with a silver bowl at a fare well party given in her honoi on the afternoon of Alay i. Mr. Kloman attended the West ern North Carolina Diocesan meet ing in Asheville last week. * * * Miss Digges spent last week end in Charlottesville, Va., with her family, and niece. 9K * ♦ The Sextet will sing for the alumnai luncheon. « 3fC 9N Miss Harvey has been appointed adviser to the Hall Council for next year. 9N * * Mrs. Naylor has been conduct ing a Home Hygiene Course for a group of toAvnspeople in the ab sence of their regular instructor. * * * Those who are coming back next year and wish to buy furniture, please see the Seniors. * * Nancy Poe is beginning a new series of broadcast for the next three Sundays at 1:15 over WPTF. This Sunday Meredith Johnston will assist with a piano solo. Aliss Ruth Holmes Scott will accompany Nancv. « ♦ * A group of students from Saint Alary’s are planning to go to Nbav York with Aliss Geraldine Cate for three weeks in June to study voice under Belle Julie Sandant of the Juilliard school voice faculty. They will live in an apartment on Riverside Drive. The girls plan ning to go are Jane Hurt, Pattie Ross, Marie Hodges, and Nancy Poe. * ♦ * The Letter Club will camp out in the Hut tonight and have break fast there tomorrow morning. The group plans to initiate its new members and give out Letter Club pins New members are Anne Dunn, Pat Bell, Neville Gumming, Alirginia Pou, Jenny Woodard, and Anna Fluck. TAventy girls made the Letter Club this year. * * * Alembers of the tennis All-Star team are Jane Wideman, Jean Ful ton, Mary Bums, Anne Russell, Sammy Pou, and Jenny Woodard. * * * Lib Adkins, Kitty Archer, Pat Bell, Ruth Bond, Betty Anne Drys- dale, Anne Dunn, Anna Fluck, and Polly Lindsay make up the All- Star Swimming team. * * * The Mu’s Avon over the Sigma’s in class sAvimming this year. Polly Lindsay and Anna Fluck Avere the only girls Avho completed the Ad vanced SAvimming course; thirteen students passed off all the Inter mediate tests, and 113 girls finish ed the beginner requirements. Last year only sixty-five sfudents Avere beginner swimmers. * ♦ « It is interesting to note that forty-five girls received Athletic Stars this year. This means that they made one All-Star team. * * * During the past year 178 girls went out for extra-curricular ac- Orchesis Gives Destiny” for Pageant Dance Explains Religious, Social, Economic, and Political Activities in Relation to Time All five groups of the Orchesis have combined into one unit for the May Day part of the Centennial Pageant. The dance, “Destiny,” ex plains that the religious, social, eco nomic, and political activities of man are subdued by the ceaseless pendu lum of time. Each group has been Avorking on a quality of movement. The religious group shoAvs sustained movement; the social, jerky; the economic, per cussive; the political, collapsing; and time, pendular. Time is the 'ever present and controlling group. The interesting and varied musi cal score has been composed by Airs. Sarah Cooke, accompanist for the dancing classes. Girls participating in the dance are: Religious group, Alartha Battle, Carolyn West, Vi Johnson, Sara Thornton, Kitty Archer, Alarion Thomas, and Virginia Alanry; So cial group, Polly Lindsay, Sally AIc- Kinley, Frances Williams, and Louise Eggleston; Economic group, Peggy Beale, Anna Fluck, Alinkie Clarke, Betty Willcox, and Cecelia Dicks; Political group, Ruth Bond, Alildred Lee, Gene Neff, Neville Gumming, and Jeannette Simpson; and Time group, Ellis Barnard, Betty Walters, and Cora Lucas. Costumes for the dance were de signed by a committee of Orchesis members headed by Polly Lindsay. tivities as compared Avith 149 stu dents in 1940-41. « * * Kitty Archer has been elected president of next year’s Letter Club. « « * So far the only changes in text books for next year are the hy giene and American government textbooks. HoAvever, incoming Seniors are urged not to buy the English N textbook. Eleven Bri tish Writers, if the copy has been marked up. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM (Prom P. 1) a short business meeting and an ad dress by Airs. Alary Yellott Denny. Airs. George V. Denny, of Scars- dale, NeAv York, was graduated from Saint Alary’s in 1920 as Mary Trail Yellott. While here she won the Niles Aledal, aAvarded each year for the highest scholastic aA'erage. At 12 :30 the alumnaj will go to the dining room for the alqmnse lunch eon. All other students Avill be serA'ed in the gym. A tea on the front cam pus at 4:30 in the afternoon Avill give an opportunity for the Avelcome and registration of guests. This tea takes the place of the usual senior reception. At 8 :30 in the evening an histori cal pageant of Life at Saint Mary’s Avill be presented on the stage in front of Smedes.