& February 26, 1943 The Belles of Saint Mary’s ^usic Students ^^resent First Recital Saint Mary’s School and Junior Ullege Music Department presented ee first student recital,-session 1942- j ^13,^ from 5 until 6 o’clock Thurs- I “ey in the auditorium. The pro- 1 Sfam Was as follows: 'a I ^^natina in F, 1st movement, Clementi Richard Macgill ^^gatelle in G Minor Beethoven ^^chantment Hanson Martha Upchurch ^ -Poor Soul Sat Sighing, u. Lute Book Melody Blow Thou Winter Wind, Arne Felicia Camm Mary Dickey Carolyn Myers Betty Via J'^mande (3d French Suite) .Bach in B minor Chopin Jane Clark Cheshire ® an Old White Pfne....MacDowell ^ Autumn MacDowell Louise Gower ^guest Franz of My Soul’s Great Sadness, Franz ' Lillian Bellamy Betsy Blount Meredith Boaze Maria Legg Virginia Stockard Margaret Winslow °u’rt Lovely as a Flower, y, Schumann Lotus Flower Schumann Fay Chambers Martha Crook Martha Joyce Ross o Meta Wheeler ^che ^^rzo in- E minor Mendelssohn Peggy Thorpe ^ y Lovely Celia Munro M: ’lOM) Towards Evening.. Ann Seltmah .Warren ^la., Op. 13, 1st movement, Beethoven ^ Mary Drewry Estes le pays? (Mignon), Thomas dans son boudoir ’Mignon) Thomas •[>^ Patty Ross in E minor Chopin Op. 10, Ho. 12 Chopin Mary Coons CRUIKSHANK WEDS (From P. 1) »uo gladioli, and the table was ^ned with white carnations. Harding Hughes presided pnnch bowl. Misses Eliza- Fg Tucker, Adelaide Winslow, and Hopkins of the faculty of ®®si^+ Mary’s were among those who ®fed Mrs. Hughes in serving, tfig allowing a short wedding trip, T’oe will reside at home in is Oeorgia, where the groom ijjf ^i'iuned in the 511th parachute 'Ar • Toss is a graduate of Saint ffig School (class of ’37) and of Ojj^ uiversity of Horth Carolina at tej, F^l Hill, where she was a mem- p the Pi Beta Phi Sorority, bridegroom is a graduate of lej. *'\uuth College and was a mem- the Sigma Alpha Epsilon In 1941 he received his ® degree in commereial sci- CAMPUS NOTES Mary Ann Dixon, Mary Ann Cooper, Mary Bums, and Daphne Richardson went to a tea given by Bettie Hill for Sue Gant on Feb ruary 18. Bettie Hill and Sue Gant are former Saint Mary’s girls. # * * The Petition Committee of the Legislative Body met Thursday night, February 18, to discuss pe titions which have come in. The Legislative Body met last Monday to go over the petitions. * ♦ * Miss Lillie Hill, special mission- arv for the church in Rockingham Countv, spoke last Sunday night in y.P.S.L. meeting. She told of her work among the N. C. State prisoners. # * # Mrs. Charles E. Perkins has been confined for about ten days because of a fall. m * * The Rev. Harding Hughes will start his confirmation classes Sun day. ■' * # * Miss Geraldine Cate presented her pupils in a studio recital Thursday, February 18. * * * The Juniors started their two- weeks’ library course Wednesday, February 17. * * * Mrs. Nannie H. Marriott re turned from the hospital Sunday and is now getting about, the BELLES is glad to note. # * * Mrs. L. B. Naylor’s daughter, Mrs W. I. Clement II, and grand son, Judge, came to visit her m order to attend Miss Olive Cruik- shank’s wedding. * * * The Literary Societies met Tuesday night, February 16 The p) p.’s planned a debate and the Sigma Lambda’s had a debate on war marriages. * * * Miss Nell Battle Lewis spoke on current events in Assembly on Thursday, February 18. # # ♦ Last week Misses Mabel Morri son, Martha Dabney Jones, and Geraldine Cate had a birthday party in Miss Cate’s studio for Miss Louise Partrick. # # « Mrs. Hugh McLeod was absent part of last week because of ill ness. # # Basketball squads were chosen Monday by Miss Harvey. The Mu’s first squad: Grantham, Suit er, Williams, D. Richardson, and E. B. Evans, forwards; Dickson, Archer, Russell, L. Lucas, and K. Legg, guards. In the second Mu squad Woodard and Bass are for wards whereas Clark, Hull, Moore, C. Lucas, Kain, Rogers, McDavid, and Quinerly are guards. The Sigma’s first squad: Hirst, Cates, Rylander, Brooks, Cooper, and Chase, forwards; Dawson, Britt, Hocutt, Linton, Compton, and Kinsey, guards. The second Sigma squad: Gaither, J. Evans, Winslow, Drewry, Chipley, Ken- drieh, and M. J. Ross, forwards; and Waller, Whitaker, McCann, Knott, and Coons, guards. Sigma and Mu squads will begin competition games in March. * * * An insurance expert, Mr. Clay TTill, from the Equitable Insurance Corporation, spoke to the eco nomics classes February 15 and 16. * * * A group of Seniors and most of the faculty helped this week with the issuing of the number 2 ration books at the various schools in town. * * # Margo Smith and Betty Hicks spoke in assembly Thursday on Mohandus Gandhi and Madame Chiang Kai-shek, respectively. # * * The Circle initiated Cora Lucas, Betty Edwards, and Mildred Denny on Monday, February 15. All of these girls have qualified as leaders and outstanding girls at Saint Mary’s. Cora Lucas is Chief Dance Mar shal, president of Orchesis, and a member of the Glee Club. Betty Edwards is vice-president of Sigma Lambda Literary Society, member of Y.P.S.L. Council, and Publications Staff. Mildred Denny is Hall President, and a member of the Granddaughters’ Club. WAR STAMP SALES w sales have not been as consistent nor as vital in the past as Wai stamp s average amount put m war they should be i g average stamps per hall per ^ss^® ^ t ^ leads the halls Average of $7.62 speW every two weeks. West Wing 3rd, leads the halls with an ^erage of $.30 spent per person every two weeks. averages spent on war stamps per Hall PerPe.-son Per Hall Per Person Per Hall Per Person Smedes 3rd $7.62 $.26 West Wing 1st $3.16 $.18 West Wing 2nd $3.62 $.19 West Wing 3rd $2.75 $.30 West Boch 1st $1.75 $.12 East Boch $2.50 $.15 East IFing 1st $1.70 $-10 East Wing 2nd $2.67 $-19 East Wing 3rd $2.79 $-28 Smedes 2nd $2.79 $.15 West Boch 2nd $3.21 $.23 Holt 1st $3.62 $.26 Holt 2nd $3.95 $.20 Holt 3rd $4.12 $.21 MUS MUSCULUS well the rush of valentines is over and ive never seen so many dead flowers and empty candy boxes being thrown out Sunday lib royal let me crawl up in the tassel of her choir cap so i wouldnt freeze to death while watching all the belles pass margaret de rosset was sporting an orchid and harriet benton had on one of bills valentine presents speaking of freezing to death margaret winslow keeps a yellow sweater in the choir loft to wrap around her feet and last Sunday she alarmed mr gordon cause he thought shed lost her skirt betty bassett had her name in the covered way more than any girl i know last week glad to see carol talbot out of the infirmary and i hope she had a swell time at Carolina last weekend speaking of weekends anne diekson must have had a grand time at the university of Virginia from all i hear ellen oast ventured to Philadelphia she told flossie all about it and flossie is on my tail to take her too shes worried about mary thomas cause mary went down to the little store the other day and ate doughnuts sandwiches and drank a grape juice and a shake a plenty and then came back to the gym and stood on her head i was in the gym with judge mrs naylors grandson and was almost stomped to death by miss harvey and fannie lee brook jumping over some sort of wooden eontraption bet theyre sore now flossie and i peeked in at the girl break last Saturday night mr moore took us in his pocket so we wouldnt have to pay a quarter flossie almost gave our seeret away when she saw mary ann dixons handsome brother ben how the girls go for a uniform speaking of uniforms betsy long and bruce had their last date for awhile cause hes going in the army this week sure am glad i have a dependent but that might not keep me out for long i heard that state will be plenty ' deserted by march the first seems as if everyone is trying to take advantage of what may be the last of the big dances at Carolina for awhile all our belles have fun at chapel hill mr broughton has the right idea to get miss tuckers attention just whistle i wish i could get flossies attention away from peggy cates jim by whistling well ive got to go get some cheese for supper tonight PIFFLE Sallie McKinley received a box of cigars for Valentine’s. Must be a new technique. Remember how windy it was last Wednesday when we were march ing? One of the commands given was “Hold dresses!” (meaning to keep proper distance apart). The other day Miss Scott asked a student who Bach’s parents were. The student replied, “Bach’s father was a carpenter and his mother was a minister’s wife.” Name three relative pronouns. Aunt, uncle, brother. —Booh of Boners.