mm EXAMS BEGIN NEXT WEEK Belles OF SAINT MARY’S BUSY! DO NOT DISTURB Vol. VII, No. 15 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Centennial Fund Cam paign Is Under Way Buildings Are To be Improved, Grounds To Be Landscaped One of tlie liigliligbts of_ Saint Clary’s Centennial celebration in 1942 was tlie announcement that a fain]iaign would be waged to raise liiiids for the inijiroveinent of pres ent buildings, landscaping of the grounds, and for the construction ot iiew buildings as soon as victory m die war seems assured. During June of this year tliat cami)aign will be in full swing. TO BE AXNOrXCEI) d'be Centennial Fund, as the cam paign is known, is no little iiiidei- taking. At the time of going to lU’ess, the exact goal for the dri\e iiad not been announced; however, 'ee arc assured that the goal will be iiiade high enough to set up a ju’O- gi'am -wliicli will im])rove the future iisefulness of Saint Alary’s. Best of iill, tile men and women who are lioading up this huge activity are Confident that this is the time to stage the drive, and that the goal Set will bo reached. Bishop Edwin A. Peniek and ex- Covernor J. C. B. Khringhaiis have ^ecepted the important task of act- as co-chairmen of the^ Centen nial Fund cam])aign. With such fine leadershij) enthusiasm will sure- jy be engendered among the several fiiindred workers who will go out to *^ecnre the funds for Saint Alary’s. A lAM\AK rO.MMlTTEE . Of especial intiu-est to Saint -nary’s students and alumnae is the ingauization, now in the process ot ’nildiiig, known as the Alumnae .^luinittee. It is headed by ^Os. V. Sutton, Baleigb, and is di- 'nlc'd into four sub-committees with .fie folhiwing co-vice-chairmen head- n*g uj) each; Airs. U. C. OaMS, 'f llenderson, N. C., Saint Alary s I'fiiinnae Chajiter committee; i'nry F. Henderson, Chapel Hilb W C., -Vlumnae Diocesan committee, ■■'‘''a-]ih H. Che.shirc, J’residcnt I*; the National Alumnae, Kalcigh, .''‘aduato jUumnae committee; Airs. ^'Jiest Crnikshank, I’resident ot Alary’s, of Baleigb, as Gcn- Alumnae committee. , ^ hose daughtcu's of Saint Alary s I'd' hard at work huilding an organ- ^ -‘‘tion which will get in touch with f *'’'y living alumnae of our school, iVIiss Jmey E1 wards, Kaleigh, hi !'*i celebrated her one hundredth ‘'llalay last February, to the ^•’gest alumnae. 1, • " addition to the alumnae com- I, fi’e, four other committees lia\e j Cii organized which will reach out ji| lii'ections to t(dl the world 'd kSaint Alary’s. There is a committee, which will 'fie more siibslantial givers, m- (C. P. 4) Fay Chambers Pre^ Glee Club Presents sents Fine Recital Spring Concert May 12, 1944 Janet Rosser and Libby Peden Assist On Program Fay Alorgan Chambers gave her certificate recital in piano on Alay 2 in the Pittman auditorium. At in termission Janet Rosser, violinist, ])layed a group of comjiositions ac companied by Elizabeth Peden at the Piano. Beethoven’s Sonata, Opus 14, Number 1, in three movements, formed the first part of the i)rogram. Fay interpreted it with grace and dignity, despite its difficult passages. For the second part of the pro gram Fay jilayed Chopin’s Nocturne in F Alinor and five of his preludes: C Alajor, F Alinor, A Alajor (a well-known theme), and G Alinor. Janet Rosser next played two pieces by Wieniawski: Legende and Alaziirka (“Obertass.”). Libby I’cden was accompanist. The ])rograni ended with I ay s Clare de Lane and Fuerfa del Vino by Debussy; SeguidiUa hj Albeniz. ()f this group the familiar Clare dc J.une was especially enjoyed. Segut- dilhi proved an exciting end to a well-planned and artistically exe cuted program. Both Fay ami Libby are pupi s o Aliss Alarv Ruth Haig; Janet Studies under Airs. Elgar Alden. Orchestras of Peace, Meredith and Saint Mary’s Perform Saint Alary’s Glee Club under the direction of Aliss Geraldine Spinks Cate presented its sj)i'ing concert Tuesday evening, Alay 9, in the school auditorium. The combined orchestras of Saint Alary’s, Peace, and Aleredith, directed by Airs. Dor othy Alden, assisted on the program. The first group of selections, con sisting of pre-18th century compo sitions, was rendered with feeling and virtuosity in contrasting tones. The second jiart of the program, presented by the orchestra, com- pi’ised two lively pieces with an en core from Brahm’s Hungarian Dancer. This was the first appear ance of the combined orchestras at Saint Alary’s and they were en thusiastically received. The remaining selections were made up largely of 20th century compositions, two of which were esjiecially arranged for the Glee Club by Russell Broughton, head of the Saint Alary’s Aliisic Dej)art- ment. Ilis Hoclurne, jiresented for the first time, met with great suc cess. Also included in this last groiij) were the familiar Summertime, Johnny Comes Marching Home, and There Arc Such Things, in which Sallie Dixon sang solo parts. Air. Russell Broughton, Airs. Dor othy Alden, Airs. Herbert Bird, Janet Rosser and Jane Clark Ches- (C. P. 4) Ann Edmunds Is H. C. Sec retary; Katherine Lane Is Assembly Chairman Last Student Body Elections of Year Are Held Ann Edmunds, of Greensboro, and Katherine Lane, of Dothan, Alabama, were elected last week to tlie student offices of Secretary of the Hall Council and Chairman of the Assembly Programs respectively. Ann Edmunds has been at Saint Alary’s for two years. Before com ing bere, she attended Greensboro High School where she was vice- president of the senior class. She is now a member of the Circle, the French Club, and is secretary of Orchesis. Ann said, “I’m looking forward to next year, hut 1 hope business isn’t too rushed!” This is Katherine Lane’s first year at Saint Alary’s. Last year she graduated from Fassifern School in Hendersonville, where she was a member of the Ilouor Society and was also voted “most charming” in the senior class. She is now a mem-, her of the Canterbury Club and German (^lub. Katherine claimed, “1 haven’t had much experience, but J hope I will 1)0 able to keep up Alargaret’s good work!” "HEAVEN” IS THEME OF JUNIOR-SENIOR DANCE “Heaven, I was in heaven.” Or 1 . -o von heard about Saint Alary s r'"*' A ^Pllior Dance on Saturday Jnnioi-k -ivhich had night, transformed by .-i ■“- found them^elvi. j;^‘'Ynd gold mg Ml from a royal blue "ijr OiT^'the walls were brightly Golden - PI Bellamy), How to P«“me (Sue Aloore), Green 1 ^gter (Alaria Gabriel aiK^^^ The Dream Castle !'r^°'peete). The decoration com- (Jaiie fi “r^7,:ij„eutlv assisted ivith "nralf bv Rebecca Drane, these ”‘7'?. .rro Alary Berry, S'l'i” Bajurviilc, .n.>l Scl «ll as tl.e Jun.or Class. From behind banks of multi colored clouds floated the “heav enly” strains of Shifer Fulleinvider and his band, who jilayed every body’s old favorite as well as the latest hits. From eighty-thirty until the clock struck twelve, “heaven” was gay with “angels” and their escorts, ■which included civilians and service men of every branch. The stag line ■was sui'iirisiiigly long—it seems that everybody’s stags turned up at the last minute, in spite of the previous I.C.C.’s. Intermission came at just the right time for everybody to run around and see people they hadn’t seen for years, and room mates and their dates got together and discussed the situation. “ATasn’t^ it fun meeting your best friends’ favorite men, and didn’t they look good ?” Lime sherbert a la ginger ale‘ ivas a perfect substitute for the nectar and ambrosia of the gods. ATasn’t the moon pretty from the pen, or did the rain dripping from the willow tree smear your pancake ? The damj) air probably made your hair fall, but have you ever seen an “angel” with curly hair? Sigma’s Win In An nual Swimming Meet Marion Gaither Steals Show AVith Comic Diving Act ■ On your mark—Get set—Go! A loud sj)lash and Saint Alary’s swim ming meet was on. Air. Guess’ toots of the whistle sent the Sigma and Alu contestants into the pool. Aliss Scnecal gave the girls iustrnc- tioiis at one end of the pool, and Aliss Lalor at the other announced events to a full gallery lined bn the side. The events M’cre as follows; Novelty race, won by Alu; Sigma’s: Robinson, AI. Johnson, Carter; Ain’s: E. R. Thomas, Gregory, Goerch. Free style relay, won by Alu; Sigma’s: Cooper, Street, Al. Smith, Petesch, Seaman, Carter; AIu’s: R. Aloore, Telfair, Nicoll, A^oung, Lewis, Pou. Dual races. Breast stroke, ivon by Sigma, Chip- ley; Alu, Edmunds; back stroke, first race M’on by Ain’s, second by Sigma; Sigma’s: Smutny, Basker- villo; AIu’s .-Dougherty, Pou. Crawl, first race won by Alu, second by Sigma; Sigma’s: B. Gaither, Street; AIu’s: Alorris, AI. Alartin. Novelty lace, ■won by Sigma; Sigma’s: ( oopei-’ Stockton, Nuchols, Hirst, B. AAinslow; AIu’s: AI. Alartin, .Senay’ loung, R. Moore, Clarke. Aledley relays, both won by Sigma- Signia s : B. AA’‘hite, Smutny, Cooper’ Jvohinson, Carter, AA’oodson ; AIu’s • (C. P. 4)