May 12, 1944 The Belles of Saint Mary’s HINTS ON HITS lo7i(j Ago and Far Away ts dreamy, so they say, And now tliat dream is sung in duet. Selen Forest and Dick IXaymes On fame they stake their claims (Tliey reached their aims!) Chills run up and down your spine Aour hlood seems turned to wine (That’s trite, exaggerated, but it’s rhyme.) If you’ll listen for a bit I know that all you’ll long for is this hit! CAMPUS NOTES + Other side: Toot for the Silver Lining Is good advice for me and for you Aiul hero’s some more of the same for you all *CVnd so the right thing to do is make” them play for you iooA- for the Silver Lining! Ily Helen Forest and Dick Ilaymes, and Decca. IV^hy are our feet dancing? (Imagine dancing!) It might could ho That Suddenly It’s Spring. Il^hy do we keep crying, ^houting, sighing ? It’s all for glee And Suddenly It’s Spring. Ily second chorus (Trombone calling) That “Something” tells me Ton’ll be falling! Other side: ^oniehow I’m sure I’ve found a Sure Thing in it Something within tells me ’twill Ivin (Somehow my conscience hurts, hui'ts me quite a hit) Inrdon my lyrics, Ira Gershwin tours will win acclaim. matter what other song conies Ao thumbs 11])—all same! ^ly Glen Gray and Decca. IVo’re waiting for recordings of ‘^0 Little Time, Amour, Amour, ^^^'I Girl of the Moment. Like Poetry? Tln: WAV TH.VT TiOVRKS USK is tvay that lovers use is this: They how, catch hands, with nevei a word, ‘•1 their lijis meet, and they do kiss, ~^So I have heard. '®y queerly find some healing so. And strange attainment in the touch; is a secret lovers know, "^I have read as much. theirs no longer joy nor smart, munging or ending, night or day, ’nouth to mouth, and heart on ^ heart, ‘^o lovers say. RlIl'EItT llltOOKE. Miss Ann Christian went to Charlotte May 3 to be with her father, wdio is ill. * # * Mrs. Augusta Rembert spoke to the French Club on “French Art,” May 3. ^ # # # Miss Jean Fulton (ex ’42) is maid of honor to the May queen at Salem College. * * * Miss Margaret Duckett went to Chapel mu, May 2. * * * The Sigma Lambda and E. A. P. Literary Societies met jointly, Mav 3, to discuss the question “Should the Negro Be Given Fur ther Opportunities At This Time and To What Extent?” # # * A Showy Pink Lady’s Slipper bloomed in Miss Marjorie Lalor’s biology garden last Monday. # # * Ensign I. Harding Hughes, Jr., visited his parents on a week’s furlough, .May 4. Ensign Hughes just finished basic training in Miami, Florida. He will report to Ohio University for an eight weeks Recognition Course on May * The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. I. Hard ing Hughes attended the May Day Fete at Peace College, May 4. * * * The Rev. Mr. I. Harding Hughes attended 128th Annual 'Convention of the Diocese of North Carolina at the Thompson Orphanage, Charlotte, on May and 10. * * * The Circle is sponsoring a drive for Russian War Relief. # * * Daphne Richardson, who grad uated from Saint ilary s last yeai and now is at Carolina, was a vmi- tor at school last Friday. Daphne was recently elected president of the Women’s Student Body at Carolina. * * * Lillian Bellamy, ’43 visited her sister Mary, last week-end. Lil lian has just completed a yeai s work at Finch in New I oik. # * * Mrs. Foy Edwards gave a tea at her home on Country Club Drive last Friday ^afternoon for Lveral Saint Mary’s girls. ■ Xnmerous Sa„.t Mary’s girls attended. Helen Barnes of Murfreesboro visUed Frenchie McCann ti ,veek-eiid of Apnl 29. Tiie Athletic Banquet will be , ,, n The winner of tin will be announced at that plaque „iven to the girls Sr'(^vr;ieen"ou.a....Oi")) m athletics this year. # ♦ • rm nance Recital Group is EdmaBda, Pan. nie Cooper, Betsy Long, Louise Carr, Lynn Riddle, and Ellen Senay. Being a member of this group is equivalent to belonging to an all-star team in sports. # # # Jackie Stoughton acted as "aco lyte last Sunday in church. # # # Charlotte Crawford visited her sister Billie at WCUNC last week end. # # # E. F. Stoughton went to At lanta, May 2-7, to attend a joint meeting of National Association of Educational Buyers and South ern Association of ’ College and University Business Officers. * * * The new Marshals will begin their duties this coming Sunday morning. * * « Sally MeSnyder visited Kath- erin Legg last Sunday. * * # Mrs. W. C. Clement, Jr., and her son, “Judge” Clement, visited her mother, Mrs. Naylor, last week-end. * # # Anne Dixon, ’43, has recently been elected President of the Stu dent Bodj^ of Sweetbriar College for next year. Anne was Presi dent of the Student Body at Saint Maiw’s last year. * * * Mary Dickey has been appoint ed crucifier for next year and Florence Tyler has been appointed acolyte. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cruik- shank, Jr., are visiting Mr. Cruik- shank’s mother, Mrs. Ernest Cruikshank, on the campus. # * * Fred Fletcher of Station WRAL spoke in assembly last Tuesday on various phases of radio work. * * « Rev. Mr. Alfred Stratton Law rence showed technicolor movies taken at the Episcopal Church Camp, Vade Mecum, in the audi torium Thursday night, April 27. Rev. Mr. Lawrence, known to campers as “Strat,” came with his wife at the invitation of the Canterbury Club. A number of Saint Mary’s girls were in these movies. # # # A spelling match between the Sophomores and Freshmen took place in assembly Tuesday, May 2.' The Sophomores were the vic tors, making them the winners for the year. * * * Members of the Faculty will play the students’ softball team on May 17 at four o’clock. * * # Mrs. Augusta Rembert took the Art students on a picnic May 11 at Lake Raleigh. * * * Mr. Malcolm McDermott, Pro fessor of Law, Duke University, will be the commencement speak er. The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D.D., will present the diplomas. PEALS It seems that in the course of be ing educated we have completely ig nored the universe around us. The outcome of the Time tests at Saint Mary’s really proves that we are out of this world. The .lunior-Senior decorations were a big success. Some people felt it was as near as they would ever get to celestial glory. * * * Investigation reveals that the sole interest of the feeble-minded is to get out of the institutions to which they are confined. We note with alarm the growth of a similar ten dency at S. if. S. Si * S: We have always heard that things rise to a feverish crescendo during the last week of school. We should like to point out to the faculty that we’re all ready ’way ahead of sched ule. * 5k ♦ Teaching is really j)retty tough work after all. Mr. Moore had to sit and listen to his class sing, “Fools Rush In,” one rainy Saturday morn ing. The effect was ghastly. 4: ^ 5k A member of the student body has requested that an appeal be placed in this column that absolute quiet be maintained in the library at all times. It seemS the voices of the faculty are just as audible as those of students. « ♦ # Student opinion recently has seen a shift toward a new theme song, but so far it is only rumor that girls croon to their dates in the j)arlor, “Shoo, shoo, Baby, beat me 2 to the bar.” SWIMMING MEKT (From P. 1) Dougherty, M. Dickey, Leitner, Peoj)les, Clarke, Shackelford. Nov elty race, won by NIu’s; Sigma’s^ Stockton, Nuehols, Gaither, Wood- son; Mu’s: E. R. Thomas, Gregory, Goerch, Talbot. Third novelty race, won by Mu’s; Sigma’s: Ligon, Brooke, M. Smith; Mu’s: Morris, Maynard, Talbot. Strokes for form, won by Sigma; crawl. Sigma’s: Stockton, Hirst, Chipley; Mu’s: M. Dickey, R. Moore, Edmunds; hack stroke: Sigma’s: Smutny, Basker- ville, Street; Mu’s: Peoples, Senay, Leitner; side stroke : Sigma’s : Sea man, Hirst, Petesch ; Mu’s : May nard, Morris, Young. Diving, won by Mu’s; Nuehols, M. Smith, Wood- son; Mu’s: Lewis Clarke, Leitner, Peoples. Mrs. Broughton, Mrs. Guess, and Miss Christian acted as judges, mak ing their decisions by means of fiash cards. After the diving exhibition, Mary Lynn Lewis gave what may be termed a “shimmy dive.” Fannie Coo])er demonstrated a headstand dive, and there were several double dives. As a grand finale, Marion Gaither appeared as a femme fatal, glamour, naive, slim little Miss Whiz, “she’s tin- best there is.” One of the highlights of the eve ning was Nliss Lalor’s all too famil iar Girls, hush” when the specta tors became too enthusiastic. The final score was 173>/;i to 171 in favor of the Sigma’s.