HERE’S TO THE COMING V-J DAY! Belles OF SAINT MARY’S STUDY NOW FOR EXAMS ’’ol. VIII, No. 15 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 11, 1945 JiTERNATIONAl REUTIONS CLUBS’ CONFERENCE IS , HELD AT MEREDITH Doctor E. J. Woodhouse Gives Opening Address to Delegates A conference of International Ee- itions Clubs was held at Meredith yollege on Saturday, April 28, from f :00 until 9:00. The conference Jpened with an address “Russia and he Post-War World” by Dr. E. J. Toodhouse, a member of the faculty f the University of North Carolina. ;.:?he conference then adjourned into wo forums, one discussing Japan nd the Far East, and the other dis- n . . (ussmg questions concerning post- yar peace plans. ! After the forums, the groups ad- oiirned for a picnic supper. Fol- owing supiier. Dr. Horace Hamilton if State College delivered an address 111 the Co-operative Movement. The s,;roup again divided into two forums iiscussing Japan and Breton Woods. Che conference reconvened at 8 :30 ind a summary was given of the iwo forums. Delegates were present from 'liampbell College, Shaw’ University, state College, Meredith College, 21on College, University of North Carolina, and Saint Mary’s. Anna Margaret Moomaw made an address '’ni the Post-War Plans for Peace forum on Dumbarton Oaks. Other .•epresentatives from Saint Mary’s vere Mavis Bunn, president of the Political Science Club, Jean Cainp- lell, and Mary C. Bowers. Circle Sponsors Third Relief 'Clothing Drive Book Drive for Allies In Enemy Concentration Camps Will Be Circle’s Next Project Circle members canvassed each hall in school in their third clothing irive for the year on Tuesday night, this drive being in connection with the nation-wide clothing drive in April. In the canvass the following arti cles of clothing were collected : forty- one sweaters, fifteen skirts, three poats, two raincoats, sixteen dresses, (twelve blouses, eight pairs of paja mas, three wool jerkins, sixteen pairs of shoes, sixteen pairs of socks, two wool scarves, one pair of wool gloves, and one hat. This clothing will be *?ent to New York and from there to the needy children of conquered countries in Europe. Before the end of school the Circle frill sponsor a book drive for Allies m enemy concentration camps. MRS. AUGUSTA REMBERT GIVES ART EXHIBIT Head of Saint Mary’s Art De partment Shows Oil Paintings At State Art Society Gallery Airs. Augusta Rembert, head of Saint Alary’s Art Department, has opened a “one-man” show of seven teen of her oil paintings in the State Art Society Gallery to last, from Alay 3 to Alay 25. Airs. Rembert gave a short, interesting, and infor mal gallery talk on Thursday after noon, Alay 3, to open the exhibit. Although Airs. Rembert has exhibit ed i)aintings in New York, Philadel phia, and Columbia, S. C. (her home), this is her first “one-man” show. Airs. Rembert claims that she is not a portrait painter and tries only to achieve a jileasant composition and not an exact likeness. In spite of this, two of the most popular paintings in the group are portraits. One is of especial interest to Saint Alary’s, since the subject for “Alar- shall” is Alarshall Bryan, a sopho more. This is a thinly painted, very effective portrait with the concentra tion of interest centered around the eyes. The other portrait, “Yvonne,” is of Airs. Eembert’s niece, a cor poral in the Alarine Corps now sta tioned at New River. Airs. Rembert is exhibiting several landscai)es representing various sec tions of the Eastern States. The “Clay Road Near Brevard” is one of the most striking. Others were: “Hilda’s House,” a vivid scene in Brooklyn; “Yates’ Alill”; “Sunday Painter”; and “View of Jones Street.” “New Faith, N. One, of the Willing Baptists” is a complete out-door scene of a negro baptism. “Javanese” is a colorful Gaugin- inspired nude. The remainder of the show is still lifes. Two of these, among Airs. (See P. 4, Col. 3) V-E DAY Royall and desChamps Are Elected Sigma- Mu Presidents Everett and deBerry Are Named Vice-Presidents of Societies Katherine Royall, of Goldsboro, and Nina Alae DeBerry, of Halifax, were elected April 26 as president and vice-president of the Sigma Athletic Society. The president-elect of the AIu Society is Carolyn des Champs, of Spartanburg, South Carolina, and the vice-president. Sue Everett, of Palmyra. Katherine was senior cheerleader, assistant marshal and a member of The National Honor Society at Goldsboro High School. She is vice- president of the junior class, member of the Hall Council, Choir, Glee Club, and Swimming Club, and a cheerleader. Katherine has been chosen crucifer and elected to the Canterbury Council for next year. Carolyn, the new AIu president, was recently elected Chairman of Assembly Programs. Nina Alae attended Legett High School for two years where she was assistant editor of the annual. Later at Weldon High School she was president of the junior class, vice- president of the senior class and a member of the Alonogram Club. This year she has been on the first team in volleyball and the basketball team. Sue attended Scotland Neck High School where she was president of her freshman and sophomore classes. In her third year at Saint Alary’s, Sue is vice-president of her hall, manager of the Swimming Club, and has won two letters in volleyball. Degas Inspires Junior-Senior The painted audience seemed even more pleased at the human dancers than those surrounding three of the walls of the green, pink, and white decorated gymnasium on Saturday night, Alay 5. The decorating com mittee completely transformed the gym, at one end, into the stage of a ballet whereupon pink costumed fig ures, in Degas poses, entertained the pseudo-audience at the other end behind the orchestra. On both sides were the backstage antics of clowns and dancers. Hanging above, and completing the color scheme, were many, many streamers of bright col ors. The pastel murals were done by Jane Campbell, Sue Thomas, Dolly Eedwine, Kate Ranke, and Kate Johnson, and Spot'Baskerville, committee chairman. The music for both sets of dancers was by Shiffer Fullenwider and his band, which gave forth the perfect tunes to suit all. Opening night began at eight- thirty and the couples poured in. There were civilians and servicemen, both from all parts of the globe, in cluding Canada, Puerto Rico, and the Netherlands. (Obviously there were world-knomi dancers at the S.AI.S. performance.) During inter mission everyone cooled off with lime sherbet and ginger ale. The premiere closed at twelve with everyone happy and dreamy, even though the audience was still eager for many more encores. President Gives Official Notice Tuesday Morning to Nation Harry S. Truman, president of the United States, made a formal announcement to America of the un conditional surrender of German forces to the Allied Expeditionary Forces and the Soviet High Com mand. This announcement was made simultaneously with one from Lon don by Winston Churchill, Prime Alinistcr of England, at 9 a.m. E. W. T., Tuesday, Alay 8. President Truman preceded his formal announcement with personal comments saying that “this is the Germany that thought we were soft and weak.” The President also ex pressed^ his sincere regrets that I ranklin Roosevelt had not lived to see the fruits of some of his work. Air. Truman said that “the job is only half done” and issued an ulti matum to Japan to the effect that it could now expect the “full impact of the greatest land, sea, and air force in history. The East is still in bondage, I count on every Ameri can to stick to his post until the last battle is won.” Mr. Churchill announced to the British people the European victory. He announced that the complete sur render of the government and armed forces of Nazi Germany had taken place at General Dwight D. Eisen hower’s headquarters in a little red schoolhouse at Rlieims, France, at 2:41 a.m., Alay 7. Air. Churchill stated that “the German War is now at an end.” Practically all Allied leaders, ex cept those of Soviet Russia, made statements on the victory Tuesday. Edward _R. Stettinius, secretary of state, said ‘This is a day of remem brance and dedication.” He also stated that the fighting men of the Allies had given us more chance to build a world order of law and peace and “this time they shall not have died in vain.” Crowds in London and Paris were jubilant and hilariously happy. The event was celebrated in New York, but everyone seemed to realize the solemnity of the war that still lies ahead. Relief is felt in the Pacific area, but the men know that their job is yet to be completed and that trying times are still in store before the global war is brought to its final conclusion. Admiral Chester Nimitz sent his congratulations to General Eisenhower and said that Japan would now receive undivided atten tion. The men on Guam celebrated by receiving their daily ration of (See P. 4, Col. 3)