i rs •■5) 8, SIGMA ^>4^301108 OF SAINT MARY’S ^ol. IX, No. 2 upiJ 'ATRICE IHUNSEL GIVES fOCAl CONCERT HERE Concert Program ). m. II raining at the age of twelve nnder ** ^liarlotte Grainis Lange and Airs • Vew York nnder AViiliam Herman ind Renato Lellini. Giacomi Spa- loni, who gave Aliss Mnnsel joii'ioaeliing in operatic roles, called ler attention to the Aletropolitan Auditions of the Air. At the age of eighteen Aliss Mnnsel competed and won the audition. She ob tained as a resnlt a contract with Metropolitan. She is the youngest ■itar that has ever been signed by this company. TOURS ns. ib«'' madly. My favorites are Hf I Loved You,’ ‘The More I See You,’ and Frankie’s Alone.’ ‘You’ll Never Walk ujV-vione.' I’m crazy about singing and hope to continue it. No, I have no brothers or sisters. Yes, Mother goes with me on all the tours. I bave an awful cold. Please hand nie another Kleenex!” are just a few pf the things she told Saint Mary’s interviewer. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA October 12, 1945 Youngest Metropolitan Opera Star Is First on Civic Music SIGMAS AND MUS GIVE ATHLETIC PARTY IN GYMNASIUM Conger, Eppes, Mardre Are Elected Class Presidents Patrice AInnsel, Aletropolitan’s mungest star, presented a bril- tte iant concert at the Raleigh Alemo- •ial Auditorium on Thursday eve- •■®iing, October 11, 1!)45, at eight .irpi'- “Midnight and Eclipse” Make Debut With Song and Dance Aliss AInnsel began her voice Paul Kennedj". At the age of six- :een she began studying voice in Since that time Miss Alunsel has niade several very successful con cert tours which she “enjoys and finds very exciting.” Aliss Alunsel has replaced Gladys Swarthout on the “Family Hour” as the featured artist. She has signed a contract with RCA Yietor to make a group of record- ou"*ings, and she has signed a con- (tract witli Warner Brothers which, it is reported, will give her a lead in the new production, f“Sweet Adeline.” Patrice Alunsel sang for the pack ed auditorium the following selec tions: AUeujah from “Exuliate,” Aria from “The Magic Flute,” the 1 M’ren, Le printernps, Petite Poupee, (’hanson de Marie Antoinette, Car- naval, Aria from “Lucia di Lam- \mermoor,” the Gypsy and the Bird, y. jdrm from “La Traviata.” ! Backstage the 20-year-old soprano proved to be charming as well as " 'beautiful. She stop])ed school in the tenth grade to study music, and is iiow being tutored in French, Ital ian, and English Literature. “Heavens, no, I don’t diet. I eat everything on earth. I also live on iir vitamins. I love horses and swim ming, and my hobby is sculpturing. Yes, I’m thankful my hair curls naturally. No, I don’t like to sing -^in German. I love popidar music The Sigma and the Mu teams together gave an athletic party on Friday night, October 5, in the gym nasium. This was the first time that the two teams had assembled for such an occasion. Before going to the gymnasinm the Sigma’s went to the study hall and the AIu’s gathei'ed in the audito rium for a short but rousing j)ep meeting, led by the team cheerlead ers to create the right atmosphere for the party. The contests ])lanned for the eve ning by Nina Alae DeBerry, repre senting the Sigma’s and Sue Ever ett of the AIu’s were a dumbbell relay, a rainy day relay, and a chair folding relay, won by the AIu team; a match-box relay and a basketball throwing relay won by the Sigma team. When the ])oints were added for each relay, the Mu’s had defeat ed the Sigma’s by a score of 35-30. The final decision in all the re lays as to the rvinner was made by Air. Hughes, who was chosen by both teams to be the official judge. After the contests, Elizabeth Alyatt and Jean Strickland enter tained the group as “Alidnight and Eclipse” with a comical minstrel song and dance, accompanied by Airs. Guess at the piano. The party ended after refresh ments Avere served. ANNUAL RECEPTION IS GIVEN IN SMEDES PARLOR Aliss Alunsel, who thinks every place is beautiful and who is tanned by California’s sun, wears a diamond from her fiance—a lieutenant in the Air Corps Avho has blond hair and blue eyes. They’ll marry when he finishes college. Teaching, Radio Announcing, and Chess Interest Dr, Brand “Spanish 31-.32, German 21-22, History 7-8,” that’s Avhat’s Avrit- teii on the door of 010 West AVing. And AA’ho teaches this Auiriety of subjects? Dr. Robert F. Brand, one of Saint Alary’s iieAvest faculty members. Dr. Brand Avas born in Alanila, in the Philippines in 1904, but, as he added, he has no direct memory of Alanila, because he Avas only tAvo and a half Avhen his family came back to the “States.” Since then he has lived in many different places—AVestern Canada, Alinne- sota, Illinois, and Xcav York state, Avhere he has spent most of his life. He graduated from Cornell Uni versity in 1926, Avhere he majored in modern foreign languages. He reeeiA'ed his A.B., ALA., and Ph.D. degrees from Cornell, and, under the AATeil Language FelloAvship from Cornell, he studied at the Universitj’ of Strasbourg in Prance. Dr. Brand taught languages at the Citadel in Cliarleston, S. C from 1942-1944, and then came to Raleigh, Avhere he taught at Alere- dith College and uoav at Saint Alarvs. In addition to his classes here at school. Dr. Brand is a full-time radio announcer on AVPTP here in Raleigh, having also done radio Avork in Charleston for five months in 1944. Student Body Elects Boyce and Clinard Marshals Three Hundred Alumnae and Friends of the School Attend The annual reception for Alumna? and friends of Saint Alary’s Avas gwen AVednesday afternoon from four-thirty o’clock until six o’clock in Smedes parlor. Aliss Florence C. Davis, Aliss Alabel Alorrison, and Aliss Peggy Hopkins greeted the guests at the front door. Tho«e in the receiving line Avere Airs. Ernest Cruikshank, Rev. and Airs. I. Harding Hughes, Air. and Airs. E. F. Stoughton, and the fol- loAving neAv members of the faculty: Airs. James Iv. Acely, Aliss Fannie R. Harmon, Aliss Katlierine Alorris, Aliss Anna Graham, Aliss Janice Fitzgerald, J. AY. Alorgan, and Dr. Robert F. Brand. The table from AA-hich punch Avas served Avas covered Avith a Avhite cloth and Avas centered AA'itli an ar- rangernent of mixed floAvers flanked by Avhite tapers. Pouring punch Avere Airs. James T. Cordon, president of the Alumnos Association; Airs. GroA^er L. Dillon, president of the Raleigh alumna? chapter; Airs. Ashby L. Baker, mem ber • of the AlumnsB Council; and Airs. Louis V, Sutton, member of the Alumna? Council. Alembers of the Granddaughters’ Club served j)unch, assorted cookies, mints, and nuts. Good-byes Averc said by Airs. Hugh AIcLcod, Airs. Nannie II. Marriott, and Alisses Elizabeth Tucker, Alary LcAvis Sasser, and Frances Vann. Alartha Leah Conger of Eden- tou. North Carolina, Avas elected president of the Junior Class in elections held on October 3. Before coming to Saint Alary’s last year, Alartha attended Eden- ton High School Avhere she Avas a member of the Beta Club, man ager of the basketball team, a band majorette, assistant editor of the school paper, and a member of the Alonogram Club, Alartha graduated from the high school department of Saint Alary’s last June Avhere she Avas a member of the Granddaughters’ Club, the Publications Staff, the Canterbury Club, and Avas Sophomore Class Testator. This year, in addition to being president of her class, Alartha is on the CanterbAiry Club Council, a member of the Grand daughters’ Club, and on the Pub lications Staff. HKIjKX eppks Helen Peoples Eppes of Hender son Avas elected president of the Sophomore Class on October 8. Before coming to Saint Alary’s this year, Helen attended the fol lowing high schools: Henderson High School, Kingstree High School, Kingstree, South Carolina Hampton High School, Hampton’ Virginia, and Alorrison High School, NcAvport Ncavs, AGrginia. Last year at Henderson High School, Helen aauus vice-president of her home room and a member of the Dramatic Club. JUNIOR rUASS Other Junior class officers chosen in elections completed on October 8 Avere: Jean Strickland, Wilson, vice-president; Alargaret Norfleet, Jackson, secretary; Eliz abeth Alyatt, Goldsboro, treas urer; Peggy SAAdndell, Washinr- ton, and Alartha Hinkle, AVinston- oalem, Honor Conncil liopresonta- tives; Alartha Best A'orke,' Con- cord’^ Legislative Bod.y ; Betty Ann Cooper, Greensboro, Dorothy (See P. 2, Col. 2) Despite Avhat any Saint Alary’s girl Avould consider a “pretty heavy schedule,” Dr. Brand has a hobb,y chess—in Avhicli he is very interested. He Avas president of the Ncav A’^ork Chess Association and noAv belongs to the Raleigh Chess Club. He lives at 124 N. AVilmington Street, Avith his wife and two daughters, Constance, Avho is ten years old, and Allegra Louise, Avho IS four. AVhen asked how he likes teach ing all girls. Dr. Brand said, “I think it very nice and a lot of fun to teach girls.”