L9'^ovember 9, 1945 The Belles of Saint Mary’s Spectrum Splashes goj Saint Mary’s lias a new club. jro^Iembers of this organization are students who are interested in ll/hetching, and discussing contempo- fary artists. The members plan to £ |ielp the school by making posters Qffor the various organizations or j^j>ther school activities. Gene Rose and Cynthia McCaw made posters .for the Halloween party. ■ Barbara ■-(i^f°'ighton did the signs for the Puh- '’^lieation’s Room. Other members |iave completed posters for the Wom- hyn’s Auxiliary bazaar. Aliss Kath- 76%rine Morris, faculty adviser, is di- \heeting the club until the officers be elected. The club plans to ^^yisit the State Art Gallery once_ a ta^onth to see the most recent exhib it Another popular feature of the program are picnics planned ‘^‘for fall and spring. . In Time and in lAfe there are sec- filtions devoted to art. This section lojof the October 29 issue of Time ?®n^®als with the Autumn Salon in rdjParis. The exhibition includes oyer laiione thousand painters. The article fhsts the three major painters, Ma- f jisse, Picasso, and Erogue. Among iiiinor painters mentioned are at;. Alai'chand, “a sixty-year-old modern li^fist,” Goerg, Thate and Chopon. ;e0» ^lustrations of these artists’^ work shown on the page opposite the "’’tide. CAMPUS NOTES (From P. 2, Col. 4) 1 Jt any rate, Helen Eppes and her : ’’tteen stags had a mighty good time. ! prances Collett, Sarah Lou Davis, I Barbara McLaughlin really had ; good time in Morganton last week- - end. There’s nothing like home, ^ they say_ I Babs Current certainly is down in ‘ ue dumps. It’s that sailor who is getting shipped out in a few days. ■ en^'^° Stowers had quite an experi- j , ee last week-end. A boy came all e Way from West Virginia to Pend her birthday with her. He ■ an^ .^’’PPOsed to go back Monday, 1 If ^onday morning he was in Rex ' ^'^’th food poisoning. Sue, I V strange powers you have! ! !>,; r^ty Anderson is sporting a f ghty pretty ring! Tell us more, t ® ty, tell us more! e really envy those gilds that Bv )) °ut to dinner “Halloween It seems they had real steaks '’’■supper! tjj^hyrtle Alston had a nice surprise other night when her brother through Raleigh . . . ana sue meet the train! Rose and Haney O’Keeffe u hig week-end in Henderson ^ith R, Mr. John Park, editor of the Ra leigh Times, on November 2 talked to the student body in assembly on how a newspaper is edited. * * * Harriet Little and Betty Mardre visited their sister Helen on the week-end of November 4. * # * Miss Peggy Hopkins spent the week-end of November 3 at her home in Bel Air, Md. » * Bette Crawford visited Dabney Little November 3. * # # The Woman’s Auxiliary is giv ing a Bazaar on November 10 at 8:00 o’clock in the gym. , ^ ^ The Dramatics Club is now working on the play “The Imagin- arv Invalid.” Josephine Cooper and Joan Hassler have the leads. * * * Miss Janice Fitzgerald played at a meeting of the Raleigh Music Club on November 4. * * * Miss Anne Meade Haskins of Washington, D. C., visited her sister, Mrs. Marriott, last week. * Miss Elizabeth Bason enter tained her book club in Smedes Parlor on Tuesday, October 30. # * * Mr. J. K. Hoyt of Washington visited his daughter, Josephine, on November 2. * * * Mrs. S. M. Gibbs of Engelhard spent the week of October 29 in Raleigh. While in the city she vis ited her daughter, Noel. * * * Mrs. Hugh McLeod has given the Biology Department an inter esting old microscope which be longed to her husband. 'The scope is in good condition and will be very useful in demonstration * * * Harvey Elliott of Washington visited his sister, Sally Ann, on November 3. * * * Jeanne Pritchett of Danville Virginia, spent the week-end of November 3 with Ann Lanier. * * * ' Donald Peery went to Flora Macdonald College in Red Springs on November 29 to hear Claudio Arrau, the famous South Ameri can pianist. '■epresentatives from Duke. Lji^? '^uubt you saw Jean Strick- ^ s good looking date Sunday. baa Bowles reports a grand time ut the State dance. you heard Mary Willis’ “IG« song? They tell us it is RisVaf ® Once, Kiss Me Twiee, soml+p- ^'^guin.” We hear it has R ^0 do with Marines. '"’US at Hollins the und she saw Stuart Raiifi ’””1 “Sister Smith.” At Brol"]Pl’-^ucc Miss Louise Graham went to Ox ford, her home, for the week-end of October 26. ■’^’’^ucon she saw Kate Alary '^®un Campbell, and wl All the old girls 1 ^^’uy ure going to school ’ ut they miss Saint Mary’s. (From P. 1, Col.4) Horror House. And evening’s enjoyment ^uJies told a ghost stor.v thutj-eallj caused some shrieks from the "'d'S.? refreshments were served, and in rather a novel wav Candv and ice cream were ^aied Ground in big baskets ^ 1 -m +l,P Tioncorn was devoured fr”m b,diets These tonches, pins the appropriate decorations and Betsy Lockwood, a Saint Mary’s alumna, and her husband visited the school October 30. * * * Miss Doris Sharpe spent the Aveek-end, October 26, at her home in Greensboro. * * * Professor Padgett of State Col lege Avill direct a meeting of the Student Legislature in Raleigh during the latter part of this month. All North Carolina col leges will participate. * * * Rev. David W. Yates, rector of the Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, Avas a guest of Mr. Hughes at lunch on Tuesday, November 6. Rev. Yates found many girls here AA’hom he kneAV at Vade Mecum, Kanooga and in Durham. * * * Cleves Stenhouse, graduate of last year’s business class, _ Avas a A’isitor at the school this past Aveek. She is noAv the secretary of Saint Stephens Church, Golds boro. # * * Dick Davenport and Bob Good win of Winston-Salem Avere din ner gAiests at the school of Char lotte Buchanan and Nancy Gum ming last Friday evening, Novem ber 2. * * * Mary Moulton, Betty Sue Tay- loe, and Mary Willis Sledge rep resented Saint Mary’s at an inter collegiate religions conference last AAmek-end. # * * Mary Tom Gilman of Ports mouth (ex ’44), Gwen Hughes of Tabor City (ex ’44), and Mary Harris of Roxboro (ex ’44) were A'isitors at the school on Friday, NoA'ember 2, 1945. ^ # Rev. I. Harding Hughes Avill take part in the Centennial exer cise of Saint Paul’s Church, Louis- burg, on November 18. # * # Rev. I. Harding Hughes Avill make a talk on missions at Saint Saviour’s Church, Raleigh, next Tuesday evening, November 13. * * Rev. I. Harding Hughes Avill ad dress the class in religious educa tion at Meredith College next Aveek. * * * Mrs. B. A. Moore of Charleston, South Carolina, sister of Mr. C. A. P. Moore, is visiting the Moores for several Aveeks. * * # Lt. Col. 0. P. Lucas, veteran of three Avars, spoke to the student body of Saint Mary’s on October 30 in assembly. Col. Lucas is from Columbus, Georgia, and has just returned from the European Thea ter of Operations. Four-Four and Stuff Dick Haymes seems to liaAU gwen the girls a thrill in Metro-GoldAvyn- Mayer’s newest musical hit. State Fair, by singing It Might As Well Be Spring and That’s For Me. By the Avay, girls, Decca has recorded these hits; so I’m sure you’ll Avant to get them right aAvay. Have you heard the latest ? Harry James has his OAvn publishing com pany noAv. Be on the lookout for new pieces recorded by Music Mak ers, Inc. The first piece recorded by his company was Eleven^Thirty A.M., featuring Harry’s band and a Aucal by Kitty Kallen. George GershAvun’s music is given its screen premier by Paul Whit man’s orchestra in a Warner Broth ers’ production of GershAAun’s life, “Rhapsody in Blue,” and has made Andre Kostelanez’s and Alex Tem pleton’s album of Rhapsody in Blue more popular than ever. Among the Decca hits this month, AAu find IIong-Kong Blues by Hoagy Carmichal still in the most popular tune group according to the teen age hep-eats. Dick Ilaymes is still gaining pop ularity as a SAvoon crooner by The More I See Tou and I Wish I Knew from Diamond Horse Shoe. The Columbia records leading the list are If I Loved You by Harry James; I’m Gonna’ Love That Guy and ’Til the End of Time by Ginny Simms; and Benny Goodman’s Gotta’ Be This or That. Victor records are up on top this season Avith Tommy Dorsey’s IIong- Kong Blues; and Perry Como’s Till the End of Time and That Feeling in the Moonlight Avith the Satisfiers and Russell Case’s orchestra. W.E.DEBNAM SPEAKS TO POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB W. E. Debnam, ncAvs broadcaster for WPTF radio station in Raleigh, Avas guest speaker of the political science club on Sunday night, No vember 5. Mr. Debnam made an informal talk on his experiences during the past summer in the Pa cific theatre. He gave his interest ing impressions of the Philippine people, of the destruction of Manila, and of the conditions existing on the various outposts Avhich he vis ited : OkinaAva, Iavo Jima, Guam, Tinian, and Borneo. Mr. Debnam explained that the purpose of his travels Avas to obtain human interest stories about the fighting men from North Carolina and Virginia. Transcriptions Avere made of the interviews with these men and rapidly fiown to Raleigh for broadcast. After the broadcast Mr. Debnam' Avas asked questions by the club. (Prom Col. 2) costumes, all blended to give a A’ery “HalloAve’enish” atmosphere to the most enjoyable party. Buy Victory Bonds ! Calendar Of Events N ovember— 10—Woman’s Auxiliary Bazaar— Gym 8 p.m. 12—Civic Music Auditorium— Markova and Dolin—Ballet Ensemble. 17—Girl-Break Dance. 22—ThanksgiA’ing.