FRESHMAN- SOPHOMORE DANCE Belles GIRL BREAK NEXT SATURDAY OF SAINT MARY’S Vol. IX, No. 8 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 8, 1946 MARCH OF DIMES DRIVE HAS FAR EXCEEDED THE GOAL Swindell, Slater, Barnes Are Elected To Offices Third Floor West Wing Has largest Contribution Average The March of Dimes drive was Parried on at Saint Mary’s during 'he month of January. Because the students liave been called on for so '"any other causes, this drive was "nt made one of the major drives of h® year. The aim was to get a line from each student, but all con- '■■butions were purely voluntary, n® girl on each hall took up the ®pntributions, and the total collec- "°ns_on halls was $.51.49. Other ^ntributions amounted to $56.19. hns donations far exceeded the as an average of over twenty ®®nts Was received from each student "®tead of the ten cents aimed for. The hall which averaged the larg- g®*- contribution per girl was third West Wing, which averaged cents per student. Second floor ^^_®st Rock was second, with an '|ij".'’nge of thirty-one cents each. „ iird floor Smedes averaged twenty- cents each, with first floor West ’ng and second floor East Wing j behind, averaging twenty-four o twenty-three cents per girl re spectively S I? di.‘ Fverett was in charge of the '"g h' following girls help- tv^Pyrtle Alston, Betty Anderson, jA"'! Ilarnes, “Spot” Baskervill, Boyle, Barbara Current, Bppes, Betsy Evans, Margo i-e *^*^*n>’ ^Viifhia McCaw, Margaret 1 Sue Thomas, Ruby Iqj,^" Williams, and Virginia Wood- ^^nddaughters’Club ponsors Bond Drive ^®Presentatives Will Sell On All the Halls Oakey,_ president of the efl mughters’ Club, has announc- boj, 1.hcginning of another war elriv * at Saint hlary’s. This "i®n?l begin immediately, and rcjjp of the club will act as rep- atives to sell stamps on the "*’® Tt Active in aiding Dee and \ Barnes, vice-president, Watkins, secretary and **''idem 'Ttally necessary for each cialiy^ Saint hlary’s to be espe- ^'®Hs ^""ci'ons in their contribu- iHomi)^*' lime. It must be re- even though the ac- Pe over, our money can Vil,|T' Por many projects in the k’aj. ^ of a new nation weary of our wounded and PPa,ses veterans are two ''’ill a..,”! project. The money bo wasted. BALLET RUSSE DE MONTE CARLO COMES TO RALEIGH Frederic Franklin and Alex ander Danilova Are Most Out standing Members An elaborate presentation of the world renowned Ballet Kusse de Monte Carlo was given at the Ra leigh Memorial Auditorium on Thursday evening, January 24 at 8 :30 p.m. The maitre de ballet, Frederic Franklin, and the “reigning aristo crat of the entire dance world,” the ])remier ballerina Alexander Dani lova, the most outstanding members of the company, appeared in only one of the three program numbers. The first number. Ballet Imperial, had no story. It was in classical style, danced to Tsehaikowsky’s Second Piano Concerto in G Major. This was danced in groups which typified the moods of Tschaikowsky s music. The choreography was by George Balanchine. The second number of the pro gram, Mozartiana, was danced to the music of Tschaikowsky’s Suite Wo. Ji, an orchestral arrangement of Mozart’s piano pieces. Mile. Alexandra Danilova and M. Fred eric Franklin gave a brillianf per formance in this number. The choreography of this was also bj George Balanchine. (See P. 4, Col. 1) HALL REPRESENTATIVES HELP REGULATE DORM LIFE New Representatives Become Members of Hall Council Representatives from each of the halls at Saint Mary’s have recently been elected to serve as members of the Hall Council, along with the presidents and vice-presidents of each hall. The purpose of having these representatives is to let the younger girls have a part in the regulation of the dormitory life of the school. The representatives are to offer suggestions or complaints to the hall presidents and vico-j)resi- dents, to help keep order on the halls, to attend certain meetings of the Hall Council, and to take charge in the absence of the presidents and vice-presidents. The representatives from each of the halls are as follows: Virginia AV’oodley, first floor AVest AVing; Helen Boyle, second floor AA'^est AA^ing; Mary Rose Crisp, third floor AA^est AA’^ing; Betty Clark, first floor East ATing; Jane Lewi^, second floor East AVing; Betty Bowles, third floor East AVing; Katherine Clark, second floor Smedes ;• Betsy AVet- tereau and C. Jane Lewis, third floor Smedes; .lane McNaughton, first floor AVest Rock; Leah Whit ley, second floor AVest Rock; Mary (See P. 4, Col. 1) What We Yearn For AVhat does every Saint Mary’s girl yearn for besides men and “all A’s”? That’s it! A Betty Grable figure! ’Most every civilized girl does. There are those who already have this asset, but they are few and far between. The majority of us '^eitlier too fat or too things must cither accept our lot, or plan an all- out strategy and completely ignore boxes from home, the Little Store, and the Toddle House (Oh sob!). Of course, g^^n, posture class, and steps (my aching back!) keep one moderately “skinny.” but there s nothing that can take the place ot good oid-fashioned dieting—with no exceiitions. It’s not really so hard ; just pin np a lot of Petty girls, and don’t look at any magazine that might, by the remotest chance, have any pictures of food in them. 'fo be sure, there are “folks” who actually are too thin and actually want to get fatter, which-wish is entirely beyond the mental capacity of a mere sophomore. _ These fortu nate souls eat anything, potato^, cheese-burgers, sundaes, pecan pie, but this is probably cruelly torturing Saint Mary’s dieters. It’s a common sight around school at night between study-hall and lights-out to see the halls strewn with poor souls who are gasjiingly attempting exercises “guaranteed if they are done nightly” while the thin gals stand around munching fattening fodder and throwing en couraging remarks at the sufferers, and the ones who did the exercises the night before weakly rub lini ment on themselves. As the exercise schedule proceeds, the exercises get more involved, and the poor hopefuls get blacker and bluer, and stiffer and stiffer; but usually the results are really good. Of course, one might have to go to a rest home for several weeks, but isn’t it worth it ? This has been just a bit of en couragement to those members of the student body who make the scales sag just a little bit. For a slight fee, information will be given as to reviving oneself, where one can find a good strong horse-lini ment, and also how to untie oneself after the exercise session is over. Students Elect Co-Chairman of Legislative Body and Two Dance Marshals on January 21 I’eggy Swindell of AA’asbington Avas elected co-chairman of the legis lative body in elections held by the student legislature on January 21. This is Peggy’s first year at Saint Mary s, and she takes an active part in school activities. She is a mem ber of the Honor Council, Sigma Lambda Literary Society, Y. AV. C. A., and Publications Staff of the Belles. She also holds the office of Handbook editor. Another election of much interest was held on Jaiinary 22. Mary Glen Slater of AA’ilson ivas elected to the office of Chief Dance Marshal. This is Mary Glen’s second year at Saint Mary’s, and she has ahvays taken an active jiart in school activi ties. Last year she was a member of the Hall Council, Granddaugh ters’ Club, Orehesis, and Dramatic Club. ^ This year, as a senior, Mary Glen is still a member of these vari ous organizations and others also. She is a member of the Y. AA’. C. A ' Altar Guild, and Stage Coach Staff! She participated in the Sixth AVar Loan Drive by acting as co-chair man, and she is also managing editor of the Belles. Also on Jiinuary 22 Helen Barnes ot Murfreesboro ivas elected senior dance marshal. This is Helen’s sec ond year at Saint Mary’s. Last year she was a junior dance mar- s lal, a member of the all-star teams ui basketball and volleyball, a mem- ber of the Granddaughters’ Club and Publications. This year Helen IS a member of Publications, Busi- nes.s Staff of the Stage Coach, Art Club, AA^oman’s Aii.xiliary, Political Science Club, and is A’ice-president of the Granddaughters’ Club. 1946STAGE COACH ALMOST READY TO GO TO PRESS Staff Photographers Request All Available Snapshots The 1946 Stage Coach is jnst about ready to go to press. In the attractive feature section there will be a series of pages devoted exclu sively to snapshots taken of the stu dents around the campus. The ^aff photographers have tried to work on as many admissible subjects as they could find, but they can use more snapshots. If any student has pictures of herself or her friends that she would like in the annual will she please write her name on the back of them lightly and place Biem in tlie white box by the Post Uttice. Only clear prints can be successfully engraved.