rs exams start MAY 24 Belles riaid'i OF SAINT MARY’S GIRL BREAK SATURDAY fe. IX, No. 14 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 10, 1946 ;s. j t liil' te2' iv- li®’; at)*' P i't Katherine Royall Kives Splendid ^ocal Concert Marilyn Whetstone is Accom panist At the Piano Katherine Royall presented a voice Recital in the Saint Mary’s School itorium on Thursday evening, 2, at 8 ;30 p.m. This was the ®6cond in a series of certificate re- '^itals for the 1945-46 session. The program was opened with Thy Demeaxwr Vary by io\vn. Second in the same section as Deh Vieni by Mozart. The next y*'t of the program consisted of o*’0up of Rrench selections: Le Bon- e.vt Chose Legere by Saint- Le Manoir de Rosemonde by I Que I’heure est done ireve Pi “"assenet, and Ouvre tes Yeux g also by Massenet. The next consisted of the well-known Terl' ^ Traviata) by wifi group was opened ’"’hi^4 /s She, the author of ]yIj„ unknown. Second was by Josteii. Dream Val- Hia ^ Q*^Kter followed. Then Hage- Ver^* ^T(e Cunnin- Little Thing was expressively rendered. The in ended with 7'he Wind’s ''fi South by Scott. wore a beautiful white ia with the white flower band iiose and the vari-colored she flowers that she carried, a lovely picture. Her ease and naturalness tiYat sang completely cap- aa audience. Katherine has fine voice and shows cei-t in music. Tier con- aii(| of the finest of the year sturln'f®, 'Well received by both «it body and visitors. ^• Francis B. Simkins ' . Make Commencement i^ess June 3 ^oinan Keeps the Past” Will His Subject of }jj’ Q^ncis B. Simkins, professor ^*■8’ O^u^ Virginia State Teach- the QoTn Karmville, will make ^larv’o ^'^^^®rnent address at Saint June 3, 1946. was born at Edge- ^8 the s Carolina, in 1897 and i®nded ^ Sarah Lewis, who at- aftej Mary’s in the years I th ^ TT War. Graduating 'ilia and of South Caro- T^ii^re ho Columbia University, fir. Kis Ph.D. in 1926, iiio author of The ^iU(l iQ •^*-^OVP,'m£>'y,^ CT^-.LT. ItpT ^926; State, S.M.S. Glee Clubs Give Joint Concert State College Orchestra Opens Opens Concert With Lohengrin Saint Mary’s and State College Glee Clubs and State College Or chestra presented a concert in Saint Mary’s School auditorium May_ 7, at 8 :30 p.m. The two accompanists for the glee clubs were Anne Prothro and Lillian P. Wallace. Miss Ger aldine Cate directed Saint Marys Glee Club. State College Glee Club and Orchestra were under the direc tion of Christian Kutschinski. The State College Orchestra op ened the concert by playing Wag ner’s Prelude to Act III, Lohengrin. The combined glee clubs then sang Bach’s Now Let All the Heavens Adore Thee; \ittoria’s Jesu, Dulcis Hemorta; Handel’s II allelujah, Amen. This was followed by a group of selections by the State Col lege Glee Club. These were Ma- lotte’s The Lord’s Prayer; Sullivan- Cliurcliill’s The Lost Chord, Maik Andrews’ Sea Fever; Foster-Malin’s he Glendy Burk. A'ext on the pro gram were Elgar’s The Snow; Johan Franco’s Three Children’s Songs: Mice, The Moon’s the North- Wind’s Cookie, Prayer; Lefebvre’s Casta nets and Tambourines; sung by Saint Mary’s Glee Club. Both glee clubs, together with the orchestra, concluded the program with \\ heei- right’s Go Down Moses; MacLean- Sanford’s arrangement of ITctor (See P. 3, Col. 4) Joan Hassler is Elected New Chairman of Assembly Programs Orchesis Gives Dances At Flower Exhibition Theme of the Exhibition Is Dances From All Lands Members of the Orchesis Group of Saint Mary’s took part in the flower exhibition sponsored by the Woman’s Club of Raleigh in the Memorial Auditorium on Wed nesday evening. May 8. The theme of the evening’s en tertainment was dances from all lands. The Saint Mary’s group chose a j\lay Pole dance as their presentation. Xancy Cumming and Martha Hinkle performed a Moorish dance, and Martha Hin kle presented a Spanish dance with castanets. Mrs. Huskins, who has been working with the group for several months, was ac companist. After the dance program there was a flower show on the main floor of the auditorium. The entire modern dance group, consisting of twenty-seven mem bers, took part in the program under the direction of Mrs. Wil liam C. Guess. GIRL BREAK THIS SATURDAY Out of This World “Out of theme, and was the when we in 1926.°South Caro- Carolina During 1932; The Women '^Jederacy, 1936, with Hr. (See P, Col g) this world” we were too stroiied into the dressed-up gyni all our finery Saturday luglit. Ihe Juniors had done themselves proud, and we of Saint Mary’s found our selves pictured on the walls complete with flowing white robes, wings, and o-olden halos. (Angels, that is.)_ Our gentlemen friends were not quite so flattered when they found themselves represented as small creatures with horns and tails, up to the most im proper tricks such as smoking, chas ing girls, tilting halos, and other things which shocked the angels to no small degree. Blue and white streamers with sparkling gold and silver shining through the dim lights made a lovely scene and the silver stars hanging froin the cen er added to the “out of this world” appear- ^Ye were greeted by the recenung line, which was made up of Mildred Chappell, Martha Conger, Mrs E. F. Stoughton, Miss Katharine Mor ris, Miss Frances Vann, Miss Flor ence C. Davis, and Mrs. V illiam C. Guess. Woody Hayes and his or chestra furnished the music. After an interestingly confusing time dancing seven of our card dances, “Stardust” heralded inter mission. Delicious punch was serv ed by Casper and several ethereal- looking angels and a devil who vaguely resembled Ruby Leigh Wil liams, Mary Jane Casstevens, and Sandy Spilman; then with much fanfare the leadout was held, in which were the following girls: Mildred Chappell, escorted by Wil son Allen; Spot Baskervill, escorted by Gil Braude; Amie Watkins, es corted by Simon Lawrence; Kathryn Fulton, escorted by Bolling Izard; Poncie Dawson, escorted by Hugh Jenkins; Kate Johnson, escorted by Emmett Paddison; Carolyn Des- Champs, escorted by Jack Scott; Sally Ann Elliott, escorted by Ace Mann; Mary Pinckney, escorted by Bill Lee; Jane Campbell, escorted by George Stenhouse; Mary Helen James, escorted by Harry Bates; Mary Glen Slater, escorted by Jim my Lamm. Much too quickly came 12 ;00, and the not too angelic angels had their last dance. Nevertheless, we still have pressed gardenias, dance cards, slight circles under our eyes, and beautiful memories to remind us of a perfect Junior-Senior. Shs and Everett Will Direct Remaining Programs Joan Hassler of Thomasville was elected chairman of assembly for next year, succeeding Sue Everett, in elections held on April 30. The other nominees were Jean Strick land of Wilson, .Willie Ma rjorie Rid dick of Scotland Neck, “Chubby” Covington of Bennettsville, South Carolina, Katherine Clark of Lynch burg, Virginia, and Nancy O’Keeffe of Bluefield, West Virginia. Ill high school Joan was a mar shal, a member of Quill and Scroll. editor of the high school jiaper, edi tor of the annual, a member of the' Dramatic Club for four years, a member of the band, and president of the Girl Reserves. She was also a social news announcer over lYMFR in High Point for a year. At Saint Mary’s Joan’s talent first became_ apiiareiit at the Old Girl Xew Girl Party when she entertain ed with various impersonations. She has taken an active interest in the dramatics at Saint Mary’s and has proved herself capable and will ing by her participation in numer ous skits and jilays. She is also a member of the “Y” Council and Political Science Club, and is the jirogram chairman of the Dramatic Club. Joan, upon hearing the news of the outcome of the election, came out with, “For the first time in my life I am speechless. Absolutely.” It is believed by all the students that Joan will make an exceptionally good chairman of assembly pro grams for next year because of her humor, wit, and personality. She has had numerous parts in the as sembly programs this year under the competent direction of Sue Everett. Organ Students Give Recital in The Chapel Four members of Russell Brough ton’s organ class gave a class re cital in the chapel on Friday, May 3, at 5 :15. Students who played in the recital were Margaret Lee Payne, Marilyn Whetstone, Jean Strickland, who are candidates for certificates in organ next year, and Sarah Covington. The program was as follows : Prelude in G major J. S. Bach Miniature in D majoi’, Merritt Johnson Sarah Covington Plein jeu : Fugue Marchand Saint Clement (Hymn-tune laWasy) McKinley (See P. .3, Col. 4)