Belles iJamt Mary’s School Library OF SAINT MARY’S ? X, No. 5 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 26, 1946 pH fielil C« idr*' g(0 thanksgiving holidays Thanksgiving holidays will after classes Wednesday, Pp®'’- 27, and end 10:00 p. m. J^ftursday, Nov. 28, Miss Eliza- Tucker, secretary to Dr. 'chard G. Stone, recently an- "oiiiieed. j Seniors and Honor Roll stu- who are taking their week-end” maj’ leave "t the same time but do " have to return until !) :00 •Sunday, Dec. 1. ^ he school will remain open ' those girls who are not th "way for the holiday, but cie will be no classes Thanks- I^ay, and attendance at ^will not be required. Kffj r?''' •la game of the season Mon- 0rep,^^*®':"oon, Nov. 25. Sylvia the Ar , 'Hiamston, scored one of tw;, I'* goals; Sarah “Chubby” aii(t fBennettsville, S. C., ' ille , T’ripp Jones, Summer- • niade two goals each. Th in (kp downed the , Sigma’s Season hockey game of the 1 to I > with a score of iTipp, Sylvia Green and Ann for for pi' ®''os each made two goals f-'harlrvL ^1^^ team. Laura Page, Ip. . '""'fe the Sigma goal. l?r, ^lary Lou Pratt, Sum- n'^'^hson '"'A ^lary Blair Bowers, '5; B ^'*’1 llcu^i''^’ McCallum, Had- ^'ark ‘"p "I’ginia Smith, Ridley I'^eusK ’ Jacqueline White, "On It Anu McCallum, Ilad- "’oll (.V, 1'^’ X. J.; Harriott Barn- pTheX’^^bia, S. C. ta,.. gttia team includes Laura Mary Nelson . "’son'^rw l"'"^iisburg; Sylvia On, *’ Charlotte; Martha Wil- \V„. ./-'Omsvilm T.- . xr:, Ky.; Vir :’"ima phase H- C; Rose Wallace, *orke o ■ T Martha Best Id hlrepn°k°°^’^^ ’ llcttv Ann Coop- pheviiip ; Anne Huske, Fav- h'Btisj, “Judy” Taylor, Nov. 25, il ’ f' Childs, Colum- nJhe ahl played for the Sigma’s Martha Wilson, were refereed by Grii aiiJ aham, gy,p instructors. Saint Mary’s Wins “Prof. Quiz” Entertains School; Swimming Meet Joan Hassler Wins Contest Wilson Davis. Wallin, Cooper Down Sigma’s Two Hockey Games ® Win Tournament Covington, Jones Make Goals; Page Scores for b'gma’s hoek’ _"fhletic society won the the tournament by defeating aaj j'g*"a’s 5 to 0 in the second Wilson, Davis, Wallin, Cooper Represent School Saint Mary’s, Duke, Woman’s College, and Meredith were the victors in the Intercollegiate Play- Day Xov. 16 with Saint IMary’s and Meredith as co-hostesses. SAIXT MARY’S AVIXS Five of the six swimming events ill the first heat were won by Saint Mary’s. The winners were Martha Wilson, Louisville, K.v., crawl for speed; Sarah Lon Davis, Morgantoii, side stroke for form ; Charlotte Wallin, Hot Springs, Va., back stroke for speed; Jose phine Cooper, West Hartford, Conn., breast stroke for speed. Martha Wilson and Sarah ^Loii Davis also won the relaj’. Letty Clark. Greensboro College, won the breast stroke for form. Martha Wilson’s time on the crawl was the best of all the girls competing in both heats. OTHER AVIXXERS The other winners were Duke, volleyball and tennis doubles; AVonian’s College, tennis singles, archery, and badminton singles; Meredith, badminton doubles. Meredith and the Woman’s Col lege tied in the liocke.v finals. Other schools competing were Eastern Carolina Teachers’ Col lege, Guilford, Mars Hill, Peace, and Brevard. A reception was held later in the afternoon at Meredith, after which the results of the games were announced. i'rofes:ior Quiz Rev. Mr. Gordon Speaks on Alaska Alaska missionary the Rev. Mr. ’William Gordon told Saint Mary’s girls of his religious work there in the chapel Sunday morning, Nov. 17. Little did he dream that Saint Mary’s students would partly finance his mission work, he declared, when he spoke here just before leaving for his Alaska mission some time ago. 3tlr. Gordon thanked the girls for their contributions and told of the good works tliis money had done. '■aptllil'""'" Sylvia Green, bifckev ’ ‘‘""'’"fi Covington; Jane ^faiuei’ Pu.; Nancy ' ""es, r'''’ensboro ; Ann Fripp Hair Troubles? See Artistic. Talented “Mademoiselle Willie'’' Have you noticed all the fancy hair-do’s the girls on second floor West Wing have been wearing? When asked what hair stylist they patronize, they answered in uni son, “Willie.” “Willie,” it seems, is not the star hairdresser of the Elite Beauty Salon. “He” is Mary Matheson Williamson of Pine Apple, Ala., ivho loves to fix peo- jile’s liair. Her first customer was her roommate, Marger^^ CareA’, Or lando, Fla. She was closely fol lowed b,A’ Eleanor Pollard, Ashe ville, and Eleanor Hope Newell, Orlando, Fla. These three were given bangs, but not all alike, for that would cramp illir s st\’le. • Several daj's later, Jeannette Dongbertv’, Coronado, Calif., ap peared with a verj' original hair do. Her hair was pulled tightl.v back and tied high on her head with a black ribbon. The ends were curled under and left liang- ing down the back of her head. That same day Barbara Corpen- ing, Granite Falls, had a new hair do, too; her hair was pulled up on top of her head and twisted into a roll. When asked wh.v she liked to fix people’s hair, “Willie” an swered, “Since I can never seem to fix nn’ own hair to suit me, I find someone Avho can wear the st.vle 1 dream up and fix it for her.” If j'on’re tired of fixing \mnr hair the same old way, go up to second floor West Wing and let “Willie” do something about it. A'on’ll be sure of liaving a faiic.v new hair style—and a large inter ested audience. Strickland, Potter, Drane, Ford Are Final Contestants “Define a hole,” “What is a spiral staircase?”—these are some of the (jnestions asked the stu dents of Saint Mary’s School by Professor Quiz, the original radio quiz master, on Wednesday' night, Nov. 20, ill the school aiiditorinm. JOAN HASSEER AVIXXER Joan Hassler, Tliomasville, was aniiouiiced the champion of . the evening when she received 550 points out of the possible 600 for correct answers. She, along with the final five girls competing, re ceived a cigarette ligliter as prize. The “professor” told the. group that out of all the schools at which he had presented his program. Saint Mary’s had the highest score. FIVE FIX’AL COXTESTAXTS “Mrs. Quiz” kept the scores of the final five contestants, who were Nane.v Ford, Washington; Jean Strickland, Wilson; Joan Hassler, Rose Potter, Winston-Salem; and Frances Drane, Monroe. The other girls who participated in tlie quiz were Eleanor Pollard, Asheville; Elizabeth “Sande’’ Childs, Columbia, S. C.; Margaret Moore, Roanoke, Va.; Sally Ann Borthwick, Winston-Salem; Char lotte Bnchanair, Columbia, S. C.; Martina Fillmore, Macclesfield; and Carolyn Mahon, Greenville’ S. C. Circle Taps Five ToBecomeMembers In Midnight Walk Betsy Blundon, Charleston, W. Va.; Katherine Clark, Lynchburg, Va.; Cynthia McCaw, Bristol, R. I.; Margaret Norfleet, Jackson; and Margaret Leo Payne, Newport News, Va., were tapped members of the Circle at an impressive ceremony Monday night, Nov. 25, when the Circle “walked” at midnight. Martha Conger, Edenton, presi dent of the Circle, led the j)rocession into the open area between West Wing, Holt Hall, and the dining room. Following her were the three last year’s members, Elizabeth “Lid- dy Bett” Myatt, Goldsboro; Peggy Swindell, Washington; and Jean Roberts, Durham. These old mem- hers brought the new' members out of hiding and placed them in the group. Each member had her can dle ht from the torch Martha Conger held. ” After the solemn service old and new members gathered in the Hut for an informal party.