T Belles Saint Mary’s ScKobl L*it)rary OF SAINT MARY’S KEEP CAMPUS CLEAN RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA September 27, 1947 School Welcomes ^ ^^einbers To *^aculty and Staff Ret P. Moore, Donald Peery After Leave of Absence opening of the 1947- tiot oni ’ Mary’s welcomed eight ^^ny new girls, but also ew faculty members and a eanipy '^^nae secretary to the ^erajgj.' addition to these, two 1 ^e^ehers returned after a , C. of absence. . dpVr'• ^oore, head of the Eng- of V on the fac- year. During the ^iiivpy.,,-* ® taught English at the South, Sewanee, niember of the English Miss Sara Esther ^fee a+ A . received her B.S. de- at A 7 iier i>.o. ue- ,iastei.’„ ^neville College and her |ege I degree at Peabody Col- deoi.„j o**' yo^r she taught at b ^ South p® Teachers’ College. ti Ra M T ^^nolinian, Miss Nancy A^'^glish ® of Dillon, teaches ■ ^ne received her A.B. m Coker College, Harts- •! and her M.A. degree i.^ the TTv.- '--a— liiip , university of North Caro- "ililr ^?osuelo Van Orsdell, hi«+ teaches English fV’- dp received her ^ollege f®® at New York State T*'’.®nd h°^ Teachers, Albany, N. from the *^oual f South Carolina, hi, has again re- afJ’artuie^t position “ the music after ^Ponding a year p-- a here he 5*tsie Master’s de ^®Pibpp E- Osthotf, S - Master’s degree in er of +u ■ histhotf, another fn .0 niusie department, ^ontinued on page 4) Tests Show Training - Speaking fhlaliz dil-^ ^he importance St •‘’ork^*“®t dictioi A adpiiA. ’ le School required all Of of in all types tab ®dts . -1 ..fee... ’ xcepting seniors, to 1 ^sts under the di: h lorence C. Davis. af M direc- tiou (]-^’hese7“'' V'’ei-e held in the an ^he first week of >nl^^*onal - items included con Seniors Elect Truslow, Isbell, Rowland, Amonette Girls Chosen Class Officers, Legislative Body Member Nellie Truslow, Frances Isbell, Emily Rowland, and Anne Ainon- ette Avere elected vice-president, secretaiw, treasurer, and legisla tive body representative, respec- tivelj’, at the senior class meeting, September 23, presided over by Sarah Walston, class president. Last year Nellie Truslow, Ches- tertown, Md., a Mu, became a se nior life-saver, was chosen as most outstanding player on the volley ball team, and earned member ship into the Letter Club. She was also vice-president of the junior class, and a member of the Dramatics Club, Granddaughters’ Club, Glee Club and choir. Frances Isbell, Greenville, S. C., in high school Avas president of the Phi Theta Sorority, homeroom president, treasurer of the junior class, chairman of the Red Cross Committee, and a member of the Board of Control. She is a Mu. A senior life-saAmr and a Mu, Emily RoAvlaiid Avas a member of the Dramatics Club, the Arts and Crafts Club, and president of her homeroom at high school in Sum ter, S. C. Anne Amonette, a Mu, Avas in the May Court last year and is a Marshal this year. Orientation Week Tests Show Students’ Abilities In Fields of Learning The Iowa Tests of Education and Development AA’ere taken by all stu dents during orientation Aveek at Saint Mary’s. A series of nine tests Avhich coA^ered all phases of school AA'ork Avere giA'en. These tests haA e been sent aAvay to be graded. TWOFOLD PURPOSE The tests Avere designed to help the school better understand the stu dents’ needs, and to see hoAV Saint Mary’s stands in comparison with other schools and colleges of the nation. TO BECOME AX ANNUAL EV^ENT It is the desire of the administra tion that all neAv students at Saint Mary’s take the tests in the future if they prove successful. Alumnae Greet Students with New Entrance Gate and Wall Saint Mary’s Sees Welcome Changes West Rock, Recreation Room Improved; Lighting Installed During the Summer many im provements Avere made to the cam pus and buildings of Saint Mary’s. In addition to a large amount of cleaning, painting, screening and sanding, neAV furniture Avas bought for several buildings. W. ROCK COMPLETELY REFURNISHED West Rock dormitory has been completely refurnished AAuth ma ple beds, chairs, tables and bu reaus. NeAv red furniture Avas bought for the day students’ room and the room Avas given a com plete repainting. Fluorescent lighting Avas in stalled in all classrooms that did not have it, and splash-proof lights Avere installed at the SAvim- ming pool. Although the recre ation room in the basement of Holt cannot be used immediately because of Avater on the floor, ucav furniture has been bought fCr it. FACITLTY HOUSE REPAINTED The faculty house has been re painted and a kitchen, a living room, and a sitting room haAm been proAuded for the teachers. For off-campus faculty members there is a dressing room Avhere the.A’ can rest betAveen classes. Dr. Stone said that he hopes to make improAmments everj- sum mer. speech and oral read- Programs Announced A'oice ami snppfti “ '••hal general • .Pf^anV faiilts! nnd specific A’oice 0 L tested, passed. Passing while 143 dir Pass at all. All students grades Avill attend a.apeech improA'ement eeted by Miss Davis. Assembly programs for the next tAvo meetings have been an nounced by Rose Potter, chair man. September 30—Honor system discussion by Miss Martha Dab ney Jones, Dean of Women. October 2—Current Events dis cussion bA’ Dr. Richard Stone. Dance Group Elects Josephine Cooper, Nancy Holt Officers In its first meeting of the school year, Orchesis, Saint Mary’s dance group, elected AAiicy Holt presi dent and Josephine Cooper sec retary-treasurer. Nancy, a sophomore, took part in May Day last year and Avas treasurer of her class. She is a member of the Doctors’ Daugh ters Club. Jo, a sophomore, is a member of the Letter Club, the SAAdmming Club, the Granddaughters’ Club, and the Woman’s Auxiliary. She did a solo dance on May Day last year, A\ms secretary of the Fresh man Class, and is a former mem ber of the BELLES staff. Orchesis meets once a Aveek and learns many types of dancing and exercises. In the spring it pre sents May Day. It is under the direction of Mrs. William C. Guess. Lamp Posts To be Purchased; WalkAvay To Be Constructed A neAv entrance gate and Avail, Avhieh Avms financed by an alumnae committee headed by Mrs. Wil liam Person, RalMgh, has been completed. Work on this project Avas begun the first Aveek in Au gust. COMMITTEE STUDIES PROBLEM Several yeai’s ago an alumnae group became interested in a ncAv entrance and a committee was ap pointed to raise money and to study the problem Avith the Board of Trustees. Mr. Charles Gillette, landscape architect, after consul tation Avith the alumnae commit tee and the school landscape com- mitte, headed by Charles A. Tucker, Warrenton, dreAv the plans for the gate. Originally it Avas planned to reconstruct the summer liouse, but a replica of it Avas found to be too expensive. Shrubbery is to be planted at each end of the Avail, grass soAvn in plots in front of the Avail, and ivy started at an early date. Iron urns on top of the center piers AAdll be installed as soon as they are available. Using some money raised by the local alumnae chapter, the scliool AAdll purchase lamps and lamp posts to be put doAvii the center AAmlk. The Board of Trustees has au thorized the consti-uctioiL. of a brick AvallvAvay from the chapel entrance around the corner of the chapel and doAvn to Dr. Stone’s house. A turn-around Avill be cleared in front of the infirmary for A'isitors. New Students Attend Handbook Classes 1 hat they may be more familiar AAuth the school policies and rules, all iicAv students are being in structed in the Student Hand book. Classes meet three after noons a Aveek at 5:00. Seniors teaching these classes are Musette BroAvn, Jo Ann Dar den, Luck Flanders, Gene Hines, Nancy Holland, Ann Lucas, Page Parrish, and Mary Lou Pratt. Students Avill be given a quiz AA hich the\ must pass, according to Luck Flanders, \ice-president of the student body. NOTICE The first tAvo issues of the BELLES are being sent to all members of the 1946-’47 classes. You will continue to receive the paper if you send one dollar to Charlotte Wallin, Circulation Manfiger.