October 24, 1947 The Belles of Saint Mary’s SAINTS’ SALLIES ive>' that what this column j,. ® is some culture, you know, the Things of Life! About the P^s^se of higher learning to Out is painting, so let’s start Y^iththat. fio on our right is The Blue leg ’ Portrait of the Chapel Col- Porest- Game. Those girls con- itoli 1 with mixed expressions Hudson, Smitty hnfree, Katy Evans, Daisy "usIh Bowles, Betty Winfree, • ’’lie Brown, " - - e are ’em C v’ Walston, “Tu7” Ba/- Cobb, Helen Eobinson, Sally Thomas, Betty Kearney, Beth Yar- ^terifi ’ Teanne Brown, Marjorie Johnson, Jean Craft harba f’ Tackie-with-bells-on White, ^’isaii^T ^.^^nisay, Barbara Pope, Ar Mary Anne Mont- 5rd ’ p ®^Sie Eawlings, Betsy Shep- JerL Hines, Helen AVills and So Qumn. Gosh—ther. in / T just can’t get . a iiere! al '■’^nvas by a master is Tours down. It is ■^^^ss'on ® Hn. Tulp’s Anatomy P'" G- Slo,t& Dissecting ^Tis isn’t a very fair ''Pcaej. L Clemson had had a can % that have gone to town ^ot. iin-wolf, remote-control or interested girls gath- }^ary here are Hope Newell, nh To Howell, Eose Tay- HcAllister, Jeanette Pi : Kaiicy Spilman, Lib ^Ory’c. “7® T’rice, Jean Dickerson, n lies p^^’Toro, Butch Pratt, Grace Sa Williams, Ladre King, U "’nil D^’ I^etty Mardre, Lila Jane Teague, Betsy Carter, Swmson (if you gel this far- ■b''ii8 n ^ surprise). Prances , .^oi'engp p Beah Eigsbee, > Yof Buck Blander - Hi Hot 1,’nter’ p*'H Knn Yowell, Frances hh ’ C I, ■s, Syl- Corpening, Tiny i^lau ’p .'Hi'iieille Eylander Barrish, J ^Hller, nbi J ean Joan ®oii 77 lumer, Suzanne p Jones, and just lots oiip uon t ha7'o room to tell h IbS inodern painting is YTns- Sv th^’® Well, and do you Pniii®;!, standing around 1 iio S ni’o saying just that! i be if they’d already Germans as Ade- Stowers, Butch, Camp, in echo Hu H’TTii Hull Germans as o?He, ^towers, Bute! It 1 • ^Piliuan have. .laini„r®pllls: is heaivl f,.n I] ^"’lali T heard from Nancy ThpH^^° ilurray and Jo Dar- H^lior 1® want to find an aftp :“®,PHtnre to'hold them 1+ A*’ week-end they’re dVHHiuapolis! lji!!"l®d l/'l*’ I'll® ai’tist who P/ ^ lUs7 a Glass of Wine, VHCetir-^Hs a portrait of If ^i™ii’or, making a toast some people who are still doing some tall traveling. Just look at Jane Hope’s man Avho travels for five hours ei’ery week-end to see her! Marjorie Sheridan’s and Lib Burns’ men don’t live right around the cor ner either, but they keep coming— all the way from Atlanta! We’ve all heard of Ganglein— well he has a nice picture—Seated Woman. That reminds me of all the girls around the phone lately. Nancy Williamson says she could liaA^e sat there talking for hours to that felloAv down in Texas. And “Dusty” kept one date waiting in the parlor Avhile she talked to her man aaEo’s “prep”ing for West Point. Nancy Holland says she doesn’t knoAV Avhether she likes calls from Kansas or Georgia, but since they’re both from the same boy, it probably doesn’t make any ditfer- ence. Sticking Avith the moderns, Mary Giles SteAvart and Aleredith Plant think Cezanne’s Still Life is nothing compared to the ones they made Avith their red roses! And there’s that loA’ely 18th Cen tury American Family Group. Lucy BreAver and Helen Eppes like that because it reminds them of going home, and going home reminds them of Avhat good is gonna’ happen that special AA^eek-end, and all because of Eichmond! AMn Gogh painted The Postman Avith oils but Jerry Ann and Jo IIoAA'ell Avanted to paint him Avith lipstick AA’lien they saAV those life changing letters in their boxes ! Did you notice Jacopo’s Fall of Man f Lots of boys Avere falling at the girl-hreak. In fact one of them seemed to have taken a tumble for Sue Lanier! AVell, I knoAv you’A'e seen The Thinker—that’s a statue—and Gin- ny Leland is still as one thinking about going home ThanksgiA'ing. Her roommatd, Skeelie, just can’t sit still Avith her though; she’s so excited about going to see that Duke Dream! You knoAA', Picasso’s Abstraction is confusing, but I think he painted it for Barbara Goode and Ebo ’cause the painting looks like it has a AAdieel and they surely Avere “Avheels”—roll ing off like mad for Hampton-Syd- ney last Aveek-end. And Logan is fast moA'ing tOAvard Davidson this A’ery minute! The other day I found a man A’ery absorbed in The School Mistress. Fragonard painted that Avhile pass ing his senior life-saA’ing, I think! This is the end of the lesson for todaA’, and if you can’t understand it, either you don’t knoAv your art history or you don’t get around much! Campus Notes Mr. N. C. Hughes, Jr., Myrtle Beach, S. C., visited his brother, the Eev. Mr. I. Harding Hughes, October 14-16. The faculty branch of the AVom- an’s Auxiliary met Avith Mrs. Hughes October 13 for a business session. After the meeting they enjoyed a social houi’. # # # Anne Harmon, ex ’47, visited Bobbette Chapman October 10. * # Mary Alice Hicks, Faison, vis ited her cousin, Lenoire AVilliams, the Aveek-end of October 11. Mary Alice is planning to come to Saint Mary’s in tAvo years. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. AVillingham, Alarietta, Ga., are A’isiting Anne this Aveek-end. Sylvia Green, ’47, spent the night of October 19 Avith Aurelia Pulton. ^ ^ Carolyn Gaither, Charlotte, vis ited her sister, Josephine Gaither, October 14. # # # On Friday, October 10, Airs. 0. AV. AVilliamson, Cerro Gordo, A’is- ited Mary Alice AVilliamson. ^ ^ At the earlj’ service October 19, the faeidty branch of the AVom- an’s Auxiliaiy Avill liaA’e their “Fall Ingathering” for the United Thank Offering. # * A^ivian Scott, Ann Tilghman, and Isabel Carter Avere A’isited by their parents the Aveek-end of Oc tober 11. ^ ^ * Air. and Airs. Tyn Cobb, Jr., Orlando, Florida, visited their niece, Eleanor Hope NeAvell, Oc tober 15. # * * Virginia Bonnett, ’47, Avrites that more Saint Alary’s girls than the BELLES mentioned are at tending Hollins. Besides herself are Alargaret Aloore, ex ’47; Ala- I’ion Guest, ex ’47; Prances Col lett, H.S., ’47; and Ann Coley, H.S., ’47. According to Dinny they all like it vei’j’ niAicli. 4b 4b ^ WWW Air. BroAvn Alalion, Greenville, S. C., A’isited Carol Alahoii Oc tober 17. * * # , 4ej. 'Hi, r. G tn JBl go to enough '‘Mer ■- Bnd ■ ’ - - ® )vere on the coat she out Avho she is. I still remembers hoAv fou^f ^Hien he first saAV her! CHb detailed oil by li HuiZ. Potter’s '"'oi-i-v °i broken his leg. loZ H)out that though, cause atJW back q’Tckly, eh Eose? the n "\1660 Hoohena e 2 ’Caveliers, and Ave cre- knoAV (Continued from page 1) jieriods and styles of A’oeal litera ture. On this evening he Avas most coiiA’incing in his operatic interp retations and his German groi7p, but he dealt lovingly also Avitli the ‘old chestnuts,’ making last ing friends, thereby, of those liardA’ souls Avho find ‘Syh’ia’ as beautiful the ten-thousandth time as it Avas the first.” Air. and Airs. Lynn E. Ham mond, Jr., visited Ann Duncan Saturday, .October 11, # * * Anne Adkerson and Euth Alor- rissett Avern A’isited by their moth ers October 17. ^ # Airs. Joseph Pippen, Alarshall, ALa., visited her granddaughter, Anne ToAvnsend, October 11. * ^ ^ Aliss Florence C. DaA’is, dra matics and speech instructor, left early Saturday morning, October 18, to attend the meeting of the directors’ conference of the Caro lina Dramatic Association. The conference opened Avith a break- Excitement ran high at Eiddick Stadium Saturday night Avhen Florida broke its thirteen game losing streak and defeated State 7 to 6. The Gator’s talley, Avhicli came early in the first qirarter, culminated a long run by Bobby Forbes. LcaaIs kick for the extra point Avas good. In the second quarter Charlie Eichkus scored State’s only touchdoAvn. The Wolf- pack failed to make the coirver- sion. TAvice the local team Avas Avith- in a feAv yards of pay dirt, but both times Coach Bear AVolf’s vic tory-minded line held, and State tailed to score. Florida’s fast of fensive plays . completely fooled the AVolves, and the game Avas Avell into the second quarter be fore they caught on to it. In contrast to State’s defeat. North Carolina’s other teams reg istered AA’ins. Carolina, after los ing to Texas and AVake Forest made a comeback and defeated William and Alary 13 to 7. Duke’s Blue Devils scored a 19 to 7 vic tory over Alaryland, and David son snoAved Hampden-Sydney under Avith a 49 to 0 score. The poAverhouse team of AVake Forest trampled a 39 to 7 A’ictory oA’er George Washington. For tomorroAv’s games Ave pre dict Carolina OA’er Florida and AVake. Forest over Duke. State AA’ill be idle this Aveek-end. ^ ^ # . Kthletic enthusiasm is running high here at Saint Alary’s, too. Hockey is attracting the largest cioAAd it eA’er has. Although most of the players are old girls, fiA’e iieAv ones are trying out for the teams They are Sally Thomas, Dot leamie. Pat Gpnvra a.,,. eague, Pat George, Ann Aloore, and Bobbie Eoberson. Saint Alary’s seals are beiii" sold by the Letter Club after breakfast near the post office and at 9 :30 at night in the ree room. ^ ^ BEIEP PITS: Sara Lou Davis is the SAvimming assistant this j ear. . . . Nancy Holland is man aging the hockey team. ... A ten nis tournament Avill soon beo'in Avithin the old girl classes. . . '’v Snntli IS playing her fifth yeai- on the Saint Alary’s hockey team. fast-bnsiness session at Avhich plans for the coming year Avere discussed, including tile‘s Dramatic Festival held in the spring, at which Saint Alary’s Dramatics Club hopes to enter a play. This bieakfast AA’as folloAA’cd by a series of talks and discussions throuo-li- oiit the day. ® # * * AIr.s. Harlan C. BroAvn, head librarian, attended the biennial meeting of the North Carolina Li brary Association convention in Winston-Salem, September 16-18 She served on the Nominating Committee, the Alembership Com mittee, and as Secretar.A’-Treas- urer of the Cataloguers’ Section.

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