Al- WELCOME HOME, ODYSSEUS! Belles TURKEY DAY IS ALMOST HERE! OF SAINT MARY’S at a j Vol. XI, No. 4 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 19, 1948 iite^ Jle- i The; iider I ReV.' i o’*! the re- d v'er® .s giitft 3I100I foh a ai"* ineia' Sl>' [ioJie' of ‘f; >to!' ri'eue*^ 0 ati'’"’ = pet Aiite^ ^^glish Professor speaks In Assembly Richard Walser, Carolina Writ- Talks on Charles McNeill being National Book Week, ® assembly program Tuesday, No- ^taber 10, featured Mr. Richard ^*®®r of Lexington, North Caro- Q , ’ an English professor at State ho editor of two recent ^orth Carolina Poetry and a Carolina in the Short Story. ^^hser spoke on a great Carolina poet, John Charles • \ 6III, who iR nntpH fm* lii.R rinp-ms Seniors Announce Preparations For Dance Scheduled In Early December "’fiti who is noted for his poems on the North Carolina ‘iNialeb and for his simplicity in 511(1 ^'aout the ordinary people ^^tbings of this state. iiiQ*’ McNeill was born and reared lii„l®°tland County. After finishing Q^ttliool he attended Wake For- sty where he Avas an honor English. From there, he fiercer University in Geor- he, , taught for a year after which l)fa^.'^^aied to North Carolina and law in Lumbertoii and Tar eventually gaining a ' North Carolina Legisla- tan„' then accepted a job as free hf, . ^®Porter for the Charlotte Oh- still i’ “IS early thirties, Avliile ill o„ 1 “jng this position, he became died. stj.|g\' Walser illustrated McNeill’s 'low heading five selections, “Sun- itga’, W'hen I Go Home,” “Wish- iony Niggej. Demus,” and “ ’Lig- 1 W scl*fl Jloll"' o' ■a'”**!! •xs, ild le ^11 all® e T])F OK.J be pi’fa”' Society Chooses pQY Treasurer I'll' Guion Avas elected of The Order of the honorary society of u'Wter pof Siai."®’ the on ATA’ember 7. The is Lelia I^uPre. and lY*6sident is Ann Moore. N b ^ ^ senior at Saint Mary’s b ^ ®’’ home is in N"eAv Bern. She \^*?®'^^her of the Hall Council, i-lw ’'®sident of the Senior %b’ tentber of the Dramatic ^hai’. ?®e>l.yte, a. member of the ^ttild and a Sigma. Hr *^®i«bers of The Circle Utlierr'^®®® Drane, Jeanne BroAvn, V "’ell tlampbell, BettA^ Anne %j b Mary Giles Stewart, '^hins, and Ruth Sikes. Su- lub: ll®'"’ kabeth Has Son llV 80^** Elizabeth gave birth to a 'jfSunday, NoAmmber 14.- hrj). ® hrst male heir to the throne lYle two generations. The "lid is excited over and 1^1 f the neAvest addition to the Count Mountbatten, hjug T Elizabeth, is reported as "ith flying colors. Ruth Sikes, president of the Sen ior Class, has made plans and ap pointed committees' for the annual senior dance to be giAmn December 11 in the Saint Mary’s gymnasium. In addition to the seniors there Avill be twenty-five pages and servers. Fif teen of these are the conditional sen iors and the members of the business class who Avere Juniors last year. The remaining ten Avere picked from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes. The decorating committee chair man is Robbie Roberson and those on her committee are Betsy Shephard, Anne McMullan, Margie Story, “Sister” Cobb, Frances Minter, Pat Ambrose, and Jackie Murray. The invitation committee is made up of Isabel Carter, chairman, J0 Day Students Elect Heartt as President Group Elects Fox Dance Mar shal, Russ to Honor Council Ann DcAvey Heartt is the neAvly elected president of the day students. She is a Sigma, on the advertising 'staff of the Stage Coach, and a mem ber of the volleyball team. This is her fourth year at Saint Mary’s. The day students have also chosen Berta Allen Russ as their Honor Council representatiA'e and Shirley Ann Fox as dance marshal. Berta Allen, a junior at Saint Mary’s, has been on the adA’ertising staff of the Stage Coach for tAAm years. She Avas chairman of the decorations commit tee for the Freshman-Sophomore last year. She is noAV Business Man ager of the Stage Coach and a Mu. _ Shirley, Avho is a Sigma, partici pated in May Day last year and is a member of the Doctors’ Daughters’ Club. “ Methodist Church Will Have Hymn Festival “One AYorld on Christ” Avill be the theme carried out at a hymn festival to be given on Sunday, November 31, at the Edenton Street Methodist Church. Hymns of many nations Avill be featured. Miss Geraldine Cate, chairman of the festival, reports that the response to the iiiA^itation has been very good and that many choirs are expected to participate in the seiwice. The Reverend Ray Holder, Rec tor of Christ Church, and Dr. IIoAvard P. PoAvell, pptor of the host church, aauII assist AAuth the service. Ann Pinner, Nancy Spoolman, and Mary Giles SteAvart.' Mary DuBose, chairman, Anne ToAvnsend, Betsy Carter, Anne DeAvey Heartt, and Betty Anne Yowell are in charge of contracting the orchestra. The refreshment committee chair man is Rosa Little and her commit tee is made up of Betty Debnam, Florence Ruffin and Ruth Saunders. No definite plans for a figure liaA^e been agreed upon, but the committee made up of Catherine Campbell, chairman, Helen Wills, and Nelle Clark. The Senior Class officers are: President, Ruth Sikes; vice-presi dent, Liz Guion; secretary, Ellen Rixey; and treasurer, Mary Mc- N aughton. Saint Mary’s will dismiss for the Thanksgiving Holidays on Friday, November 26. The original time scheduled for the holidays was from Wednesday, November 24, until Sunday, the 28th, but due to the delay in the opening of school because of the poliomyelitis epidemic, Wednesday and Thursday ■will be sacrificed to make up the re quired number of school days. The holidays begin at 12:30 the 26th and end at 10:00 p. m. on Sunday, November 28. Happy holidays, everybody! The Russians have maintained their blockade in Berlin against the Allies for three months. Marshall has said that the nations of the world can never reach a peaceful agree ment until the Berlin hlochade has been lifted. BrundageWill Edit Student Handbook New Editor Defeats Huske and Wooten In Casting of Ballots Helen Brundage, Tryon, Avas chosen editor of the Student Iland- hooh in run-off elections held Mon day and Tuesday. She defeated Bar bara ITooten and Rosalie Huske. This is Helen’s third year at Saint Mary’s. This year she is vice-presi dent of the Y. W. C. A. for the sec ond consecutive year, is a member of the Honor Council, the Altar Guild, the Glee Club, Bulletin staff, and is a Sigma. Last year she Avas also on the editorial and advertising staffs of the Stage Coach. The duties of the Stude^it ITand- hook editor are to note uoav changes in the school regulations and to com pile these, along Avith other school information, into the Student Hand- hook. The editor automatically be comes a member of the Legislative Body. Music Association Will Open Season With Opera Raleigh Civic Music Association Avill hold its first performance Fri day night, November 19. The pre sentation Avill be Gounod’s Romeo and Juliet, an opera that has pre viously Avon Avide acclaim. Under the Charles L. Wagner touring asso ciation, Avhich Avill present this opera, it has continued this reputa tion. Laura Castellano Avill portray Juliet and Jon Crain Avill portray Romeo. The supporting roles Avill be William Wilderman as Friar Lawrence, William Shriner as Mer- cutio, Lizabeth Pritchett as Ger trude, Livingston Smith as Cai)ulet, Jean Rifino as Stephano, and Denis Harbour as Gregorio. The orchestra Avill be under the direction of Walter Ducloux Avho is an outstanding and young conductor. The opera folloAvs the Shake spearean play very Avell, but the mu sic Avill naturally be the high light of the opera. Another feature Avill be a dance by the Martinet-Beaudet dance duo Avhich Avill be presented in the opening act. These dancers also appeared in “Brigadoon,” a BroadAvay stage hit. Grandaughters Select Officers DuBose, Gaither, McMullan, Carter Head Organization. Mary DuBose, Jo Gaither, Anne McMullan, and Betsy Carter AA’ere elected officers of the Granddaugh ters’ Club at a meeting held NoA^em- ber 9. The president is ilary DuBose, Columbia, S. C. This’ is Mary’s second year here, and she is a mem ber of the Legislative Body, secre tary of the Canterbury Club, on the BELLES and Stage Coach staffs, and is a Mu. Jo Gaither, Charlotte, Avas chosen vice-president. She is on the Honor Council and is vice-president of the Altar Guild. She is in the Glee Club, Canterbury Club, on the Stage Coach staff, and is a Sigma. The secretary is Anne McMullan, Edenton. This is her third year here, and she is on tlie Hall Council, the Canterbury Club Council, and is a Sigma. Betsy Carter, Pinehurst, Avas chosen treasurer. This is her fifth •year here, and she is a marshal, on the staffs of the Bulletin and Stage Coach, and is in the Canterbury Club. She is also in the Sigma Pi Alpha and is a Sigma. Townsend Gives Course Mr. William ToAviisend is gH- iiig a course in social dancing in the Saint Mary’s gymiiasiniu everj^ Tuesday afternoon at five o’clock. He is offering a variety of dance steps including the tango, rluimba, samba, Avaltz, and other modern dance steps. Mr. ToAvnseiid is an Arthur Murray dance instructor, and his course Avas very popular last year at Saint Mary’s.

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