Congratulations TO THE NEW circle members Belles >aint Mary’s )rary OF SAINT MARY’S HAVE FUN AT THE FRESHMAN- SOPHOMORE! No, 8 XII, ^derclassmen Elect McNulty Dance Queen ^alton Elected Maid of Honor; ick Levin Will Furnish Music Th Dio ® annual Fresliman-Soplio- ® dance will take place at 8:30 Dj .®- in tlie Saint Mary’s gym- on Saturday, February 18. “■Sta , o^'ae of the dance will be kis ^*^Ost,” and Dick Levin and (Ijjj^^^olwstra will play for the dass ®na McNultv has been elected . ^«iKu Sally loiior RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA February 10, 1950 Th, be King Risley; Lou Ann Ciltn ■'’ice-president; Nedr; ose Ore ..ft- - treasurer; Kay Daniel, dass ’ ®ally Dalton, freshman vijo Pi’esiclent; Jane A’esbitt, 'iilta, ass k'eQjo^^^’^ident; Kathy LeStour- Seffo’, ^I’^asurer; Tresca Bowles, Georgia Kennedy and Legislative Body :^ntatives; Suzanne Robin- Ilaltoin iVoooi McXrdty, and Betsy i'ozart marshals; Rachel ili(.]j ’ Girele member; Alice 3ii(] j’ !?'’esident of the Beacon; 'laa(.’g''^*a McCuteheon, chairman. !?aire committee. ^^let Russe Will ^^rform Tonight I'll ” CarlJ^ Ijallet Russe de Monte paioi.-. ] h^i'Inrin tonight at the Ytlip'p Auditorium sponsored datig Civic Music Asso- ■fi't Qf' i., "’ill be the third eon- t '^iie u ^ association’s season, ^aiijj ^llet presents Alexandra JJar 1 ^ and Frederic Franklin, Ike j 'Jeers with the company, |Utha,i" '’i^ars Leon Danielian, "11, ‘‘"a Boris, Mary Ellen Moy- JJmipj Itoman Jasinsk.v. The lillipi eonducted bv Lueien '"‘Ulan "‘1 Paul Strauss. Sergei " directs it. |i (See P, 4, Col. 4) Trounces SM ^ 63-39 Hoop Contest team from Peace Jun- (!'' to defeated Saint Mary’s 'a; '"lot \i a basketball game at **3ry 6 "'y’s gym on Monday, Feb- s' io f, (piarter score of 15- .j'’‘Oio,j ‘"’er of I’eace, the teams ,SecQ'^'.^aky niatched; however in u ' ke„!.**^Va"’'od Peace went ahead i! dip bnid for the remainder "ji Phe score at the half t/("oe Jilaal honors go to Tart of ^dilts. ^ the scoring with 34 ii'di Is *^'""nd came Ferrell of Peace f'*di to ba.'ats followed by Corbett Ip*' Sti 'al® and Hester with one. .-^Iin'.y’s Woodruff and /aalected 14 and 11 points (See P. 4, Col. 4) Circle Taps Three In Midnight Walk King Risley, sophomore rp Pfesident, announced. ^ena M ,^®'gn as Queen of Stardust, of.i, Dalton will be her maid- ‘ no- participating in the fig- The sroiip sliowii above sittiiis on the front steps of Holt were watching the third walk of the Circle on Thursday night, February 2. (I’ieture by Buniice Batchelor) Legislative Body Has Second Meeting Of Year To Consider New Petitions A1 Wilson, Chairman, Prepares To Argue for Students’ Rights One of the duties of Saint ]\Iarv’s Legislative Bod.v is “to pass or re.ieet student petitions re garding social and dormitor.v regulations.” The Body will meet on Fridav, February 10, to per form this duty. The petitions which are passed by the Body will be turned over to Dr. Stone, who will make the final decision as to whether or not the.v will go into effect. The Legislative Body includes facultv and student members. Alice Wilson heads the group as ])resident, and Rosalie Iluske serves a.s secretary; Ann Xicoll is chairman of the petitioning com mittee. STL'DKXT PETITION'S For given reasons students peti tioned'^for the following privil- 1(1 (ypS I L “That all students be allowed two meal cuts a week provided that (a) the student sign up at a designated place twenty-foui hours in advance, (b) her table be notified in advance fo pietenf abuse of fhis privilege, (c) her hall counselor be notified, (d) she does not use both cuts the same day. iMeal count and penalties mav be decided b.v the Hall Coun cil.' This will further school spirit, cut down dining room expense, and eliminate skipping of meals. 2. “That the recreation room be opened ever.v weekday afternoon from 5 :00 to 5 :.55 for dating, with a facult.v member acting as hos tess.” 3. “That students be allowed to date the same bo.v as man,v times as their dating privileges permit them on the week end, provided they obtain parental permission.” .SATURDAY DIXXER 4. “That Satnrda.v night dinner be voluntary for all students, pro vided students not out on slip be required to sign up.” It was added that this arrangement would elim inate skipping of meals and would be more efficient for the dietician. o. “That seniors be allowed to stay out until !) :45 p. m. on Sun- da.v night.” The petitioners .sug gested that an extra fifteen min utes would allow seniors more adeqiiate time to dine and see a complete movie. I>ATE lAGHTS 6. “That students be allowed to take late lights in their rooms. . .” The advantages offered are that it is more comfortable in the rooms and easier to get to bed. The petitioners wished to bring attention to the fact that this privilege was not abused during exam week. 7. “That the freshmen and sojihomores of Saint Marv’s School and Junior College be al lowed to date together and no Honor Society Elects Ray, New- son, Cozart to Membership Betty Ray, Syl via Newson, and Rachel Cozart received “the honor bestowed upon a Saint Mary’s girl” upon formal initiation into the order of the Circle on Thursday night, February 2. Rachel Cozart, of F u q u a y Springs, is a sophomore. She is a member of the Beacon, the Honor Council, YWCA, and the Doctors’ Daughters Club, she is a Sigma. Betty Ray, a senior from Faison, is on the BELLES and Sfage Coach staffs. She is a member of the Honor Council, Sigma Pi Alpha, Altar Guild, and Hall Council. Betty is president of the choir and of the Granddaughters Club, and she is vice-president of the Canter bury Club. She is a Mu. Sylvia Newson, of Charlotte, is a senior. She is ])resident of the YWCA, associate editor of the BELLES, and a dance marshal. She is a member of the Altar Guild, Glee Club, Letter Club, and hall council, and she is a Sigma. Old members of the Circle are Luede Best, president, Rosalie Huske, secretary, Suzanne Dawson, treasurer, Betty Bowles, Betsy Brown, Helen Brundage, Aurelia Fulton, Jo Gaither, Heilig Harvey, Berta Allen Russ, and Barbara Wooten. May Queen Will Go To Azalea Festi'val Betty Bowles, Saint Mary’s May Queen for 1950, received an in\itatioii to participate as one of the eight college filav Queen membere of the Azalea Queen’s Court in the Wilmington Azalea Festival on the Aveek end of March 31 through April 2. She will receive traveling expenses, all expenses while there, and an evening dress. Though the movie actress Aza lea Queen has not been chosen All-America’s Doak Walker and Choo-Choo Justice will crown her I he ski 0,000 P.G.A. Azalea Golf Tournament is scheduled for the same week end. Betty will ride on the Queen’s float in the Azalea parade Satur day morning and will take part in the Queen’s crowning on Sat- longer be required to have an up perclassman accompany them ” The petitioners feel that under classmen are a burden to the up perclassmen, who have to bring them in at 10:.30 and thus inter- nipt their evening. They feel it IS often inconvenient to tli'eir dates also for their plans to be inter rupted by strangers. Finding someone with whom to sign out, they added, is often difficult and consumes a great deal of time.