CONGRATULATIONS, SOPHOMORES Belles Saint Mary's SbWl Lilnrary OF SAINT MARY’S C ONGR ATUL ATIONS, SENIORS ^ XII, No. 14 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 26, 1950 Commencement Exercises Fill Dramatic Club Will Present Last Weekend As Saint Mary’s "Midsummer Night’s Dream’’ e I ^aint Mary’s will hold its one Uiulred eighth commencement ^^ei’cises this Aveek end A\dth the ?*'8dnation of high school and •I'liiior college students. Celebration of the Holy Com- I'liion will be held in the chapel I Pight o’clock Sunday, May 28. Us Mdii i)g a Corporate Com- ^'uioii for the senior class. At . ^’eii o’clock the service of Morn- Prayer will be read by the >/'’• Mr. Ilnghes, and the Rev. g^*Ph S. Meadowcroft, rector of dice Episcoiml Church, Charles- 'C S. C., Avill preach the bac- '^Ureate sermon. dlJADUATION KXEnCISES (.j^^^'udnating exercises Avill be ]0*\'*dcted Monday morning at in the auditorium with John 0 ' ^Pii-relson, Chancellor of North w '^Pua State College, as the Dr. Richard G. Stone ^oi t present diplomas to the ^^Phoiuores. Following this, the ^,j "ou class Avill ])roceed to the ^^Pel where the Rt. Rca’. Edwin f 'Mouias. lilty'*" Pdtire student body and fac- iii"’ill then form a semi-circle dii Smedes Hall where the 'I'a r .^darshal, Sandra Sims, Avill hii* mark the end of the ."ear by dropping a hand- P'liief, of Bishop of the Diocese ,1, -'orth Carolina, Avill present V, ^^ied Program Fills Class Day Exercises Ij^^^^dor Clas,s Day will l>c held Saturday, May 27. Rosalie ?iv class president, Avill Avelcome, followed by the 'll prayer by Joan Stieber. ■Sq- ®*'"*^lent body will sing Hail, ^^ari/s after which Frankie i'()ll'^'’'d'ier will read the senior class Mil .^P"ia Lynch and Betty Ray Wff e tile class history. The class to^be presented by Rosalie 'Vu ^mt Mary’s auditorium at four Cynthia Davis and Ileilig '’llo*!^ "’ill read the class prophecy, llotj''':" by the senior class poem by SoAvles. Mary Anne Rose and ^Oij ^^’^1 Chew will give the last will I'j^l^iiient, after which Eunice lin(f "'ll! present the superlatives. *•1)0,f ‘^iin Williamson will be in- % Ill's Ifiij *^ted as Student Body Presi- , y Barbara Wooten, retiring M,._ c. A. P. Moore, ad- M’aj,’, ""11 present the publications f. 1 after which Lucile Best, edi- * Hi ^ Coach, will dedicate Mfl^ |""al. The ])rogram will close Sio.^° Mater, sung by the ■'If , class, and the benediction by ■ ^l"glies. A scene from ".A Midsimimer Night’s Dream,” featiirins Titaiiia and Oberon, KiiiR' and Queen of the Fairies, Puck, Bottom, and otlier Fairies. Letter Club^s Annual Banquet Changes Dining Room To Western Chuck Wagon Oettinger, Parshley, and Neal Add Points to Sigma ’Victory The athletic association held its annual baiufuet in the dining room May 17. At this time the athletic awards tvere made. The bamjuet tvas occasioned by the smoking of the peace pipe be tween the Cowboys (Mu’s) and Indians (Sigma’s) and was held on the top of Old Smoky when the West was' wild and woolly. The last Mohican Rousseau, toastmas ter, ofiened the bamjuet Avith a greeting to the coAvboys and In dians, after Avhich the coAvboys and Indians (the Letter Club) sang the Prairie Yodel "War Chant. Toasts Avere given to Daniel Boone Stone, Founder of the, by Red Rider Davis; Pale Pace Guess by Smiley Burnette BoAvles; The Lone Liverman by Gene Autry Shuford; and Buffalo Bill Hughes by Sitting Bull Allen. NOTFHES AND FEATHERS The Lone Liverman and Pale Pace Guess announced the Indians Who Get a Feather In Their Head dresses and the CoAvboys Who Get a Notch In Their Guns. These CoAvboys and Indians are Eliza beth Randolph, baseball; Bimbo Parshley, basketball; June Rnen- ing, SAvimming; Alary Frances Gil bert, boAvling; Sally Dalton, bad minton; Bimbo Parshley, volley ball; Betsy BroAvn, hockey; Sara Ann Proctor, tennis; Louise Alilli- ken, posture; and Vivian Scott and Anne Cahoon, dancing. ATHIiETK' AWARDS Johnny Mac BroAvn, Chief of the Indian Warriors, announced the braves and lu)ud)res avIio hit the mark, the ncAV members of the Letter Club. Daniel Boone Stone announced the three who receive the S.M.S. brand, the coveted ath letic medals. They Avere aAvarded this year to Evelyn Oettinger, |)lace; Bimbo Parshley, second ])lace; and Pei)]>er Neal, third jAlace. They are aAvarded on a i)()int basis. WESTERN VICTORS The climax of the bamjuet came Avhen Buffalo Bill Hughes I'c- vealed in smoke signals the vic tors of the Avest. The Sigma’s Avere the 1950 Avinners of the ath letic lAhujue. The banquet closed Avith ail invitation from The Last Mohican Rousseau to the coAvboys and Indians to reucAV the fight next A'ear. Be sure to subscribe to the BELLES next year if you are not returning to Saint Mary’s. Club Presents Shakespearean Comedy for Commencement Saint Alary’s Exjiression De partment Avill jiresent as its an nual recital AVilliam Shake- sjieare’s “Alidsummer Night’s Dream” Friday, Alay 26. The play, under the direction of Aliss Florence C. Davis, Avill take jilace at the east side of the auditorium at 8:15. The play is a comedy Avhich concerns an entanglement of lov ers. Theseus, avIio is to Aved llip- jiolyta, has ordered Pbilostrate to “stir 11]) the Atlieniaii youths to merriments for the occasion.” The members of the court are all gath ered to particijiate in the gaiety. Fairies enter tlie scene to add to the confusion of love’s coiiijilica- tions. ('A.ST MEAIBFR.S The cast is comjiosed of Dor othy Parshley, Theseus, Duke of Athens; LaNelle EdAvards, Egciis, Father of llermia; Ann Shuford, Lysander; Alary Sutton, Demetri us; Alary Jane ALdtoAvell, Philo- strate, Alaster ot Rca’cIs; Frances Johnson, Quince, a Carpenter; and Elizabeth Kent, Bottom, a AVeaver. Pearle Buchanan is Flute, a Bel- loAvs-mender; Alartha Combs, Sung, a ,Joiner; Louise Bonin, Snout, a Tinker; King Risley, Starveling, a Tailor; Carolyn AVelsh,. Queen of the Amazoi'is; Jacijiielyn Clarkson, llermia. Daughter to Egeus; A'llciii White, Helene, in love Avitli Demetrius. Katherine Armistead is Oberon, King of the Fairies; Juliet Fiil- glnim, Titaiiia, Queen of the Fairies; Elizabeth Strange Dor ris, Puck, or Robin Goodfellmv; Charlotte Duer, Pease-Blossom; Anne Rixey, ColiAveb; Betty Cheek, Alotli; Barbara Clark, AIiis- tard-Seed. Other Fairies: Aladge Hooker, Ellen Aloore, Alickie Shannon, and Harriet Teiv. E.ADIES OF THE (’OFRT Ladies of the Court Avill be Jane BroAvii, Lytle Batchelor, Vir ginia Gilliam, Peggy Gregsoii, Nancy llaltom, (trace Gordon, Suzanne Robinson, and Jean Sum mers; Agile Ajics; Eunice Bizzel, Alildred (kibb, Lane Buddy, Eliza beth Everage, and Elizabeth Ran dolph. The jiroduction staff indndes Florence C. Davis, Director; Airs. William C. Guess, Dance Director; Patty Starr, Stage Alan- ager; and Alargaret Brock, Sound Engineer. There Avill be a A’oeal ensemble under the direction of Aliss Ger aldine Sjiinks Cate. Comjiosing (Turn to Page 6)