HAVE FUN, SENIORS Belles M^rv*s S^Tionl Lihr OF SAINT MARY’S nrv MERRY CHRISTMAS ^ol- XIII, No. 6 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA December 8, 1950 Underclassmens Honorary Society Seniors Plan For Christmas Dance; Of SMS Takes In Four New Members ^ Win ter W onderland’ Will BeTheine Sophomores Bernhardt, Nisbet, haw, Davenport New Members , The Beacon initiated Nancy Bern- Deedee Davenpoi’t, Beaufort and Jane Nisbet, four sopho- ^jOres, Tuesday, December 5. The "b membersbii) is now increased ‘Diine. Eligibility for membership de- Upon a girl’s character, par- .^'Pation in extracurricular activi- ^ and school si)irit. She must at least a C average also. E alley Bernhardt, of Lenoir, Y® Belles staff, a meml "" ' ^EA, and a Mv. ^■Po(‘dee Davenport, of Timmons-j ,| 0) S. C., is in the Letter Club, Saint Mary’s Clubs Senior Class Plans Plan For Christmas Christmas Pageant Canterbury Club, Glee Club, Y Give Parties, Programs, Gifts Since Cbristmas is just around the corner, the varioiia are making ph various pre 18 on ^ marshal, in the Doctg I^^Oghters’ Cluh, a member of i and a i/w. j Beaufort Law, of Fayettevi^ p ‘ass representative to the Jbucil, on the BELLES sti '^’“Ber of the YWCA, and a Taiie Nisbet, of Charlotte, is of her class, on the BElJ Miss Davis Begins Rehearsals; Mr. Broughton Furnishes Music Saint Mary’s senior class has he- gun practicing for the traditional sigmas pageant, iiresented each le senior class. This year’s be given in the chapel ecembor 17. istead will be the iVilBamsou will Mary, and |ej)h. Angels pe, Carolyn jn, Alickie ‘Butter- amjy^to, *taff ^’luh in the Doctors’ Daug 5.,,; a member of the YWC T) (i ‘‘0 Beacon, an honorary , “ for underclassmen, helps 0 school spirit and works * Pi'ojects during the ^^^dent Vestry e1^ Officers For 195feT ^ The student vestry held its first^^r aMiTp^ltftlm “tiiig with Mr. Hughes /‘^Duber 3. The membe ■'“ia junior warden; Benton, secretary- are as follows: seniors, ViiM hf, ' ^Ball, Margaret Dunn, and- afj'*'''' ^’ordon; juniors, Anne Stew- . ‘‘lid Alarjorie Benton; so])ho- Vickie Stedman and Nell ^ j freshmen, Alice Bostard and Nicolson; business student, AVjjll; and day student, Con- u? Bhanklin. Officers elected were ^.Siiiia Hall, senior warden; Stedman, '‘‘1 Ar„ • • , Alarjorie j|®iii-er. , Jn^j'^‘‘iiiiess was taken iij) with for- V(.jj^*'ii^S objectives of the student % which are to Birther relig- > life in school, to see to it that (j ‘ouce IS observed in chapel ser- and during dining room pray- io keep religious life in the 1 ’^‘itories at the highest possible Si' 11101'e regular at- (i^^^“ce, including day students, at kj B°‘‘ate Communions, and to be OftB^Hsible for publicity of special “I'iugs. ^ jmg,^;h^rv»bine Tots : tlit^ ankSfTvilig., -Thji'-jSieciV'ipaBiig jdans ' llospitifl vVise UKUR i^ie^given in addition ^Bt^tlffi^club ^gi^hs for a concert Moiulay_,xri^L be|^re the holidays begin.'T^ TEe ^AVCA is to give itsV^pdi^^ tionflT^)grty to the youngest group' of children who live in the Baby Cot- fit a f ted re xthuYdifeetioi) of mIsau^i tage at'Siie Thompson Orphanage. .staging aiuf-; (lOstumin rtho-OET^feljui^.Cohey, rjngc'; rJ^'isAVjSfe'Tiroughtoii-^ assujtpgjy Girlkliyffib wil|_Tielj^ Mi§^ Santa Clgiis will distribute to Avee ones- 4?i/ts chosen by ^int~ ry’s giiTs. ^ Sigma’s Gaptur^l^. In Last Game By The Sigma hockey team won the Sigma-Mu hockey tournament in the third game of the hard-fought tour nament by a score of 2-1 November 29. Breviously the Sigma’s and the Mu’s had each won one game. The Sigma’s won the first game 7-1, and the Mu’s won the second game 3-2. The Mu’s started the scoring in the game by making a goal in the first half. The Sigma’s soon scored and the half ended in a tie, 1-1. KfTubstui Mitton; Margarefi Gas Tbtirnament in Over Mu’s At half time Betty Check, Becky Wall, and the Mu cheerleaders enter tained the spectactors with a mwelty song. The Sigma's did their stunt, enacting Santa Claus and his rein deer, at the beginning of the game. The first of the second lialf was as hard fought and as evenly matched as the first half had been, but near the end the Sigma’s scored again to lead 2-1. The Sigma’s managed to hold this lead until the game ended, bringing the chain i)ionship of the hockey tournament to the Sigtna’s. Gymnasium Will Be Decorated With Snowman, Sled, Snow Alemhers of the senior class an; having their annual Christmas dance in the gymnasium 8:30. through 12:00 Saturdiiy, December 9. Laura Davis, ebairman of the dec oration committee, has announced that the theme will be a Avinter Avonderland. Lanra and Grace Gor don’ are supervising the decoration of the ceiling Avhich Avill be covered Avith interAvoven strips of national bine crepe pajH'r from Avhich Avill hang silver snoAvtlakes. Alice May and Sonoko Yama moto are in charge of the band stand, Avhich Avill be a sleigh diaiAvn by ascending reindeer. Barbara Clark and Dorothy I’arshley Avill suiiorvise th(> dooi-Avay decorations. It Avill be surrounded by a trellis Avith silver foliage forming an arch- Avay. EA’clyn Oettingcr is in charge of the large, silver, Christmas tree on Avhich blue lights Avill hang. T’onia Koavc Avill sujKU'vise the decoration of the refreshment table to resemble a snoAvbank. A snoAvman Avill sit on top of th(‘ stejis leading doAvn to the dance. Kit Armistead, (diairman of the refreshment committee, has an nounced that cranherry ])unch, chocolate kisses, and p(>anuts Avill be serv(>d. Conni(‘ iShanklin, (diairman of the oridiestra committee, has announeed that Dicdc Lc'vin will play for the dance. Carolyn W(dsh, Laura Chapman, jnd Rosemary Hcovil arc' handling .selling of bids. Lain l‘ag(>, chairman of the fig- nmittee, has announced that i-(‘ Avill begin at 10:40. TTios(> pating arc Virginia .MoAvery, (lance marshal, Alhdn White; ddent of the senior (da.ss; Mar- 'gar(‘t AiiiU' Sasser, vice-president of the class; Eunice Saunders, secre tary; Virginia Hall, tnaisurer; Betty Ann Williamson, priasident of the Student Gov(‘rnment Association; Anne Rixey, vice-presid(“nt; Ann Nicoll, .secretary; Martha McGuirk, chairman of the Hall Coumdl; Lou ise Milliken, sc'ciahary; June Bul lard, ])resident of the day students; Laura Davis, chairman of decora tions; Kit Armistead, chairman of refreshments; Connie Shanklin, chairman of orchestra; Carolyn AVelsh, chairman of bids; Jean Bage, chairman of figure; and Caro line Cobey, udiairman of pictures. Allein White, ])resident of the senior class, has extended invitations to Bishoj) and Mrs. Penick, Dr. and Mrs. Stone, Air. and Mrs. Hughes, Aliss Jones, Mr. and Airs. Aloore, and Aliss Davis.