V- li Saint Mary’s School Library GIVE TO THE march of dimes Belles START STUDYING NOW OF SAINT MARY’S XIII, No. 7 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA January 12, 1951 To Find Examination Preferences Present International Dance Trio 11 Answers Show Students Prefer Essay Tests for Better Grades llie BELLES lias canvassed resi- students of Saint Mary’s as ^“nipletely as possible and lias com- Piled this poll of their opinions con- '^^riiiiig examinations, three-questions were asked by the ^porters. They are which type of ^^arti the student prefers, which type o\vs a better comprehension of the '^dent’s knowledge, and which type , exam" usually gives the student a etter grade. jj^kighty-seven students stated that preferred the essay type of 110 students preferred the ob- etive type, and twenty-five students Pi'essed no preference, ertaining to the second question the reporter about which type of ^ showed the teacher a better 1 ^prehension of the student’s owlgdge, ninety-five voted for the type, eighty-three voted for the , Jective type, and twenty were un- ^cided. '^lie third question proposed to the '•ents was on which type of exam j Usually received a better grade, students answered the essay type, 'ety-five said the objective type, I *1 fourteen didn’t know. I majority of students polled : the opinion that the ob- a mixture of objective and - ^fchesis Announces May Day Committees (jj^f^uibors of Orchesis will s'ponsor ■‘'lay Day pageant held at Saint s on tlie first Saturday in May. K fjuess directs its planning and \',ution. *is 1 Dorris, iiresident of Orche- ‘*us announced the committees year’s pageant. Betty Ann |,g fiamson was chairman of the ^ Seam committee, which will an- the theme of this year’s pag- m some time in the coming week. Jones, Anne Rixey, Becky (jjj^ *) King Risley, and Anna Red- S are other members of the com- 0 %jj^^'olyn Welsh, chairman of the tyll^es committee, will be assisted «o^^fargaret Cheatham, Sue Ilarri- j> aiicl Florence Swindell. L ^Ui'a Chapman, chairman, and Rowe are on the properties 'L ^dtee. Lane Buchly, chairman. Summers, and Ann Patterson hji Members of the programs com- P “• Hooker is in charge of the l^i^^uals, and Juliet Fulghum and Hays are on the publicity jDittee. Rixey, president of the Stu- SMS Library Gets Pi Chapter Takes In FineNewBirdBook 22 New Members type of exam required greater Uiore exacting study. On such leets as history, students actually Schlesinger Donates Two New Books to Saint Mary’s Library Saint Mary’s library has received some very interesting new books. Besides many current best-selling novels, there are several biographies and Menahoni’s Birds by Athos and Sara Menaboni. This beautifully illustrated book is already being hail ed as one of the finest bird books since Audubon’s Folio. Among the biographies is Man of Independence by Jonathan Daniels. Mr. Daniels’ book is primarily a biography of Harry Truman, but it brings in the story of the America in Avhich the President grew up. One of the most interesting of all the new books is Thor Heyerdahl’s Kon-Tiki. Six men traveled 4,300 miles across the Pacific on a ])rimi- tive raft to prove a scientific theory. This book is their true story and is written by one of the men who went on the voyage. Some of the other new books are Innocents fro.m Indiana by Emily Kimbrough, World Enough and Time by Robert Penn Warren, A. J. Cronin’s The Spanish Garden, The Adventurer by Mika Waltari, and The Little Princesses by Marion Crawford. Besides these books, the library has also received The Mature of the Universe by Fred Hoyle and The Mature Mind by Overstreet. Both of these books were donated by klr. B. F.' Schlesinger of Los Angeles, California. State Joins Sigma Pi Alpha for Initiation of Large Group The Sigjna Pi Alpha chapter of Saint Mary’s initiated twenty-two new members in the study hall De cember 13. Membership in this mod ern language fraternity is based upon scholarship. Requirements are a B average and a B-|- on foreign language. Members of the fraternity from Saint Mary’s and State College took part in the ceremony. Those initi ated were Mary Sue Strupe, Mar garet Gaston, King Risley, Alice Jones, Franky Allen, Marian Fai son, Alice Hicks, Mary Ann Eaddy, Allein White, Laura Hays, Mary Stuart McKee, Margaret Malvina Stewart, Martha Hood, Mary Jo Paul, Barbara Clark, Betsy Clarke, Mary Aston Leavell, Mary Sutton, Virginia Mowery, Libba Dorris, and Sonoko Yamamoto. Katherine Armistcad is president of the Pi chaj)ter. klimi J.ynch is vice-president, and Virginia Gilliam is secretary and treasurer. Old members of the Pi cha])ter are Mary Strickland, Catherine Bikle, June Bullard, Martha Me- Gnirk, Margaret Dunn, LaNelle Ed wards, and Laura Chai)man. Anne Rixey Takes Over Student Gov^t As Former Head, Williamson, Marries Mr. Holder Officiates at Quiet Wedding Ceremony In Raleigh A quiet wedding ceremony at Christ Church in Raleigh united Betty Ann 'VTilliamson of Cerro Gordo, president of Student Govern ment at Saint Mary’s for 1950-1951, and Ralston Welch of High Point at four o’clock Tuesday, December 19. The Reverend Mr. Ray Holder offi ciated. Betty Ann is a graduate of Saint Mary’s high school and was a senior at Saint Mary’s at the time of her marriage. During her three and a half years at Saint Mary’s she had been very active in school activities. Prior to his marriage Ralston dent Government Association, has announced that nominations for May Queen will be made Tuesday, Jan uary 16, and that the election will be held on Wednesday, January 17. was a senior at M^ake Forest Col- lege. Immediately after the ceremony the couj)le left for Winston-Salem. I'hey are now making their homo in High Point. Betty Ann’s office as president of Student Government at Saint Ma ry’s has been filled by Anne Rixey of Norfolk, who was vice-president of Student Government. As the new Student Government head, Rixey’s new duties will ho to call and preside over all Student Government and Honor Council meetings, to be an ex officio member of the itall Council and the Legis lative Body, to assume leadership of student matters not belonging to other students, and at the end of school to appoint counselors and vice-counselors for the coming year on the advice of the Counselor Com mittee. Saint Mary’s Will Be Host To Famous Dance Trio Next Friday Elena Imaz, Argentine dancer, will appear with her International Dance Trio in Saint Mary’s audito rium Friday, January 19. Miss Imaz has conceived a new kind of entertainment composed of classical Spanish dances, the balletoirianes,. folk and character dancing. The International Dance Trio is comj)rised of three dancers. Miss- Imaz, Iona McKenzie, and Wayne' Lamb, and directed by Miss Imaz. They i)erform as a group or in solos or duets. Miss Imaz is a tiny brunette who is especially noted for her perform ances of the Bolero, Tango, and the Jota. From her studies of dancing in the Latin countries of Europe she hrings a dance technique amplified by tbe facial and posture art of the mime. Iona McKenzie, the young baller ina of the International Dance Trio, dances in the classical tradition to the music of Strauss and Choi)in, She also combines with Miss Imaz and her male partner in folk dances of different lands. Wayne Lamb gives the group sup port as a male dancer and offers as his solo contribution a specimen of the modern dance idiom. Mias Imaz was born in Argentina of Basque j)arents. For four years, a ballet and character dancer at the Teatro Colon in Ifiienos Aires, she won her j)lace there on the basis of two examinations in which she com peted with 300 other dancers. Dur ing those years, Miss Imaz danced in more than fifteen operas. Ballerina Iona McKenzie is typi cal of the new crop of young ballet dancers. The English-born girl re ceived her dance training in Canada. In Canada, she conducted her own school of the dance for three years; in America she was soloist with the New York City Opera Couqiauy and i)remier danseuse with the Sail Carlo Opera Company. On Broad way, she scored a notable success as ])rineiple dancer in such hit musicals as “Oklahoma,” “Call kle Mister,” and “Ballet Ballads.” Wayne Lamb is a jiroduet of American training and the Broad way stage, fie studied dancing at the Edler School in his native Wich ita, IGinsas. His musical comedy experience has included solo dancing in “Yours Is My Heart,” a leading dancing jiart in the road comjiany of “Call Me Mister,” and roles in “Earl Carroll’s Vanities” and “Make Mine Manhattan.” Michel Bourgeot, noted French jiianist, accompanied the Interna tional Dance ’Irio. Mr. Bourgeot was brought to America especially for the Trio engagements by Miss Imaz.