Saint Mary’s School Library CAN SPRING BE PAR BEHIND? Belles ^ol. XIII, No. 11 OF SAINT MARY’S RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA DON’T FORGET TO VOTE March 16, 1951 Saint Mary's Chooses Sweetheart SMS Picks Alice Hicks President As Week Of Eliminations Closes Of Student Body For Coming Year e e ? :S le a e- :1> h li. je ,e. bt ja ro bf ay rf' Ilf ;b. 4- :l>f ill.'' Jo- »!' irf* 5 all iliif toi' tlif gtif ,e?f ¥'■ Of- irfj (II"' iliP Students, Faculty Co-operate to Make Contest Successful Saint Mary’s School chose her ®"'eetheart in the study hall Mon- night, March 11. For five "%hts beginning March 2 in the hall were eliminations after supper, . Friday, March 2, the three halls "j West Wing displayed forty-two potos, ten from the first floor, "’enty-two from the second, and ten ''oin the third. The winners were j ' Lassiter, Thomas Faulkner, and 'fy Parker. Monday night brought the ap- Pdarance of twenty entries from the (P'11' halls in Smedes. Second I'l'iedes accounted for seventeen and "I'd Smedes for three. The winners Louis Anderson and Huey ^"iipbell. Fi'om the three day student en- and j^^Mkiier was k F f'es displayed Wednesday morning, ' .iii'y Ann Faddy’s brother emerged "Filler. w^^lie thirty-six photos featured ■ I'hiesday night had their origin " East Wing. Among the fourteen gtered on the first floor Mr. Lar- 'I's Was the champion. Seven of i," eight entries on second East , Lig bowed to Dave Dunlap. Thir- p"i of the fourteen jfiiotos of Third '"St lost to Claude Eley. (, Lliiirsday night ivas Holt’s night, uiiny DeHart topped first floor’s entries. Shepherd’s Kay Brooks ,"i over second’s other eighteen l"tos as did Tommy Fanjoy over '' seven on third. , Rock and West Rock entered total of fifteen pictures Friday j'Sht. Emmett Morrison chanip- in East Rock. Miss McLaur- iiej)hew. Bland, did the same I “'ig in West Rock, j s^Ioiiday, March 11, the contest I i^iisored by the freshman and j j|Puoniore classes came to its con- I (^"'"on. From the eliminations fif- ! finalists had emerged. After ' y Ppor wdien everyone had cast her the sponsors calculated the discovered that Thomas the Sweetheart of “The Sweetheart of S.>I.S.,” Thomas Faulkner, of N. O. State ami Kinston. Gordon Will Attend Wilmington Festival Grace Gordon will represent Saint Mary’s in the annual Wilmington Azalea Festival. Eight schools from the state are asked to send repre sentatives to make up the court of the queen of the festival. The festival, wdiich lasts from March 30 to 'April 1, consists of many events, such as dances, a Ted Malone radio broadcast, and the coronation of the queen. The high light of the festival is the parade, wdiich will consist of more than thirty floats. The main float is the one on which the queen and her court ride. The queen will he a Hollywood star wdiose name is still undisclosed. The girls wdio are in the court are honored at jiarties and dances, in cluding a luncheon at Orton Planta tion. Each girl is given the evening dress that she w'ears in the parade. S M S E lectsT ankard Hall Council Head Tankard Will Succeed McGuirk As Chairman of Hall Council Saint Mary’s student body chose Pat Tankard to serve as Chairman of the Hall Council next year as a result of the election held March 14. Pat will succeed Martha McGuirk who at present holds this respon sible office. The Chairman of the Hall Coun cil has the following duties; 1) To call and preside over all meetings of the Hall Council. 2) To he responsible for the gen eral functioning of the Hall Coun cil. 3) To serve as a member of the Legislative Body. 4) To submit to the president of the Association the name of the fac ulty member desired as adviser. .5) To ajipoint and supervise as sembly and chapel proctors," and to make seating charts for chapel and assembly. (J) To serve on the Counselor Committee. Pat is from Washington. She has only been at Saint Mary’s for one year during wdiich she has been active in school activities. She is a member of the YWCA, the BELLES staff, the Stage Coach staff, and the Dramatics Club. Pat is a Sigma. ^islature Passes ^Bltn Sunday Petition k Riehard G. Stone approved a J) fiioii concerning the week-end of Sunday. petition requires that the yent Handbook be revised to say L*alm Sunday be an open week- tal" great many girls wanted to hif ^ week-end over Palm Sunday, (| ' Mr. Hughes consented to stu- being absent from the Palm ■ ■ service here. Basketball Team Picks All'Star Team Members Miss Liverman has announced the all-star basketball team for the sea son 1950-51. The five Mu\s are Al len Loy, Louise Milliken, Sue Wood ward, Grace Gordon, and A1 White. The four Signm’s are Nancy Woodruff, Kay Daniel, Eunice Saunders, and “Bimbo” Parshley. The Letter Club has taken in two new members, Louise Milliken and Eunice Saunders. Letter Club mem bership requires two all-star teams or 100 points acquired in any major sport. Louise has made the basket ball all-star team and has been elected Posture Queen for the jiast two years. Eunice has accumulated a sufficient number of points and made the basketball all-star. Underclassmen Choose Beyond The Sea Theme Saint Mary’s freshmen and sopho more classes have begun planning for the annnal Freshman-Sopho more dance to be held in the gym Saturday, Ajiril 14. 'riie dance wdll honor (Jueen Traques Saunders and her maid of honor Catherine Morrison. The choosing of the queen from the sophomore class and the maid of honor from the freshman class has been traditionally done as in the past years. The committee chairmen for the dance are Nancy Bernhardt, decora tions; Nancy Haltom, refreshments; Florence Swdndell, invitations; An na Jane Owens, figure. The theme for the decoration will be underwater scenes. The idea was taken from the song Beyond the Sea wdiich wdll be played during the figure. The color scheme wdll be entirely of different shades of green, and the refreshments will carry out the color scheme as well as the theme. Gene Wallace and his nine-piece orchestra wdll furnish the music for the dance. President Will Preside Over Honor Council, Student Body The students of Saint Mary’s have elected Alice Hicks to serve as president of the Student Govern ment Association and Pat Tankard chairman of the Hall Council dur ing the 1951-52 session. Each year in the early spring Saint Mary’s girls choose rising seniors to hold these honored offices. This year the Nominating Committee met March 7 to draw np the nominations for president and Hall Council and the election w’as held March 12. 1*I{FSI1)KNTI.\L DUTIES When .iVlice takes over her new' office at Class Day her duties wdll be as stated in the handbook. 1) “To call and preside over all meetings of the Student Government Association and of the Honor Coun cil. 2) “To appoint seniors to act as chairmen of the classes until the class ])residents are elected. 3) “To appoint tlie student mem bers of tbe Constitution (Committee. 4) “’Fo draw’ uj) in conference with student officers and officials a slate of the faculty advisers desired by the various student groups, and to submit this slate to the President of the school. 5) “To serve on the Hall Council, ex oificio. 6) “To serve on the Legislative Body, c.r officio. 7) “To assume direction of stu dent matters not specifically as signed to other student officers. 5) “Before the end of school to ap- j)oint members of tbe incoming se nior class as counselors and vice counselors for the coming year on the advice of the Couiuselor (Com mittee. ■ 9) “At the end of the year to jiass on to her successor .suggestions and unofficial records that may jirove useful to her, akso any heljifui rec ords for the use of the next year’s class presidents. 10) “’Fo assume the duties of the chairman of the Hall Council dur ing a tein])orary absence of the chairman or to ajipoint a member of tbe Hall Council to serve as act ing chairman.” IMIESENT OFFIFEKS Alice is from Faison. She has been at Saint Mary’s for three years and has at all times participated actively in school life. 'Fhis year Alice is president of the junior class, the Letter Club, and the Doc tors’ Daughters’ Club. She is sec retary of the Legislative Body, vice- president of the Sigma’s, and a member of the Circle and the YWCA.