t1 Saint Mary s JUNIOR-SENIOR TOMORROW NIGHT QUEEN SANDRA REIGNS TOMORROW OF SAINT MARY’S XIII, No. 13 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK END BRIGHT WTH FESUVniES Juniors Give Final Dance For Seniors .The Saint Mary’s Juniors will ?''’e the annual Junior-Senior dance honor of tlie senior class in the ^yninasium 8 ;30 through 12 :00 Sat- May 5. The members of the junior class that the ' theme will be Purple. Under the guid- ^»ce of Margaret Cheatham, chair- the decoration committee has J'^'^ided that the first two lines of *6 song Deep Purple will be used !** carry out the theme. Strips of ^Vender and purple crepe paper will '^Cver the ceiling, and silver stars a lighted moon will shine on dancers. *Tther members of the decoration jJ'ainittee are Marian Faison, Sue v^^rison, Ruth Hines, May Holton, ' Boone Crofton, Sally Hack- Mary Gage Hammond, Lois Pat Tankard, Anna Red- b''8) Pat Boesser, Kay Daniel, and '^'icy Robinson. j Tan Winders, chairman of the re- T^^hment committee, announced punch, cookies, and nuts will served. Other members of the •'eshment committee are Virginia ■ Jess Gant, Ann Nelson, and Sh, Rustin. 1 ^onnie Edwards, chairman of the r,,*id committee, xinn Harless, Betsy f., and Becky Hurt have se- f *cd Roy Cole and his band to play * dance. u,^*ivitations have been extended to ^ lUembers of the faculty. Rishop Mrs. Penick, Dr. and Mrs. Miss Jones, Mr. and Mrs. r uuuco, xTij. and Miss Morrison have been to he in the receiving line. l^J'Te figure committee, King Ris- chairman, Mary Stuart McKee, 5^^Siaia Turley, Peggy' Costner, tti " o. -LLlllCJj J. CggJ ^ 7 Lane Buchley, has decided that will begin at 10 :30. In figure will be xVnne Rixey, pres- A of the Student Government of^iatioii; Ann Nicoll, secretary 5i Student Government Asso- cpon; Martha McGuirk, ^A^iuan of the Hall Council; Rift- ^obhs, Grace Gordon, Vir- Turley, and Sandra Donald- Honor Council members; Vir- Hall, treasurer of the Senior Ann Pentoii, treasurer of the fpMoi' class; Eunice Saunders, see- of the Senior class; Ann Pat- Secretary of the Junior class; ol^^^aret Ann Sasser, vice-president v; ‘fio Senior class; Nancy Dawson, l(j®Tresident of the Junior class; tijv Pisher, president of the Busi- tL® Class; A1 White,-president of ,®onior class; and Alice Hicks, ’^^'fient of the Junior class. Pictuietl above are Toiiia Rowe and the Lemon Rrop dancers from the May l>ay i)a5>'oant M^THughes^Sioos^^Ch^^^ To Serve For Coming School Year New Chapel Assistants Begin Duties May Day Week End Mr. Hughes has appointed Mar jorie Penton and Sally Hackney as crucifiers; Ann Stewart, Mary Alma Hodges, and Betsy Dunn as servers; Sandy Donaldson, Lane Buckley, and xUice Jones as acolytes. These new chapel assistants will assume their duties May 6. Marjorie Penton, of Wilmington, is a member of the Glee Club, choir, Centerhury Club, Student Vestry, Sigma Pi Alpha, and Bulletin staff. She is a Sigma. Sally Hackney, of lYilson, is a member of the YWCA Dramatics Club, and on the Stage Coach statt. She is a Mu. Ann Stewart, of New York, N. Y., is a nieinher of the xVltar Guild,’ Student Vestry, and Canter bury Club. She is a Mu. Mary Alma Hodges, of Kmgs- treti S. C., is a member of the Can terbury Club, and Stage Coach staff. She is a Alu. Betsy Dunn, of xVlexandria, Va., is a member of the Canterbury Club, Altar Guild, and Stage Coach staff. She is a AIu. Sandy Donaldson, of Wilson, is a niembe/ of the YWCA and Honor Council. She is a cheerleader and a AIu. Lane Buckley, of Fort Belvoir, Virginia, is a member of tlie clioir, Swimming Club, and Orchesis. She is a Sigma. xilice Jones, of Warrenton, is a member of the YWCA, Orchesis, Letter Club, Sigma‘Pi Alpha, and the Swimming Cliih. She is a AIu. Canterbury Club Elects President Saint Mary’s Canterbury Club met April 25 and elected officers for next year. Mary Jo Paul is the new jn-esident; Ann Stewart, vice- president; Mary Gage Hammond, secretary; Margo Hester, treasurer. Mary Jo, of Washington, is BELLES editor. She is a memher of Sigma Pi Alpha, Altai- Guild, and Stage Coach staff. She is a Mu. Ann Stewart, of New York, N. Y., is a memher of the Student Vestry aiul the xVltar Guild. She will be a server in the Chapel next year. She is a Mu. Mary Gage, of Greenville, South Carolina, will he Student Govern ment secretary next year. She is a member of the Altar Guild and the Circle. Mary Gage is a Mu. Margo, of Tryon, is on the BELLES staff. She is a j¥u. xVccording to Edith Rogers, presi dent, the organization will send to Bishop Gordon in Alaska twenty- five dollars which will help pay for the deep freeze unit. The Raleigh Canterbury Club and the Saint Ma ry’s Caiiterhury Club will have a joint meeting May 20. In the neai future the club will receive a char ter from the National Canterbury Association. Saint Mary^s Holds May Day Festivity Saint Mary’s will hold the annual May Day Saturday afternoon on the front campus at 3:30 o’clock. This year’s theme will he a fantasy based on the song Over the Rain- Iwiv. Members of Orchesis, a mod ern dance group, under the direc tion of Mrs. William C. Guess, will s])onsor the event. Sandra Sims, May Queen, will he featured as Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, and the May court will represent the six colors of the rain bow. The court includes Katherine Armistead, Pat Boesser, Juliette Fiilghum, Kitty I isher, (jrace Goi - don, Peggy Hooker, Ann Miles, Virginia Mowery, Ann Kixey, Traques Saunders, Mary Strick land, and Harriet Tew. The plot centers around Tonia Rowe, a carefree little girl who runs and skips at play until, wearied by her frolics, she falls asleep. She dreams of a make-believe land lie- yond the rainbow. A star heiids iow and the wakened child makes a wish. She then finds herself m Rainbow land, ruled by beautiful Queen Iris and her court. xV crowd of merry lemon-drops welcomes her. The little girl, joins them. When they melt away, two friendly bluebirds appear and in vite her to join their flight. Sud denly, she realizes that the birds have led her over the rainbow. (Continued on Page -I) Seniors Plan Musical Comedy For Follies The Senior Follies of 1051, en titled “Saint Mary’s On Site,” will he presented Weilnesday, May 0, at 8:30 in the Auditorium. The Fol lies is a musical comedy consisting of six scenes and a finale. All se niors take part in the program. The theme of this presentation is aspects of life at Saint Mary s as uncovered by a young novelist in- tcrviewiiig persons coiniected with the school. All the work on the play has been done by three committees; the dia logue committee, Mimi Lynch, chaii- man; the music committee, Mar garet Gaston, chairman; and the stage committee. Kit Armistead, chairman. The dialogue committee wrote the dialogue and lyrics for the songs. The Senior Class has continued the precedent set by last year’s se nior class of not having a faculty advisor or any outside help. The seniors have written and produced the program entirely on their own.