JUNIOR CLASS SPONSORS FINE Halloween party Belles OF SAINT MARY’S Saint Mary’s School Library CROWNING OF POSTURE QUEEN NEXT THURSDAY Vol, XIV, No. 3 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 2, 1951 Classes Elect New Representatives To SMS Honor Council For ’51-^52 Gillie Martin, Sandy Donaldson Are Senior Representatives Gillie Martin, Sandy Donaldson, Hamer, Kacliel Brooks, Mary ^lichal, Joanne Trowbridge, and betsy Williams are the newly elected ilonor Council representatives. Each '^lass nominated and elected its rep- *’*^soiitatives the week of October 7. Gillie Martin and Sandy Donald- are the senior Honor Council ^embers for this year. Gillie, of |i>oiimond, Virginia, was selected the two senior members of the l^ouneil as the Secertary of Student Government. She is also a member the Canterbury Club. She is a ^'ce-eounselor, senior dance mar- ®^al, and a Sigma. Sandy, of Wil- is the head Mu cheerleader, a ^a'liiselor, a member of the Ca'nter- ''ay Club, and an acolyte. Syb Hamer and Rachel Brooks the chosen Honor Council mem o's of the junior class. Syb, of *'iioir^ is a second year girl, a Mu ftoerleader, and a member of the I Coach staff. Rachel, of Rox- Q ^0) is a member of the Glee Club, ’’‘thesis, Granddaughters’ Cluh, is a Mu. ^lary Michal, the underclassman i^hi’esentative, of Boone, is a mem- 1 of the Dramatic Club, Canter- j^’’y Club, Beacon, Doctors’ Daugh- Club. Slie is a library assistant is a Mu. jj^'^oanne Trowbridge, of Plymoutli, I'opresentative from the business Vxl®’ ‘I member of Orcheais, CA, and Glee Club. She is a *!hna, Williams is the day ,stu- ,.jj ® member of the Honor Coun- (] ' ®be is a member of the Grand- J^Siiters’ Club and is a Mn. tl: k *e duties of the Honor Council to su2)ervise the workings of Student Government Associa- 5,| V to act as a supreme court and 5,|V-oi‘y body to the Hall Council, H to take whatever steps seem Of ®®®ary to maintain a high level student conduct. ^rjorie Penton Is New Bulletin Editor Ipf. motie” Penton is the new J^ul- j(ij editor. The nominating com- nominated Bootie, and the body unanimously elected Hootie” succeeds Martha Hood, return to school this ^ The Bulletin is the Saint Im As literary magazine which is ■yjshed in December, March, and ie^®*^tie, of Wilmington, is a mem- 'k ®t the Glee Club, Choir, Grand- tjlj^^ters’ Club and Canterbury She is program chairman of Pi Alpha and a Sigma. Juniors Convert SMS Gym To Den Of Spooksf Witches For Halloween Party Jonathan Daniels Speaks In Assembly Jonathan Daniels, editor of the jVeu's and Observer, spoke in Octo ber 23 assembly. Mr. Daniels spoke ..about the successes and failures of the United Nations, which cele brated its sixth anniversary this week. He said that the United Na tions building in New York City should become to everyone a symbol of the work which they are doing. He also said that although the fail ures of the United Nations are many, the task which it has done has been tremendous and that hojie for the success of the United Na tions should not be abandoned. Aliss Morrison introduced Mr. Daniels. She sfDoke of the new United Nations flag on disjJay which Miss Bason made and pre sented. Seniors Make Plans For Christmas Dance Senior class selected Twas The Night Before Christmas for the theme of their dance December 8. Dick Levin’s orchestra will 2>lay. Ann Patterson, class president, ap pointed the various committees and their resisectivc chairmen Alonday. Chairman for the committees arc as follows: decoration, Anna Red ding; refreshments, Lane Buddy; figure, Bootie Penton; hid. Beeps Buchanan; and band, Pat Boesser. Every member of the senior class is on a committee. Letter Club Plans Posture Contest Members of the Letter Club are sponsoring the traditional Posture Week beginning Monday, November 5, and ending Friday of that week. A Sigma and a Mu will represent each hall in the posture queen con test. The Letter Club will present a skit in assembly Tuesday entitled “Posture in Dogpatch.” Judges will eliminate contestants from various halls before the finals at the assem bly program on Thursday. The student body will elect “Posture Queen of 1951” at this time. The members of the Letter Club will ob serve posture of students during the week and will elect a “Aliss Slump.” Letter Club members will ])in “I’m a Slumj)” tags on girls who do not observe ]iosture week. The “Posture Queen” of the year obtains points for her team and also points which might enable her to become a member of the Letter Club. The queen for the two jjrev- ious years was Louise Alilliken, ’51. Jan Winders Will Head Granddaughters^ Club Saint Mary’s Granddaughters’ Club elected officers at its first meet ing October 24. Miss Pecte, the Alumnae Secretary, j)resided. Jaiiyce Winders, of Kenly, is president. Jan is a vice-counselor, assistant editor of the BELLES, member of the Glee Club, YWCA, and a Mu. Helen Sanders, of Charlotte, will serve as vice-president. She is a member of the Letter Club, Canter bury Club, and the Altar Guild. Helen is on the BELLES headline staff and a Mu, Sue Trant, of Portsmouth, Vir ginia, was elected secretary. Sue is a member of the Canterbury Club, Dramatic Club, and the Altar Guild. She is a Mu. Margaret Cheatham, of Hender son, is treasurer. She is on the Stage Coach staff and the BELLES staff. Margaret is a vice-counselor, a member of the Canterbury Club, and the Altar Guild, a marshal, and a Sigma. Dawson, Davenport Are New Hockey Captains Sigma’s and Mu’s elected cap tains for the hockey teams Monday, October 22. The Sigma's elected Nancy Dawson, of Elizabeth City, as captain; the 2lu’s selected Deedce Davenport, of Timmonsville, South Carolina. Nancy is vice-president of the student body, vice counselor, mem ber of the Choir, Circle, Canterbury Club, and Letter Club. Deedee is ])residcnt of the Mu's, dance marshal, and member of the Glee Club, Doctors’ Daughters Club, and Letter Club. Apple Bobbing, Prize Fishing, Fortune Telling Are Features Junior clas.s entertained the stu dent body at a Halloween party in the gym October 31. Amid witches, owls, spooks, and jack-o’-lanterns, the juniors trans formed the gym into a weird and ghostly Halloween setting. The carnival featui-ed apple bobbing, fortune telling, and fisliing for indzes. Nell Eley, lu'esident of the junior class, appointed the follow ing committees: Syb Hamer was chairman of tlie decoration committee. Others on the committee were Flicka Keane, Paula Whitaker, Nancy Boston, and Pat Flowers. Deedee Davenport was chair man of the entertainment com mittee. Emilie Adams, Harriet Harris, and Millie Ward served on thisyommittee. The 2)oster committee included Frances McNeill, chairman. Gene Overbeck, Sue Woodward, Becky Hurt, and Beebe Correll. The refreshment committee, headed by Rachael Brooks, in cluded Anne Bailey, Sara Fair, and Frances Satterlee. Members of the booth committee were Louise Brand, chairman, Georgia Moore, Nancy Hawkins, Becky Gordon, and lialVye Sewell. SMS Choir Elects Officers For ’ST’S2 Saint Mary’s choir has elected its officers for the year 1951-52. President of the choir is Letitia House. Letitia, of Beaufort, has been at Saint Mary’s one year. She is a member of the Canterbury Club and Altar Guild and vice-i)resident of the Glee Club. She is a Sigma, Vice-president of the choir is Ann McCulloch. Ann, of Bluefiehl, West Virgiina, is a second year girl here at Saint Mary’s. She is a member of the Stage Coach staff. Hall Coun cil, Y^WCA, headline staff of the BELLES and is a J1/h. Beverly Rutter is the secretary. Bev, of Ormand Beach, Florida, has been at Saint Mary’s two years. She is a member of the Canterbury Club and a Mu. Perry Is Chairman Of Hall Council Saint Mary’s student body chose Lois I’erry to serve as ('hairman of Hall Council for 1951-52 in an elec tion October 12. Lois succeeds Sally Hackney, of Wilson, who was tem- j)orary chairman. Lois, of Windsor, is j)resident of the Circle, member of the Canter bury Club, and Choir, and a Mu. As a result of her added duties as Chairman of Hall Council, she has given up her positions as cheer leader, dance marshal, and member of the Jlonor Council. The Chairman of the Hall Council has the following duties: To call and preside over all meetings of the Hall Council; to he responsible for the general functioning of the Hall Council; to serve as a member of the Legislative Body; to submit to the president of the Association the name of the faculty member desired as adviser; to apj)oint aud supervise assembly and chaj)el ju'oetors, and to make seating charts for chapel and assembly; to serve on the Coun selor Committee.