>r SENIOR DANCE DECEMBER 8 Belles OF SAINT MARY’S LEARN NEW SCHOOL SONGS Vol. XIV, No. 4 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA November 30, 1951 College Department Undergoes Many Major Changes As Petitions Pass Ann Patterson and Mary Ann ^addy are the, newly elected officers the Legislative Body. Ann was ^hosen to serve as chairman and Jtary Ann as secretary in an elec- held November 6. Dr. Stone and Miss Jones have ''^eently approved several pietitions 'diieh were drawn up by the Legis lative Body. These petitions in- '^bde: (1) Unlimited late lights in De individual rooms for upperclass- aien for a trial period of one quar- (2) Abolition of the date list p'. upperclassmen, (3) Dating on D'iday nights until 10 :45 for upper- *^‘assnien provided they are not in supervised study hall and that they •Uako up study hall in the after- Uopn, (4) Extension of bathroom privileges for upperclassmen until *’■55 and for all students during ’’•ass time provided the bathrooms not directly above the class- Doms, (5) Unlimited meal cuts ex- >?Pt for breakfast Monday through * riday. ,, Dr. Stone stressed the fact that aese petitions deal primarily with Pperclassmen, for he wishes to ob- a more emphatic distinction etween the college department and a high school department. Trucker Announces ^ew Requirements j^^Iiss Elizabeth Tucker, secretary president, announces, “Due ,.| *lie fact that our high school j^Usses meet only four times a week. Order to meet the requirements State Department of Educa- „" We will schedule supervised hall for all high school .^tu- . . . The school authorities made it a point to schedule ®Duly periods so they will not (i|’’uict with football schedule, and so that they will aid students (.jj, Pupparing for the first semester (.r^^dnations.” The schedule in- ,J Dos study hall December 1, 1951; fUffiary 12, 1952; January 26, 1952, Du 9:30 mm. to 12:30 ilm. ^^oibers Of Orchesis ^ill Present Program ^jj'^^oinbers of Orchesis will present program December 6. 'L Uew members will present their lijgjOs with three old girls at the fj,, of each group. T members of the Orchesis lU Dois Perry, Nancy Dawson, *^ostner, Helen Setzer, Eliza- Jluti ^yun, Kay Baker, Alice Hicks, Dines, Janyce Winders, Rose Dourie, Marian Faison, Kath- ^siil Dook, Carolyn Landis, Ann *\f^D Dene Overbeck, Nell Boone Harless, Ann Bowen, Delson, Emily Urquhart, Ann Penton, and Nancy SMS Circle Taps Five New Members Order of the Circle, Saint Mary’s secret honor society, tapped five new members, Pat Boesser, Mary Jo Paul, Mary Ann Eaddy, Ann Pat terson, and Sally Hackney, Novem ber 12. Old members of the organi zation are Alice Hicks, Lois Perry and Nancy Dawson. Membership in the Circle is one of the highest honors given a Saint Mary’s girl. The white-clad figures, each hold ing a burning candle, formed the traditional circle in the back quad rangle around the Circle stone. With Lois Perry, president of the Circle, leading the impressive procession, they then walked around the school. The next morning the eight mem bers attended Holy Communion to gether in the chapel. Pat Boesser, of Winston-Salem, is president of the Sigmas, chief dance marshal, a member of the Hall Council, Glee Club, choir, and Canterbury Clul). Mary Jo Paul, of Washington, is editor of the BELLES, president of the Canterbury Club, secretary of North Carolina Canterbury Club, fjublicity chairman of Sigma Pi Algyha, a member of the Altar Guild and Dramatic Club. She is a Mu. Sally Hackney, of MUlson, is senior dance marshal, crucifier, member of the Hall Council, Stage Coach staff, Dramatic Club, Altar Guild, and Orchesis. She is a Mu. Ann Patterson, of Edenton, is president of the senior class, feature editor of the BELLES, chairman of the Legislative Body, and a member of the Hall Council, Stage Coach staff, Canterbury Club, Altar Guild, and Orchesis. She is a Sigma. Mary Ann Eaddy, of Ealeigh, is president of the day students, secre tary of the Legislative Body, secre tary-treasurer of Sigma Pi Alpha, and a member of the Dramatic Club. She is a Sigma. Juniors Originate Winning Song In School Contest Sponsored By BELLES Sophomores Receive Honorable Mention Seniors Plan For Christmas Dance Preparations for the senior dance to be held in the gym December 8 are being completed this week. Buddy Kline and his Statesmen’s Orchestra will play from 9:00 to 12 :00. Approximately two hundred and thirty are expected to attend the dance, including the seniors, ten dance marshals, sixteen pages, and their dates and stags. The bid price is six dollars for as many as three bids. Extra stag bids may be obtained for two dol lars each. The bids will be in the personalized form. Selection of the receiving tine has not been completed as yet; however. Dr. and Mrs. Stone, Reverend Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, Miss Martha Dab ney Jones, Mr. C. A. P. Moore, and the senior class president, Ann Pat terson, are customary receivers. Others will also be invited to re ceive. The figure committee headed by “Bootie” Penton is keeping the ex act details of its plans a secret. The main class officers will be in the figure. The fiowers and the figure arrangement will carry out the holi day theme. The refreshments will also be a surprise. The committee under Lane Buchly plans to have new and different refreshments. The decoration committee will be gin getting the gym ready this week. Anna Redding is chairman of this committee which will carry out the dance theme, 'Twas the Night Be fore Christma.'i. The senior Christmas dance is always one of the most successful dances of the year. Speech Students Give Program In Assembly Miss Davis’ first year speech stu dents presented a program in assem bly November 27. The students, who are taking courses in speech and theatre arts, gave several amusing and well-executed character sketches. Among the students who partici pated in the program are the follow ing : Pearl Smith and Carolyn Dun can as Mrs. Moffett and Cook Brid- git in “Interview”; Elizabeth Cat lett in “A Dark Brown Diplomat”; Betty Ruth Martin and Cecilia Al- bury as Peggy and Frank in “Pas toral”; Peggy Smitlideal in “The Train Window”; Margaret Mans- Mary’s Sch Juniors won first prize in Saint Mary’s song contest, sponsored by BELLES November 29. Mary Jo Paul was in charge of the program. Miss M. D. Jones, Mr. Broughton, and Mr. Moore judged the classes’ songs on presentation, rhythm, orig inality, and appropriateness. The winning song, using the tune of When I Grow 'Poo Old to Dream, was written by Susie Nicoll and harmonized by Dcedee Davenport. “Like a tiny spark of fire. Saint Mary’s sj)irit will linger. Though at times it may grow dim, It will always live in our hearts. And so from the start. Lot’s keep in our hearts That tiny spark of love we gained And shared at Saint Mary’s Scliool.” The sophomore class, whoso song Mary Lee Lafar and Kay Baker wro’te, received honorable mention. Adams’ Poem Published In College Anthology “Thou, Love” by Emilie Adams, of Ahoskio, will appear in the An nual Anthology of College Poetry published by the National Poetry Association. The Bulletin, school literary magazine, will publish the poem in its Christmas issue. “The Anthology is a compilation of the finest poetry written by the college men and women of America, representing every section of the country. Selections were made from thousands of poems submitted,” ac cording to Dennis Hartman, secre tary of the association. Ruray Sibley Gives Lecture On Astronomy Ruray Sibley, noted lecturer on astronomy, presented a series of as tronomical films with commentary in the Saint Mary’s auditorium to students and visitors November 5. The subject of the films and talk was the earth and the planets around it. The films, made through tele scopes by Dr. Sibley, included the planets and moons of our universe and the stars or suns of other uni verses. A film on the atomic activ ity on the sun’s surface was of espe cial interest. Dr. Sibley began as a youth to prepare himself for a career in as tronomy. He turned to the study field-Jones in “The Reward”; and Myra Thayer and Elizabeth Lynn as Lady Teazle and Sir Peter in a scene from The School for Scandal. TJbrf»ry Senior Class Elects Honor Council Member Senior class elected Ann Fitzger ald, of I'rinceton, to re])la'(!e Sandy Donaldson, who resigned as senior Honor Council member. This is Ann’s fourth year at Saint Mary’s. She is a member of the Glee Club, YWCA, Stage Coach staff, and BEI>LES circulation staff. Ann is also president of Al tar Guild, secretary of senior class, a counselor, and a Mu. of geology, however, and did not be gin his career in astronomy until 1933. Having no work during the depression. Dr. Sibley began work on these astronomical films. Ilis purpose is to show the people of the world something about the plan ets and stars.