11- ro- ted its CONGRATULATIONS, SENIORS! Belles OF SAINT MARY’S COMMENCEMENT PLAY TONIGHT Vol, XIV, No. 14 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 30, 1952 Commencement Exercises Climax School Year Reverend Walke Will Conduct Last Sermon The Eev. Mr. Stepl leii Condict ^^^alke will conduct the Baccalau reate Service June 1 at 11 o’clock, ^ev. Walke took charge of Christ Church, Raleigh, May 1, succeeding ihe Rev. Ray Holder. Mr. Walke eonres from the rectorship of Trin- Portsmouth, Virginia, where he Served about five years. Prior to ^ris tenure in Portsmouth, he was Sector of Trinity, Elkridge, Mary- dand; curate of Saint Paul’s, Cliat- |aiiooga, Tennessee, and Rector of ^“e Chapel of the Good Shepherd, eokout Mountain, Tennessee, -.^^^ev. Walke, the son of Roger A. , 'alke and Emeline A. Condict, was er'n in Japan. Both his father and Sr’andfather were priests of the yui'ch. He attended Episcopal High cliool in Alexandria, Virginia, 8‘aduated from Yale University ^'ith a B.A. degree in 1934, and re- j^yed a B.D. degree from Virginia j h'scopal Theological Seminary in vy .9- After graduating from Yale ^J^iversity, Eev. Walke went to langslia, China, to teach at the ali Middle School. He taught in “Ilia from 1934 to 1936. Ru^T>’ married Mary Monta le Brown-Sermon, the daughter of fii* Brown-Sermon, dean of Virginia Theological Seminary t^^/Bexandria, Virginia. They have “ daughters and a son. ^tterson Will Lead n, 7 th, by the entire class and the benedic- Tlie Uev. Mr. Stephen Condict AValke, minister of Clirist Oliiireh, Raleis'li, will deliver the Racealanreate Ser mon. \V. Albert Stanbnry, >lr., Ph.l)., asso ciate-editor of Coal-Age Magazine, will give the commencement ad dress. Broughton Centennial Cantata Highlights Glee Club Concert Seniors In Class Day v,^“iiior Class Day exercises will be uf.®“’ited in the Saint Mary’s Audi- at 4:00 Saturday afternoon, 31. The program will open “ welcome by Ann Patterson, 1),. president. Lois Perry will ,\i|j®“iit the Senior Class Prayer, pi ^ Pitzgerald will call the Senior Poll. Mary Jo Paul and Penton will read the class Patterson will present fice ^ Grift) which Dr. Stone will Phstin and Helen tU will prophesy the future of Ml] N^ext, Sue Ann Sadler ^ead the class poem. this, Buncy Robinson iVjljPoien Setzer will read the Last Ml] Testament. Ann Benton ilj, ^'^real the Senior Superlatives, tlig' G. A. P. Moore will present P.“i*lication awards, and Anna 1(1,will deliver the Stage Coach 'viyjj““tion. The program will close W singing of the Alma Mater Reverend I. Harding Saint Mary’s Commencement Concert, by the Glee Club and the Choir, will be presented in the audi torium May 31 at 8 :30 p.ni. Glee Club, directed by Miss Ger aldine Cate, will sing the first part of the program. First the Glee Club will sing Bach’s Come, Soothing Death; then it will sing Duo Sera phim and Regina Cocii by Aichen- ger. Handel’s Let Us Wander is next. Echo Song by id Lasso con cludes the first group. Vocal Ensemble will present the second group, consisting of numbers from Brahm’s Lieheslieder Walzer, Secret Nook In A Shady Spot, Nightingale, Thy Siveetest Song, and From Yon Hills The Torrent Speeds. Third, the Glee Club will sing a group of four songs. Wooden Shoes, by Herbert, is first. Then the Glee Clu,b will sing The Belles of Samt Mary’s, arranged by Deedee Daven port. You’ll Never Walk Alone, by Rodgers, is followed by Friml’s The Donkey Serenade. Centennial Cantata, written by Russell Broughton, will conclude the concert. The Glee Club and the Choir will present the Centennial Cantaia, written in 1942 to honor Saint Mary’s on its 100th anniver sary. Miss Geraldine Cate will direct the performance. A string quartet will assist the Glee Club and the Choir. Mr. Broughton will play the organ; Mrs. L. S. Winton, as sisted by Elizabeth Love, will be at the piano. Solists will be Nancy Murray, Harriet Harris, Barbara White, Letitia House, and Pat Flowers. Alumnae Association Will Meet Tomorrow Saint Mary’s Alumnae Associa tion will hold its annual meeting here tomorrow. The agenda for the day will include a business meeting in the study hall at 11:30 a.m., fol lowed by a luncheon in the dining room. Mrs. R. G. S. Davis, Jr., national chairman of the alumnae committee of Saint Mary’s Develoi)inent Fund, will have charge of the last ])art of the business meeting. Sj)eaker for the luncheon will be Mrs. Patsy Harry Goodwin, ’12, of Charlotte. Mrs. Thomas Forrest Kelly of Chapel Hill will welcome the class of ’52 into the alumnae association and Ann Patterson, sen ior class president, will res])ond for the class. Miss Elizabeth Smith of Goldsboro will welcome the Cruik- shank family, who will be honored guests. Finally the silver cup will be presented to the outstanding chap ter. This Alumnae Day is a special reunion for the class of ’02 on its fiftieth anniversary and the classes of ’27, ’32, ’37, ’42, ’47, ’49, and ’51. Sigma Pi Alpha Elects Officers Shirley Habel, of Raleigh, is the new president of Sigma Pi Alpha. Elizabeth Lynn, of Raleigh, and Mary Virginia Currin, of Meredith- ville, Virginia, are vice-president and secretary-treasurer respectively. Sigma Pi Alpha is a national lan guage honor society. Stanbury Will Present Commencement Exercises Saint Mary’s School and Junior College graduating classes will re ceive their diplomas Monday, June 2, 1952, at graduation exercises in the auditorium and chapel. W. Al bert Stanbury, Jr., Ph.D., associate editor Coal-Age Magazine, New York City, will give the commence ment address. Honors will be announced and cer tificates given to commercial, art, expression, home economics, and mu sic students during the exercises. Richard G Stone, Ph.D., I^.H.D., President of Saint Mary’s School, will present the diplomas to the High School graduates in the auditorium. The Et. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D.D., LL.D., President of the Board of Trustees, will present diplomas to the Junior College graduates in the chapel. The program will be as follows: Part 1—Auditorium Academic Procession Hymn Prayer—Rev. I. Harding Hughes Salutatory Address—W. Albert Stanbury, Jr. Valedictory Presentation of High School Di plomas—Richard G. Stone Announcement of Honors Honor Roll The Cooj)er Medal The Niles Medal Scholarship Awards Presentation of Certificates Bart II—Chap(d Organ T’relude Senior Processional Creed Prayers Presentation of Junior Colh'ge Di- ])lomas—Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick Recessional Sophomore Class Day Will Be Held Saturday Sophomore Class Day will be held Saturday, May 31, at 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium. Leon Gold, presi dent, will give the welcome, after which Catherine Morrison will read the class prayer. The student body will sing the -47rna Mater and Jean Groves will call the class roll. Leon Gold will present the sopho more gift to the school. Alice Bost will read the class poem. Laura Er vin will read the history and Glenn Lightsey will read the prophecy. Scotty Anderson will read the last will and testament and Barbara Tribble will read the class superla tives. Dr. Stone will present the Scho lastic Award. The sophomore class will sing their class song and Mr. Hughes will say the benediction.