I May 30, 1953 The Belles of Saint Mary’s Saint S allies IS ye, This summer has a lot in store for most of us. Peggy Smithdeal has already left School for New York where she and lier family will fly Pan American ^^jrplane to Paris, France. They will remain there for two weeks and Iken will make a tour through Switzerland, France, England, Ger many, Italy, Austria, Belgium, and Holland. She will be gone for two Bionths. Peggy Mitchiner and Dee- dee Davenport are also making a tour through Europe this summer With a lot of other young people Horn the surrounding colleges. B2 Hash is also planning to sail the fiigh seas with her grandmother, ^nn Applegate Bynum will follow ^ight behind them, only she plans to go but half way. She aiid her family ®i’e going to Bermuda. Going in the opposite direction :^Hice Bost, Lane Harvey, Mary Lee TaPar, Dewey Owens and Betsy Webb will leave from Charlotte and Will travel in a modern pullman car 8ll over the western part of the 'Continent. They will be in Los An geles for six days and then will travel up the coast after visiting the f^rand Canyon, the National For ests and other spots of interest. They Will follow' the coast line into Can ada and plan to return to North J^arolina by way of the Great Lakes. I hey will be gone for about flve 'Veeks and, as you can imagine, are looking forward to the day they leave. Camp is calling many girls to Camp Sea Gull on the Carolina Coast. Robin Fuller, Pat Cowden, Jean McConnell, Harriett Ann Bar ham, Shirley Habel, and Joyce Sparger are among the many girls who will be there from Saint Mary’s. Chapel Hill has its eye on several of the seniors, or I should say, they have their eye on it. Cockie Smith, Nell Eley, Beckey Gordon and Laura Dean Matheson will be on hand to really “live it up.” (In case anyone else is inter ested there is no man shortage on the Hill in the summer.) As always there will be inanv SMS brides during the summer and early fall. Haffyee Sewell, Iris Thomas, Betty Byrum, Janet Tay lor, Bet Allen, and Barbara Carter are the gals who will soon be walk- ing up that aisle. Nancy Mclver, Gene Overbeck, Doris Ann Line- berger, and Donna Bull plan to be on hand to see Haffye in her big gest moment. Paula Whitaker, Libby Huffman, Susie Nieoll and Syb Hamer w'ill drive down to At lanta for Barbara’s wedding. Nags Head will And Sally Mc- Mullan, Margaret Rose, Ruth Wat kins, Sumner Parham, Mary Bern Wolfe, B2 Nash, Frances Perry, II. Conger and probably many more SMS girls throughout the summer. Morehead and Wrightsville, Ocean Forest and Myrtle Beach will at tract the rest, but wherever you go, have a W'onderful time, do a lot of partying, and Saint Sallies will see you again in the fall. Saint Mary’s Students Hear Negro Singers Thursday morning. May 14, the Business Students t^i’csented the St. Augustine Music Department. Mr. Simmons, the pianist, introduced the singers. The first singer on the pro gram was Mrs. Eloise Morris who sang “Faithful to God and Thee.” Mr. Nathaniel Moore was next on the program, singing “Water.” Next Miss Edith Austin and Mr. Moore sang ‘Sympathy.” Mr. Simmons played “Bach’s Fantasy in C Mi nor.” The last number on the pro gram was “Brahm’s Rhapsody in G Minor” played by Mr. Simmons. Harriet Harris Gives Certificate Recital Harriet Harris was presented by Russell Broughton in an organ re cital on Sunday, May 17, in the chapel. Harriet jilayed with state liness, great depth of tone, and mag nificent interpretation. Particularly in the most intricate passages of the “Bach Fugue,” Harriet j)layed with adeptness. Her pedal work was flawless. Summer Styles Depend On Neatness, Freshness, Economy COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Part I—Auditorium Academic Procession Hymn Prayer—The Rev. Mr. I. Harding Hughes Salutatory Address Mr. Julian Robertson Valedictory Presentation of High School Di plomas—Dr. Richard G. Stone, President. Announcement of Honors Honor Roll The Cooper Medal The Niles Medal Scholarship Awards Presentation of Certificates Part II—Chapel Organ Prelude Senior Processional Creed Prayers Presentation of Junior College Di plomas—The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D.D., Ph.D. Recessional. Barbara White Gives Certificate Recital Barbara White, soprano, present ed her certificate recital in the school auditorium on Thursday night, May 14, at 8:30. Barbara is a student of Miss Geraldine Cate. She was accompanied by Mrs. L. S. Winton. Baibara s n u in b e r s included French and English songs. “Done Sono” by Mozart, “L’Aiie Blanc” by Hue, and “Pourquoi Rester Seulette” by Saint-Saens were among her se lections. She concluded her beauti fully (lelivered program with several English songs. Yes, it’s hot weather and it’s va- ®®tion time! Wherever you are §oing you will want a travel suit or ‘^ress with a jacket in washable denim, or celanese acetate, or ^''ything that will look fresh after |*mdi wear. The new custom, fsvel separates, will see you urough anywhere, even a/ter the is over. A pastel coat is a ^Ust if you are going where the 'Gather is jiroblematical. Black ®j>d white prints, checks, pencil j^'Hpes, or bold stripes or half-and- 1 is smart summer dressing. Oh, o\v you will depend on bare dresses yh stoles or jackets for versatility I i let’s not forget woman’s best favel friend, nylon. Pajamas, GUses, and undies as well as your party dress will give you no ^'^dry worries. ^ How about accessories? Do you a straw bag? Then you are all ..b Now for shoes. Washable plas- ) ti j'C' efl' cbr ke- Or fabric shoes for beach time. Gdember, if you are going to be diking, you’ll want cushion soles, ^ sailor had arrived home after Oftg cruise. “By the way. Mother, y^^^did you like the parrot I sent . “'^ell , it was nice and plump, but, it was tough.” even in your sandals. Beige seems to be the new shoe color in kid linen, or canvas. Hats? They’re up to you, but you’ll see a lot of small casuals in cotton to match the fa vorite dress or playsuit. Now for what you are really in terested in: getting into the swim or sun. This season there is a bathing suit style for any type of figure. For one thing, the skirts are coming back for those v\ho prefer them. You can choose your mo.st flattering material from cotton ])rints, nylon taffeta, pique, faille, lastex, orlon, and acetate or combinations of these fabrics. The swimsuit field is wide open. Take your pick. You will want a strapless rubber cap and a big terry cloth robe that doubles as a towel. The theme of all American girls is to be neat, practical, and eco nomical. On the beach, in the mountains, in the city, or touring all three, you’ll want to remember these watchwords to good grooming. School for the Blind Gives Annual Recital Tuesday morning. May 12, the Raleigh School for the Blind pre dated their annual Band recital. I lie band played several numbers composed by the members of the band aiid the band leader. Harvey Miller played two selections at the piano.^^ One of the selections, “The Glam, was his own composition. I he program was very enjoyable. Some Hopeful Young Lasses Attend Their Last Classes To a college grad: “Were you fired with enthusiasm when you tackled your first job ?” “Was I! I never saw a man so glad to get rid of me in my life!” ^h at some people don’t know 'Gilt driving would fill a hospital. Neighbor: “When is your sister thinking of getting married?” Little Brother: “Constantly.” Hing-g-g-g-g-g-g-g.g.g, Ho-Hum ! Another day — did J say another day? Quick, Myrtle, , pt out of bed ! Know what day this is? Last day of classes you dumb dodo! Can you believe it? Did you ever think you’d see this day after nine long months? ? ? Bet the teach ers will really be nice to us today. Don’t you know they hate to see us go. lYhoin will they pick on this summer? Yessir, boy, they really hate to see us go! ! Ring-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g! ! ! I Goodness! ! ! Time for class al ready. That’s all right; this is one day I’m not dreading. Mr. Moore just has to be nice to us today. After all, it is our last class. What’s that? Pencil and paper? A test ? My gosh, Mr. Moore, don’t you realize that this is our last class? You can t, just positively and abso lutely cannot give us a test today! Is there no human kindness in you ? —Pretty hard test! Ring-g-g-g-g-g-g-g! t r Oh boy! Art class! Miss Morris will probably give us a party, or something. She really loves us. Can’t you just see the tears come in her eyes when she wi.shes us all a nice vacation? Yessir, this class is really going to be fun. Miss Morris, what are you doing? Giving us a test? But we haven’t had a test in here all year? That’s you re giving it ? Because this IS the last day? And to think that I used to think you were dif ferent from all the other teachers. Ring-g-g-g-g-g.g-g! ! I Well, this class is bound to be different. Dr. Browne is always ready to have a little fun. Anyway, didn’t he say we were his favorite class ? That’s what I thought. Oh, no. Dr. Browne, not you too! A test? But why? Why are all the teachers giving tests today, of all days? Because it’s the last day? Heck! I give up!!