Tk OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XVIII, No. 3 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA All SMC Classes Elect ’55-’56 Officers DeVere, Allen, Cobb, and White Are Neiv Class Presidents Senior Class The Senior Class elected class officers on October 13 and 18. Fair fax Crow, president of the class, presided; she was elected to head the senior class last spring. The results of the elections are: Debbie Connor, vice-])resident; Mary Ilrooks Yarborough, secretary; Ilecky Hinkle, treasurer; and Ginia Hichardson, legislative body repre sentative. Debbie, of Charlotte, is jjresident of the Letter Club. She is a meni- l>er of the Altar Guild, Circle, Jielles and Stagecoach staffs, is an Acolyte, and a Hall Counselor. She is also a Sigma. Mary Brooks, of Charlotte, is a hall representative. She is a mem ber of Orchesis, the AAVCA, the choir, the Belles, Bulletin, and Stagecoach staffs, and is jiresident of the Dramatics Club. She is a Sigma. Becky, of Winston-Salem, is a Hall Counselor, a chapel server, business manager of the Belles, and member of the Glee Club. She also works in the Little Store. Becky is a Mu. Ginia is from Paducah, Ken tucky. She is vice-i)resident of the Mu’s, a member of the hockey team, and a swimming teacher. A Hall Counselor, Ginia is a member of the YDC, YWCA, Choir, Altar Huild, and Belles staff. She is chairman of the ])ictiire committee for the Stagecoach. Junior Class The junior class elected its new officers on October 13, 18, and 19. Marianna Miller, Chairman of Hall Council, ])resided over the first meeting until the president was elected. fff the many girls who were nomi nated, the following were elected: l>resi(ient. Dee Dee DeVerc; vice- president, Sylvia Crumpler; secre- fnry, Katy Copp; treasurer, Pa tricia Huske; Honor Council Mem- bers, Barry Bowen and Coleman •fenkins; Legislative Body Mcm-, .lane Walker and Tora Kes- ®'nger; and the Dance Marshals, Allene Keith, Mary Anne Keith, •lulia Wilcox, Mickie Crumpler, nnd .losie Ward. Dee Dee DeVere, new .lunior ^lasw i)resident, hails from Mor- ganton and is a third-year girl at Mary’s. She is a member of tile Letter Club, Altar Guild, Can- torbury Club, Belles. Stagecoach, ind Bulletin staffs. Doctors’ Daugh ters’ Club, Dramatics Club, and is n Sigma. The junior “veep,” Sylvia Crumi)ler, is also a third-year girl and is from IMebane. Sylvia is a member of Ctrehesis, Bulletin staff, and is a Sigma. The new secretary, Katy Copjp lives in South Bend, Indiana; but her home away from homo is St. IMary’s, for she is another third- year girl. Katy belongs to Or chesis, Glee Club, Dramatics Club, Stagecoach staff, and is a Mm. She is vice-i)resident of the YWCA. The treasurer of the class, Pa tricia Huske, is from Fayetteville and a “roomie” of DeVere. Trisha is also a Sigma, a member of the Altar Guild, Belles staff, YDC, YWCA, and Dramatics Club. Sophomore Class The sophomore class completed its election of officers on October 18. Among the eight officers there arc three new girls. The class chose as its president Jessie Allen of Greensboro. This is Jessie’s second year at St. Mary’s and during these two years she^ has been very active in the YWCA, YDC, Dramatics Club, Orchesis and Belles and Stagecoach staffs. Both this year and last she served on the Nominating Committee. Last year Jessie, a Sigma, was tapped into the Beacon. Helen London, a new girl of Pittsboro, was elected vice-presi dent. Helen is a membci of the Granddaughters’ Club, the Cantei- bury Club, and plans to join the Dramatics Club and YDC. She is a Mu. Millie Fary, a new girl who hails from Manila, is secretary of the sophomore class. IMillie works on both the Belles and Stagecoach staffs and is a member of the YWCA and Orchesis. She is a j\Iu cheerleader. The treasurer of the class is Sarah Barber. She is an old girl at St Marv’s, and is a member of the YDC and YWCA. Sarah, who is from Wilkesboro, is a Sigma. The two new dance marshals lU'c Pat Coulter and “Dickie” Robin son. Pat came to St. Mary’s last year from Jacksonville, Florida. She is a member of Orchesis, Dra matics Club, YWCA, YDC, and Belles and Stagecoach staffs. Pat is a Mu cheerleader. “Dickie” came to St. Mary’s this year from Littleton. Since she has been here she has joined the Can terbury Club, YDC, YWCA and Belles'staff. She is a Sigma. To represent them on the Legis lative Body the Sophomores chose Caroline Cobb. “Cobbie” is defi nitely a Mu! She is also a member of the Canterbury Club, YDC, Dramatics Club, Belles, Stagecoach and Bulletin staffs, and YWCA. “Cobbie” is from Goldsboro. The freshmen and so|)homores to gether chose Sherry Lackey from Hoi)kinsville, Ky., to represent them on the Honor Council. Sherry is President of the Beacon this year. She is also a member of the V'DC, YWCA, Orchesis, and Dramatics Club. Sherry is a Sigma. Freshman Class The freshmen elected the follow ing girls to lead their class for 1955- ’56: Imuise Cobb, president; Jean nette Cross, vice-president; IMere- dith Lumi)kin, secretary; Emmie Spencer, treasurer; Sylvia Olsen, Legislative Body representative; and Octavia Phillijis, dance mar shal. Louise, who hails from Michaux, Virginia, is a member of the Glee Club and is a Sigma. Jeannette Cross of Marion is a Sigma, also. She is an active mem ber of the Dramatics Club and Granddaughters’ Club. IMeredith, a Charlotte girl, is a Sigma, a member of the Glee Club, and is active in YWCA work. From Rocky IMount comes Em mie Spencer, a Mu. Emmie is also a member of the Stagecoach staff and the Canterbury Club. Sylvia Olsen, a yanlcee from Cleveland, Ohio, is a member of the choir, the Glee Club, the Dra matics Club, and the Canterbury Club. She is also a member of the Stagecoach staff and Belles staff, and is a Sigma. The freshman dance marshal, Octavia Phillii)s of Rockingham, is a Sigma, a member of the Glee Club, and the Granddaughters’ Club. Business Class The business class recently elect ed officers for the ’55-’56 school ses sion. Nancy White of Norfolk, Vir ginia, is the new president. She is a member of the choir. Glee Club, Dramatics Club, and nominating committee. She is a Sigma. Glenda Smith of Raleigh was elected vice-president. This is Glenda’s second year at St. Mary’s. She is very interested in j)iano and has taken an active pa'rt in the music department. She is a mem ber of the Glee Club and is a Mu. The secretary-treasurer of the class is Pat Drajicr of IMartinsviiie, Virginia. She is a Sigma. Mollie Current, a day student, is the Honor Council representative for the Business class. She is from Gastonia, but she is currently liv ing in Raleigh with relatives. Mol lie will get her “IMrs. degree” in December. Nancy Mallon of Roslyn, Long Island, New York, is the dance mar shal for the class. She is a member of Orchesis, Glee Club, the Belles staff, and is a Mxi. October 28, 1955 Circle Initiates New Members Three Seniors Tapped At its fii’st tapping of the year the Circle added three new mem bers to its grou]).- Deborah Conner, Fairfax Crow, and Virginia Walser. All three girls are seniors and are well-known for their activities on the campus. Debbie Conner’s four years at St. Mary’s have been full of activities and services to the school. Her first year she was president of her class and a member of the Beacon. Since that time she has given her time and energies to many j)rojects of the school. This year she has taken over the gigantic job of cigarette sales; she is vice-j)resident of the senior class and secretary- treasurer of the YWCA. Well known on the camiius is Fairfax Crow. For a “little” Texan, Fairfax has made a big sj)lash in school activities. Her big job this year is i)resident of the senior class. Aside from this, Fair fax finds time to particijiate in ]days, athletic activities, clubs, and to write for the Belles. For a little girl Fairfax does a large service to St. Mary’s. As secretary of the Student Gov ernment Association, Virginia Wal ser has a hand in guiding an im portant part of school life. She is assistant editor of the Belles and participates in various clubs in the school. She is always willing to help in any school function and does her utmost to make school life pleasant at St. Mary’s. Day Students Sally Underhill and Kim Hatcher were recently elected to represent the day students as Honor Council member and dance marshal. Sally, an old girl, is noted by her fellow students for her friendly per sonality and reliable reputation in fulfilling the aims of any office to which she has been elected. Sally is jn’esident of YPSL at her church, treasurer of the Raleigh Junior Music Club, and a member of the Beacon, the Granddaughters’ Club, and the Letter Club. She is also captain of the Sigma hockey team. Kim Hatcher is a new girl at St. Mary’s this fall, but no one would now dare call her new to the Grove or to the girls. Her fellow students all say that she has fitted in like a sjioke in the wheel of true school spirit. Kim, a junior, is interested m studying art. She hojies to enter Duke after graduation. Kim is vice-president of the Raleigh Sub- Junior Woman’s Club and is on the business staff of the Stagecoach. She IS a Sigma.

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