r 19S iti k’ Belles afeiii ;ir S verr; yeu it ni it >n d m: one wu sorr: 'urd ;atlii tlic 1 til ; sli' / iff Ion nad 1)U Sli :che iseii doll ^ny tiff bai ?anl Off! ut li lin avC \V0l lot til lit til •e lik' Iff ciff' tiff ;rat' iff v^aii lito i^aff ain' irk ke n’ :aff iiij 111' W'Ol 'Iff' ,S ' .ffl’ Iff ot. t ■ kci y'fV liul ,fl1 'i-rJ OF ST. MARY’S Vol, XVIII, No. 7 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 9S6T ‘ST “ Mary Leader Gives Dramatic Sketches Jimmy Capps Relates Radio Experiences '^ir. Jimmy Capps of radio sta- n'm! nnd famed annoimcer Our Best to You” spoke during ffsseiiihly on .January 3. Mr. Capjis I’Boke of his many experiences in ffdio, and also of the wonderful hl'ortunities which radio and tele- yion offer young iieoiile today. For ^ >ose interested, he advised such wiirses as s])eech, journalisip, and le regular curriculum courses of arts colleges. He emplia- 'y'd that although the ratlio husi- is fun, it is not all play, dt is y si'i'ious a business as any other l’''ofession. t ail’d told us many in- 1^‘^y'sting facts aliout records. Bince j'^. I J^och a grand opportunity to ,yd with records, he has also liad ‘'^ opportunity to know the inside that prompted many of liis |)C B lilt lit} 0" Students have reported that assembly iirogram was of great '-‘rest and they all look forward another visit from IMr. Capps. ^ iass Presidents Order Class Rings rings, ordered by the class ^'-'sidents, arrived during the iri ’/'“^rinas holidays and are being ^ '’Ut as the girls ask for them, ro t Italy’s ring consists of a I 'Uigular black onyx bearing the o ’®'’! seal in a 10-karat gold set- ti t)n either side of the band is ^ Vjute of tlie student’s graduation in ■, initials are engraved on the of the band. Juniors Win Belles Song Contest Alary Leader, young actress of tffxas and New York, {ircsented a program of dramatic sketches, Jluirsday night, January 12, in the auditorium. Miss Leader, a gradu- ute of the University of Texas, was presented under the suiiervision of lue lecture and concert committee "f St. Alary’s. . AJiss Leader, who has aiiiieared |u stock and on television, iior- |''uyed a grouj) of Biblical women; ’er program was entitled “AVoinen "I Destiny.” Among those depicted "’ure Ruth, wife of Boaz; Hannah, •Uother of the projihet Samuel; •'bchal, daughter of Saul and wife '’1 David; Herodias, the temptress \\ 'lohn the Baptist; and Alary -'bigdalene. . A few of the roles she has jdayed ‘u stock conijianies are: Stella in ‘J i^treetcar Xomed Desire, Ada ff'ster in Tobacco Road, and Rox- uiine in Cyrano de Bergerac. In ' slie has aiipeared on Studio ue, Robert Montgomery Presents, ‘Uffl 'The Hallmark Hall of Fame. A school song contest sponsored by the Belles was held in assembly on Jan. 12. Each class made up words to a song and presented the song to the rest of the school. Three judges. Air. Aloore, Aliss Alorris, and Aliss Cell, chose the winners, basing their selections on school sjiirit, originality, and jiresentation. The junior class won first prize; the senior class, second; and the sojiho- more class, third. The winning song below was sung to the tune of The Yellow Rose of Texas. (1) Come join our junior class In fun and gaity. We’ll sing our praises loudly To the best there’ll ever be. Now you may talk about your Aleredith And Peace and all the rest; But we can say that St. Alary’s Is the one we love the best. (2) The ghosts of old tradition Including Dr. Smedes Roam through our long dark halls Like one hundred centiiiedes. Now the new girls may be frightened. But soon they all agree That without all these traditions This wouldn’t lie St. Alarie. (3) AVe work and play together In bonds of friendship true. AAT pledge our loyalty To the dear old white and blue. Throughout the coming years In what we say or do. AAT>’11 always hold within our hearts Our memories of you. Repeat First Verse for Refrain Come join our junior class In fun and gaity. AAT’ll sing our praises loudly To the best there’ll ever be. Now you may talk about Aleredith And Peace and all the rest; But we can say that St. Alary’s Is the one we love the best. your Blossom Research Foundation Makes Astounding Discovery A member of the Blosson Re search Foundation has recently dis covered an astoundingly strange phenomenon which slightly re sembles a vehicle carrying its own power — generating and propelling mechanism and used for travel on ordinary tlioroughfaros. This ex traordinary mechanism was lirouglit to her attention through her innate faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality. An ordi- naiw sjieciman of the liuinan race will have a dillicult time compre hending and acccjiting this vehicle; howi'vi'i', till' foundation sinci'ri'ly desires that all readers accept this discovei’v as true. The vehicle most resembling this creation is the Jaguar, not to be confused with a lai’ge, ferocious, sjiotted feline. The trunk or main mass possesses the general pattern of the aforementioned automotive. Aside from this fact the vehicle bears no other similarity. The out- wai'd appearance shows a jiattern of black watch plaid painted on to provide a very (lefinite Scottish aji- pearance. In case anyone is inter ested in obtaining a can of this black watch jiaint, the foundation regrets to inform you that none is available as all was used up in jiainting this automobile. This black watch coloring has inter mingled in its jiattern a thin striji of crimson which was applied after the other paint had dried. Among other external features are the yel low white-sidewall air-filled rubln'r tubes, which are jilaced around the wheels of the vehicle to form the treads. The chrome exists in the appropi'iate locations for a vehicle of this type; however, it is a bright, metallic yellow which is highly malleable and free from liability to rust. The lamps eipiipped with re flectors are on the foremo.st .surface of the vehicle, lliey give off a slightly Imrnt umber tint so as not to outline oncoming automobiles. The tail lights match the thin .strij) of crim.son in hue although not in material. 1 he interior of this mechanism does not boast an extraordinary amount of ])hcnomenal construc tions. The designer iierceived that in order to have a vehicle wdiich liosscssed coordination throughout, she must obtain a feeling of har mony between the interior and ex terior of her rare aiiparatus; con sequently, while designing the in terior, she was unable to exert her imagination as much as desirable. I he sofas made of nylon covered foam rubber have a polygenic shape so that jiassengers can situate them selves in any w'uy they desire. These are jirotected by crimson seatcovers made of the skins of animals iircpared by tanning. At strategic jilaces these covers are attached to the sofa by black watch plaid buttons, not to bo confused Sigma Pi Alpha Taps New Members The St. Alary’s chaiiter of Sigma Pi Alpha, honorary language'fra ternity, jiresented the assembly program in the auditorium on Janu ary f). Betsy AAb-ight, president of the organization, made a short speech on the pui'iiose of the club, giving the requirements for mem- bershii). After the talk the seven remain ing members taiijicd nineteen stu dents who have a “B” average in all academic work and a “B” plus in foreign language. They are Lemma Baueom, Anne Bonner, Carolyn Charles, Alice Clarke, Penny Fuller, Nancy Graham, Alar- garet Hamilton, Alarianna Aliller, Dottie Pierson, Sally Ruark, Sylvia Crumpler, Jnbby Gregory, Beth Kemiier, Patsy Aliller, Margaret Rainey, Patti Stringfellow, Kathy Theobald, .loanne Tripii, and Gin ger AValser. Tryon Palace Comes To Life 'I'wo guests spoke to the St. Alary’s Stmlent Body on January U). The subject of the Assembly program was 'Pryon Palace and its restoi'ation. 1 he first spi-aker. Air. Tarlington, reviewed the historical backgroiind of the famous building, and then introduced Air. Alorley J. AAblliams. Air. A\ illiams is the man in charge of physical research and landscaping of the Palace in New Bei'ii. His talk was based on ce- ramic.s of tlu' Colonial period, and he pointi'd out that much broken china had been found on the Palace site. Such discoveries enable Uie rcsearclK'rs to tell much about the interior ot the Palace before it W'as buriK'd. Air. AA'illiams said that the ri'storation was develojiing very well due to large endowmients. He inviteil all St. Alary’s students to visit Tryon Palace wlu'n the resto ration program has bei'ii completed. The next Civic. Alusic Concert will be held on .lanuary 18, lObti, at the Alemorial Auditorium. The program wdll be entertainment by the Ballet Theatre of New AMrk. 1 hese Civic Alusic Concerts are sponsored by the Civic Music' Association of Raleigh. with an undeveloiied mushroom, that do not have buttonholes. The steering wheel is also painted with bhick Avutcli plaid; thus, the har- mony of hue is created between the intei ior and exterior through the congurent mixture of black watch jilaid and crimson. I he inner surtaces of the means of entering and exiting, the ceil- (Continued on p. 4, col. 3) I i , I |. ■ 'll! i ; ill ' I iii. '::i ' M •j ' ii i J .A

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