Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XVIII, No. 12 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA March 23, 1956 Publications Editors Elected The new editors for the three Alary’s j)uhlications ■—Belles, ‘ *^gecoach, and Bulletin — were ^Gcently announced by the publi- ^Sjt'ons staff. The editors are Jane hea White for the Belles, Frances Carson for the Stagecoach, and A^via Crinnpler for the Bulletin. White Takes Over Belles ^ Jane of Roanoke Rapids has had . great deal of exi)erience with j°^^'^alisin as she was editor of er higij school paiier and co-editor •, yearbook. This year, be es being a member of the Belles Stagecoach staffs, Jane is a member of the AT)C, Dramatics , Tb and the Sigma’s. She is also •^J'’^uan of the decorations com- ittee for the Junior-Senior. Jane ans to further her college cduca- UNC after graduating from Alary’s. Pearson Rides Stagecoach Trances Pearson of Southern Pet Frances will be llar- 'associate editor of the Harriet of Alarion has teiin ^ geeat deal of com|)e- coq,?] *.'cr fulfdlment of Stage- be,. 'f d’lties. She is also a mem- the YWCA and the Sigma’s. Grumpier for Bulletin PiirH ^'rumplei' of Alebane is a hag . Aeai' girl at St. Alary’s and ihjii active member of the ^ f She is vice-i)resi- lUe, ,'T.lier class and an active grant*^'] fh-chesis, having choreo- groib'^'* , ^evc'i'al (lances for the Phn *' A’WCA, Sigma Bi Al- tctiK JD(’.s also claim her at- broi,^/'; Her future school will be UNC. h ^U)li ng Tournament To Re Held Soon Tl it) Pkyntn’.s will ])lay the j\[u’s licl,} fowling tournament to be Win i"**^**’’' Hepresemting the J/'n’.s J'uly Townsemd and Sylvi.a ci(l,.'|'*'’c- It has not yet been de- "'ho the two Sinm.a’s will be. lidrnj Iloiccv. Prc.sidcnf •Jane Walker, Chm. of Hall Council Student Government Elects New Slate has also shown'a great deal li 'J^Jerest toward the school inib- y Not only is she next tor^f editor but she has also writ- the Bulletin this year—- Sn “^lories being her specialty, b ‘Pso ca])ture Frances’ atten- rtip ’i I'^eef of her ability is her ershii) in the Letter Club and levl'^n captain of the Mu vol- b(M. Jeam. She is also a mem- H'c A’WCA, and was stage for What Every Woman tl) f'®-. Frances ])lans to attend shn r niversity of Michigan after dnishes St. Alary’s. ^ssis Student Government elections began Alarch 14 with the election of the 1956-’57 president being Barry Bowen. Other nominees were Jane AValker, Katy Copp, Dee Dee DeVere, and Patricia Huske. Barry is from Gastonia, North Carolina. She came to St. Alap's three years ago and since that time has made a most extraordinary record. During her freshman year Barry served on the Legislative Body and was a member of the Glee Club, Orchesis and a library assistant. In her sophomore year Barry was in-esidcnt, not only of ha- class, but idso of tlic Beacon. She was captain of Sigma baseball team and ])layed basketball. Last spring Barry was tai)i)ed into the Circle, making her the only high school member and only the third high school member in the history of St. Alary's. This \ ear Barry is a reiirosenta- tive from the junior class to the Honor Council. She is also secre tary of the Circle and on the school entertainment committee. Surely with this excellent experience and training, Barry will make St. Alary’s j)roud to call her "Aladame President.” Barry loves outdoor HR'. Phe likes all sports, esi)ecially swimming and baseball—in both she excels. She also enjoys reading a great deal. As can be exiiccted, Barry was surprised and over-joyed vith hei iK'w honor and office. Barry said: “Pve never been quite so excited and honored in my wliole life. I in looking forward to next year vith great pleasure and will do my ut most to make it a good M'ar. I wish to thank everyone foi the sujiport given me.” There are six Sigma's who will compete against each othci befoie the tournament is jilayed. Jane Walker, a junior from Roanoke, Virginia, was elected Chairman of Hall Council by the St. Alary’s student body on Alarch 16, 1956. The duties of the Chair man of Hall Council include jire- siding ov(ir the meetings of the Hall Council. Jane is a third year girl here at St. Alary’s. She has been a member of the AAVCA, Dramatics Club, and Stagecoach staff' for three years. During her soiihomore and junior years she was a member of the YDC and Belles staff. Dur ing her soiihomore year Jane was in the Canterbury Club and a mem ber of the Beacon. This year she is a legislative representative for the junior class. Jane, a Sigma, was an all star volleyball player in ’54-’55, the winner of the jiing jiong tournament for ’54-’55 aiul ’55-’56, tlie winner of the badmit- ton tournament in ’54-’55. Jane was vice-president of her sopho more class and is jiresident of the A’WCA this y('ar. Wlien asked which was her fa vorite “frat,” Jane answered, “I’m not particular.” She hasn’t decided as yet whether she will attend the I'niversity of North Carolina or Katherine Gibbs after graduation from St. Alary’s. Sigma^s Defeat Mu’s In Volleyball Game Going into a 5 minute overtime with a 28-28 tie, the Sigma’s finally overcame the stubborn Mu’s to take a 35 to 30 victory in the first game of the volleyball tourna ment on Alarcli 19. Leading the way for the power ful Sigma's were lanky Jane Wal ker and Dee Dee DeVere. Both girls iilayed outstandingly, spiking Hie ball at every oiiportunity. The Mu's, who fought hard behind the elTort’s of “big” Hunt Proctor, were Copp Elected Vice President Katy Copp of Southbend, Indi ana, was elected vice-president of the Student Government on Alarch 21. Other nominees for the office were Betsy Brinkley, Dee Dee De Vere, and Sylvia Crumpler. This is Katy’s third year at St. Alary’s, and during this time she has held many offices. Katy proved herself to be a capable leader as treasurer of her sophomore class and secretary of the' junior class this year. This year she is vice- president of the YWCA and secre tary of the YRC. She is also a member of Orchesis, the Glee Club, the Stagecoach staff, and the Mu’s. Last year she was a member of the Beacon. Katy plans to continue her edu cation at UNC where she will ma jor in iirimary education. Ina Gee Ridley Gives Voice Recital Ina Gee Ridley gave a voice recital in the St. Alary’s auditorium at 8:30 on Alarch 21, 1956. Ina Gee, one of Aliss Geraldine Cate’s voice students, was accomi)anied by Airs. Airginia Phelps Clancy. Aliss Ridley sang the following selections: Preach Not Me Your Musty Rules, TuLoSai, 11 Mio Bel Foco, Nachtigal, II Est Dux.v, Sure On This Shining Night, I Know Where Em Going, Spirit Flower, two kid songs called I’m a Person and I Hate Music, and The Bird of the Wilderness. Ina Gee’s jjrevious musical ex- ]ierience includes three years in the St. Alary’s Glee Club and Choir. She took the role of Amahl in Alenotti’s opera Amahl and the Aight t'isitors, which was given last year, and the role of Lubin in The Children at Bethlehem which was given this year. Activities which Ina Gee takes part in this year include the choir, YRC, Letter Club, and YWCA. She is also president of the Glee Club, a senior dance marshal, and a vice-counselor. able to indl within reach of the Sigma’s only in the final few min utes. During the first half and most of the second, the Sigma’s main- taineci a substantial lead of 5 to 10 points. However, with the end of the game only minutes away Proctor and Pearson with their jmwerRd serves were able to tie the game 28-28. Captain Smith then took command for the Sigma’s in t m overtime and fired several quick serves which determined the H'c game to lie in favor of the Sigma’s.