1957 ert ad a iend boys 3ute. mV . It girl I the the king Tlic 'ode ■ats. hers rose had 1 to lieir the the ein- at ; to end ■oin ;nir zen for get ive ted ,rd. IV'C ith ler all ler ad rol ht. ks P' he at nt iin ve I 36 ^e , if 4 in Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XIX, No. 10 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Nine Petitions Granted to SMJC Sigmas Overcome Senior Class Elects Caroline Cohh Mus 30 To 31 Vice-President Will Lead SMJC The Legislative Body met several times recently to consider various petitions submitted for consider ation. The petitions are first drawn Up by the various classes and are revised by the petition committee. Caroline Cobb is chairman of the petition committee which includes Lucy Milward, Kit Tiedman, Helen House, and Claire Bass. The re vised petitions are then voted upon uy the Legislative Body. The ^lairman of this group and IMiss Richardson then take the petitions do Dr. Stone for approval. Other nieinbers of the Legislative Body are Jane Irby, Suzanne Burton, Barry Bowen, Betsy Brinkley, Catherine Dent, Katy Copp, Kim Hatcher, Landrum Manning, Ann Rountree, Jane Walker, and Katsie Webb. Faculty advisers are Miss Richardson, Miss IMorrison, and Mrs. Cell. f . The passed petitions were read in assembly on Thursday, February 21. They are as follows: L Freshmen have three meal cuts a Week. 2. A student who goes out on ^atui’day night with her j)arents or iriends of her parents will be allowed to stay out until 11:00 T-M. or 12:00 P.M., depending ^Pon the classification of the student. 3- Any uj)i)erclassman who does jiot have a class will be allowed to Gave campus on weekdays after IROO A.M. The final game of the Sigma-Mu basketball tournament was played on jMonday, February 18. Both teams won one game each. The final score was 31 to 30 in favor of the Sigmas. The Sigmas took the lead early in the game, but the Mus narrowed their opponents’ lead down to 18-15 at the half. The Mus continued to gain on the Sigmas during the third quarter. In the final few minutes of the game the Siginas took pos session of the ball and tried un successfully to freeze it. The AIus then took the lead, but the Sigmas scored within the last five seconds to win the game by one point. High scorer for the Mus was Alary Catherine Jones who scored 18 points. Harriet Vann with 15 points was high scorer for the Sigmas, and Sadie Carol Etheridge followed with one point less. The Sigmas scored only two points in the final quarter. Other girls partici pating in this game were DeeDee DeVere, Betsy Brinkley, Becky Carr, Dickie Robinson, Lucy Alil- ward, Connie Fisher, Jenny White hurst, Alargaret Hamilton, and Lanetta Ware. The outcome of this game brought disappointment to the Mus. This team won points toward the plaque awarded in the spring by winning the hockey tournament. The Sigmas now have points from inning the posture contest and the Libby Gregory was elected vice- president of the Senior Class at a meeting of this group in the gym on February 25. She is from Halifax. Libby is a cute brunette who lives on 1st Holt. She takes part in many organizations on campus such as Orchesis, Altar Guild, and YDC. Libby is also vice-president of the YWCA, business manager for The Belles, and the Senior Class Prophet for the Stagecoach. She is a Sigma. The seniors are indeed lucky to have such a capable girl as their second - in - command. Congratu lations go to Libby on her new honor. Dramatics Club The student body elected Caro line Cobb as its new jiresident on \Vednesday, February 27. She is a third-year girl from Goldsboro. Cobbio has been a leader at St. ^Hary’s since her freshman year. At that time she was president of her class, secretary of the Legis lative Body, and a member of the Dramatics Club, YWCA, YRC A^DC, and The Belles and Bulletin stans.^ During her Sophomore year Gobble added the Granddaughter’s Club, Letter Club, and Beacon to her outside activities. This year she has again proven to be an out standing girl by being president of her class and a member of the Circle. Presents Comedy The Dramatics Club under the direction of Aliss Florence C. Davis will present the three-act comedy “Peg O’ Aly Heart” in the audi torium on Alonday evening, Alarcli 11, at 8:15 P.AI. Written by J. Hartley Alanners, this comedy was first ])roduced in New ATrk in 1912. It has since reached classic stature in the American Theater. " Cobble is known throughout the school as being friendly to everyone, and her school spirit is beyond de scription. The Belles joins the student body in wishing Cobble the best of luck next year. Cartoonist Shafer Speaks At SMJC basketball tournament. . 4- Students will be allowed to in cars with dates from 5:00 Al. to 5:55 P.AL, with the pro- ision that if this priviledge is ^nsod, it will be taken away. Frosh-Soph Dance Tomorrow Night Sally Greene takes the part of Peg, a poor Irish girl who goes to live with her aristocratic aunt in England. The play concerns Peg’s difficulty in adjusting to her new way of life. After a number of humorous scenes she wins a place with her relatives and in the heart of a young Englishman, Jerry. His role is played by Lee Arbogast. W'n' *^°'''*^®Glors and vice-counselors be allowed to sj)end closed in another senior’s room pro- .Unit there are no more than gilds in a two-girl room and iree gii-R in a three-girl room. Wn ^nnnselors and vice-counselors ivhi ‘"^^Rwcd to exchange rooms j n a counselor or vice-counselor j^Pni another hall for the entire PiF.^ dindng the week for study provided that there are „ n GOUnsoInrs P'ff. an pnnh ‘11 that one of these counselors on that hall. evn' '^‘iiiiors will be allowed to date Sunday night. hut ^ doilowing places have been Rest!^'' Jiniits: Howard Johnson’s Ilj„lYii’nnt, Roy’s Drive-In on 70, and Roy’s Sundry On North Bloodworth St. 9 ^ • list ,‘'Y“inrs not on the deficiency Prifl .iio allowed to date on night without making 1 study hall. up The Freshman-Sophomore Dance will be held tomorrow night, Alarch 2, in the gym. This dance is spon sored by both classes, and members and their dates will attend. For the occasion the gym will be transformed into the land of the South Pacific with palm trees silhouetted against the blue skies of the balmy tropics. This will be seen as one enters the gym through a grass hut. Natives jilaying their drums in the midst of their tropical surroundings will be another deco rative scene. The music will be furnished by Joe AVorton and his band. They are from AA’ilson Amlunteers will serve as pages. Debbie AVall and Dana Bordan are in charge of decorations, and both classes have worked hand-in-hand on preparations. The Freshman and Sophomore Classes have been working ex- tremelv hard on jireparations for this dance. The entire school joins them in hoping that this will be the best Freshman-Sophoinore Dance ever held at St. Alary s. Others in the play are: Sally Barnes as Airs. Chichester; Alar garet Hamilton as Ethel; Lou Johnson as Alaric; Elizabeth Win stead as Brent; Nancy Sullivan as Air. Flawkes; Ann Shejiherd as Jarvis; and Alichael Gardner as Bennett. Betsy Lipford’s dog will also take part in tlic play. The entire action of the comedy passes in the living room of Regal Villa, Airs. Chichester’s house in Scarborough, England, in early summer. "FoHies” Will Be On Tuesday Air. Burr Shafer spoke to St. Alary’s students about his favorite man J AVesley Smith, on Tuesday night, February 26. Air. Shafer’s cartoons have appeared regularly 01 fifteen years in the Saturday Byening Review. He is also "a historian, artist, and novelist. Air. Shafer’s talk consisted of comments on his famous cartoon character, J. AATsley Smith. First he sketched a cartoon of J. AATsley Siiiith as “the greatest man in history” or a man who is every- iHiere. Next, Air. Shafer drew J T Viking sailor. J. Wesley Smith susposedly in fluenced the Viking purchase of Normandy. Air. Shafer also drew his favorite character as a mem ber of Robin Hood’s band, a cave man rubbing two sticks together for and a sailor on one ol Columbus’s ships. Air. Shafer also talked about many of his friends who are car toonists such as Afirgil Parks who used to be on AValt Disney’s staff. Mr. Shafer successfully a 11 d interestingly combined history and J. AA^esley Smith. “Senior Follies” will be presented in the auditorium on Alarch 5. All faculty members, friends, and students are invited to atteml. Since returning to school after exams the seniors have been re hearsing night and day for the coming event. The jiroduction is under the direction of Joy Howell Betsy Brinkley, and Miss Alorrison.’ Heads of the various scenes are: Nancy Black, Sharon Ridgeway Margaret Reese, Julia AVilcox, Carolyn Alyers, Jane AValker, BaiTy Bowen, Sally Ruark, Kim Hatchm-, DeeDee DeVere, Alickie Crump er, Ann Robinson, Sylvia Grumpier Barbara Thomas, Libby Gregory, BarrDt Proctor, Coleman Jenkins Ann Speir, Helen Corbett, Joan Brooks, Alary Catherine Jones, Catherine Dent, Frances Pearson, and Josie AVard.