7^^ Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXI, No.'l RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA October 3, 1958 ORIENTATION introduces SMS Orientation Week, September 15-21, was a time of excitement, confusion, and memorable occa sions for the approximate 350 St. Clary’s students, the largest enroll- oient in the school’s history. Mon- ciay’s bedlam of unpacking and oieoting scores of new people was followed by two days of seemingly impossible tests, nerve wracking matriculation, and library lectures, lijor amusement on Tuesday night Ihe Juniors had a picnic in the hut, lollowed by an amusing fashion show of St. Mary’s “do’s and oon’t’s”, put on by the counselors, ''cdnesday night the Freshmen 8-nd Sophomores met in the hut for ^ picnic supper. Afterwards the 'J'liole student body migrated in hocks to the town movie theaters. Meetings with Miss Richardson, I'he dean, brought each class in turn lo the auditorium. Everyone soon mlt she was an integral part of life St. Alary’s and important to the success of the school year. Thurs- day night was high-lighted by the shoAving of “Ahagnificent Obses sion” in the school auditorium, af- lor a picnic for the newly arrived benior class. Friday morning the inevitable happened—classes began. New girls ''’ere excited over their first day of I'oal St. Alary’s life, and old girls resigned themselves to another year of strenuous work. The Seniors be- San to realize how close the sum mer reading tests were. Friday mght Big Sisters took their Little bisters to the talent show. Every one was very impressed with the professional-like display that the oelles of St. Alary’s presented. Fig Sister-Little Sister Day or baturday saw everyone leave for mnch in town and a movie as a rreat by every Big Sister for her Fittle Sister. The Old Girl-New Girl reception at 8:00 P.M. was the high point of the week. Good spirit ran high as the formally dressed girls met the faculty and staff Piano and voice soloists ren dered beautiful music for everone’s entertainment. Sunday marked the close of Grientation Week with the Canter- bury-AAVCA picnic for the student body in the gym at 6:00 P.AI. Thus ended a week to be remembered by every St. Alaiy’s girl. The week’s Access is very evident as a closc- Puss has grown throughout the ®nhool and hopes are high for a happy and fruitful year of new experiences which lie ahead for all. Club Elects Williams . The first meeting of the Drama- hics Club was held Wednesday, ®ui>tember 24. The purf)ose of the meeting was to elect officers for Teacher, Hostess Join College Staff Cross Heads S.G.A. Airs. A. AI. Fountain, a new faculty member at St. Alary’s, will teach sociology this year in the absence of Airs. Guess. Airs. Fountain was born in En field, North Carolina, which is in Halifax County. She attended Wo man’s College in Greensboro where she majored in the social sciences. Airs. Fountain also attended the LMiversity of California and the L’niversity of Wisconsin. Airs. Fountain taught at Hen derson High School where she was head of the history department. She has lived in Raleigh for twen ty-two years. During that time she has taught in the public schools and has done substitute teaching. Last year she taught histoiy for one semester at Aleredith College here in Raleigh. Two years ago she taught Economics in Air. Guess’s absence. Airs, Fountain’s husband is an English professor at State College. The Fountains have two children, a boy fourteen and a girl sixteen. Both children are interested in music and take an active part in the band at their school. “The Belles” staff, with the en tire Student Body, welcomes Airs. Fountain to St. Alary’s Junior Col lege. Orchesis Foresees At St. Alary’s, Orchesis is the modern dance group which enables the girls who are interested in dancing to perform for one assemb ly program and be in Alay Day. During the year students learn types of dances. " To be an Orchesis member a girl does not have to be a professional dancer, but must be one who has enough potential in dancing and enough interest in making Orchesis one of the outstanding organizations on the campus. It can not be said that there is no work involved be cause a two hour class is held every Tuesday, and whenever a program is to be'given, the members must be present. Sometimes for several re hearsals. Orchesis is a wonderful organiza tion to be a part of if all the mem bers are willing to work. It can be a lot of fun and a very rewarding experience. tVe hope to have one of the best years in Orchesis histoiy. This can only be done if all who are associ- atod with Orchesis will give their full co-operation and extra time. 1958-59. Ann Williams was elected president, Vicki Rothrock was elected secretary, and A'irginia Allen and Alargaret AIcKee were elected co-jirogram chairmen. Airs. Nancy Stamey is the Club’s ad visor. This year St. Alary’s welcomes our new hostess, Airs. Rainer, to its staff. Airs. Rainer, who now lives in Wilmington, Delware, is a genuine Goldsboro Tarheel. She comes to us from St. Catherine’s in Richmond, Virginia, where she resided as house mother for four years. Besides her hostess duties, Alirs. Rainer is Resident Counselor in Penick Dormitory. Here she has already become established as though she had lived in Penick for years. The mother of four children, two of whom are married, Airs. Rainer certainly joins the staff with a fine store of experience. We hope everyone will soon know Airs. Rainer and make her feel at home here at St. Alary’s. Copeland Presides Over Senior Class Jane Copeland, a familiar figure on campus, is the president of the 1958-1959 Senior Class. Jane, who is from Kinston, has attended St. Alary’s for the past three years and has taken a very active part in many school activities. During her Freshman and Sophomore years, she was a member of the Beacon and Vice President of the Y. W. C. A. This year she is a senior coun selor, Alumni Editor of the Belles and a member of the Aluse Staff. As president of the Senior Class, her duties include: 1. Acting as Senior Representa tive to the Legislative Body. 2. Alanaging the Senior Class Follies. 3. Organizing Class Day. 4. Alaking up the weekly page list. 5. Planning the annual Senior Christmas Dance. SMJC Adds Council An Athletic Council has been formed at St. Alaiy’s. Alernbers of the Council are President of the Letter Club, Lucy Alilward; Pres ident of the Sigmas, Lew Newby ; Vice-President of the Sigmas, Oc- tavia Phillips; President of the Mus, Dana Borden; Vice-President of the Mus, Nellie Holmes Ballou; and advisor, Aliss Jane Lloyd. The purpose of the Athletic Coun cil is to direct athletics and promote school spirit. “The Belles” jilans a suggestion box for this year. We want all stu dents to put any ideas they have about articles or editorials in this box. Also, if anyone has a ques tion concerning St. Alary’s that she would like explained in “The Belles”, she can use the suggestion box which is located on the wall beside the last mailboxes. Jeanette Cross, the President of our Student Government, comes from Alarion, North Carolina, and has participated in many activities here at St. Alary’s for the past three years. She is a member of the Stagecoach staff, the Granddaugh ter’s Club, the Legislative Body, and last year she was President of the Junior Class as well as Presi dent of the Y.W.C.A. Jeanette’s duties as President of our Student Government will be as follows: 1. To call and preside over all meetings of the Student Gov ernment Association and of the Honor Council. 2. To aj)point seniors to act as chairmen of each of the classes until the class presidents are elected. 3. To appoint the student mem bers of the Constitution Com mittee. 4. To draw up in conference wdth student officers and officials a slate of the faculty advisors desired by the various student groups, and to submit this slate to the President of the college. 5. To serve on the Legislative Bodjr, ex officio. 6. To serve on the Hall Council, ex officio. 7. To assume direction of Stu dent matters not specifically assigned to other student of ficers. 8. Before the end of school to ap point members of the incom ing senior class as counselors and vice-counselors for the coming year on the advice of the Counselor Committee. 9. At the end of the year to pass on to her successor suggestions and unofficial records that may prove useful to her, also any helpful records for the use of the next year’s "class presi dents. 10. To assume the duties of the chairman of the Hall Council during a temporary absence of the chairman or to appoint a member of the Hall Council to serve as acting chairman. Ann Wright Calls Assembly to Order The new Assembly Chairman for 1958 and ’59 is Ann Wright. Ann, who is a senior at St. Alary’s, is from Petersburg, Virginia. She first came to St. Alary’s last year, and since then she has taken an active part in school activities and organ izations. Ann is a member of Y. W. C. A., Doctor’s Daughters Club, Sigma, is head Crucifer, and is also a Hall Counselor on Third Holt. Ann is working hard to keep the Assembly programs in line for this year, so let’s all give her our co operation.