959 ggy ISl ts" it ;r I” 'in id at Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXII, No. 9 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 1, 1959 Irene Weldon Gives Concert ^liss Irene Weldon, a St. IVIaiy’s Senior, has this year made a fine Record as a a’ery talented soprano, trene, whose home is in Raleigh, save her certificate recital on April 6, and was acclaimed by many to Itave presented the most artistic program in many years at St. Clary’s, In addition to her partici pation in the choir and Glee Club and Ensemble, Irene has sung twice *0 Columbia, the first time at the request of the National Association Teachers of Singing, the South Carolina Chapter, and the second as representative of the South eastern District of North Carolina at the five-state NAATS. As guest soloist at the Raleigh Gratorial Concert in conjunction "nth the Durham Society, Irene ap peared on the program Sunday, April 26, at 4 o’clock, in Daniels Auditorium. Also on the program "'as Richard Rivers, baritone solo- rst. The Concert was given by these "'0 soloists accompanied by a one 'Uadred-voice chorus and a forty- ’"e piece orchestra. They present ed the Handel Anthem and Brahms Requiem. The program will be giv- ^41 again in Durham on Tuesday, April 28. Concerning her jalans for next year, Irene says that she will attend le New England Conservatory of - lusic at Boston. Florence Nash Heads '60 Belles The new editor of the Belles has been chosen for next year. She is Florence Nash, a junior from Tar- boro. Floi’ence has been here for two years and has participated^ in several extra curricular activities. She is a past member of the Bea con, president of the junior class, and a member of the Swimming Club, Letter Club, and the Grand daughters’ Club. Florence has taken a great interest in the Belles be cause of her interest in English and her plans to major in that sub- ject. She will be aided by Peggy Pe- gues, who has been appointed as sistant editor. Peggy is a junior from IMonroe who has worked on the Belles staff since she came here three years ago. Music Student Receives Award •Cdia Ann Hunt, an outstanding Dano student of St. Mary’s music epartinent, was awarded a hun- dollar certificate by the North arolina Federation Woman’s Club. award, which was given Oi T audition at the Woman’s j ’n Raleigh, will go toward A ‘■^^a’s ebudy in music. .lulia has already played in two con- 5, rts with the North Carolina ^yinjahony Orchestra, and she will f to be with the orchestra or one year. Assembly Chairman Elected newly elected Assembly ]■) is Barbara Fletcher from Sid". Barbara will pre- Bie assembly programs year. , At Durham High School, Bar- Pan" editor of the news- Per. She was also in the National Society and a class officer, yt ^r')ara is very active in the St. Clee Club, and she is a ..Giiber of the Y. W. C. A. and the ^'■andflaughters’ Club. Freshman - Sophomore Dance Held Saturday, April eighteenth, St. Mary’s gym was transformed by balloons, '^confetti, and silhouettes into a gav Alardi Gras. The fresh men used this theme for the dance they gave for the sophomores. Under the direction of the Dance yiarshals, Freddy Jones and Erwin Parrott, the diance was well organ ized. Betsy Nichols headed the re freshment committee which served from long tables at one end of the gym; and Frances Holton handled The lovely decorations. To the music of the “Catalinas, whom Peggy Patton was able to get, the girls and their dates danc ed until midnight. Officers Chosen For Canterbury Club The new officers of the Canter bury Club for next year are: presi dent, Em Nelson; vice-presidem, .Janet Perry; and swretary-treas- urer, Flo Andrews. They are the successors to the offices he d by Bettv Latta, Jane Bracewell and Luanne Hobbs-president, vice- jn-esident, and sccretan-trta.uici respectively. The primary projects of the club are to collect clothes for orphanges and sell St Mary s Blaz ers. Itl^tings are held eveiy Sun- dav night with the > ate College Canterbury Club, and they offer excellent opportunities for fellow ship and religious discussion. CIRCLE WALKS AGAIN The Circle has -walked again! At midnight, on April 2, the college honorary society tapped six new members — four seniors and twm juniors. Those taken into the organ ization were Octavia Phillips, Nancy Compton, Patricia Litch field, Betty Ann Whitehurst, Betty Latta, and Polly Fulkerson. Octavia is a senior now in her fourth year here. This outstanding girl from Rockingham is very active in the school. Among her many activities are being a hall counselor, cartoonist for the Belles staff. Chief Alarshal, and Alaid of Honor for the 1959 Alay Court. Nancy is a senior day student who has contributed a great deal to the Dramatics Club and the whole school by her outstanding personality and intellectual inter ests. Nancy is an acolyte and takes part in many activities. Patricia is now in her second year at St. Mary’s, having come last year as a junior. She is a hall coun selor, a crucifer, and the president of the AhW.C.A. She has proved herself a very valuable and popu lar member of the student body. Betty Ann, a senior from Rocky Mount, is a hall counselor, vice- president of the senior class, chair man of this year’s nominating com mittee, and a cheerleader. Betty Latta, a junior from Louisburg, has been in the Legisla tive Body for several years and is now- secretary of the organization. She is in the Granddaughters’ Club, the Canterbury Club, the choir, and serves as feature editor of the Belles. Polly Fulkerson, another junior, from Pensacola, Fla., has in her first year here been electedi Student Government president for next year. She is now secretary of the junior class and a member of the Young Democrats’ Club. Bonner And Gregory Chosen For Honor Council Blanche Bonner and Aladge Gre gory were elected senior Honor Council members by their class. Blanche, wdio is from Greens boro, was chosen Secretary of Ho nor Council and Secretary of the Student Government. This year she is a member of the Granddaughters’ Club and the Doctor’s Daughters’ Club. She has served on the busi ness staff of the annual. Aladge, who is at St. Mary’s all the way from Little Rock, Arkan sas, served on the Honor Council this year. She is in the Grand daughters’ Club, the Dramatics Club, and Orchesis. Josephine Huntt Is New President Of Day Students On March 16, 1959, the St. Mary’s day 'students elected their jarcsident for next year; she is Josephine Huntts, a popular junior who is now in her third year here. Phiney is very active in the school and belongs to several organiza tions. She is a member of the Granddaughters’ Club and the Canterbuiy Club, and has been a busy member of the Stage Coach business staff for several years. Phiney is a Mu. Publications Editors Elected Nan Dameron, of Marion, N. C., and Elizabeth Nelson, of Columbia, S. C., have been recently elected to the editorships of the Stagecoach and the Muse, respectively, by the student body of St. Mary’s by unanimous vote. Both girls are new girls this year and have contribut ed much in time and talent to St. Alary’s. Nan, in addition to being on the Stagecoach editorial staff this year, is also a member of both the news and feature staffs of the Belles, a member of the Granddaughters’ Club, a member of the Dramatics Club, and is a Mu. Elizabeth has been an active con tributor to the Muse, is a member of the Stagecoach editorial staff, and is a Sigma. The new editor of the Handbook is Tucker Walker, a junior from Norfolk, Virginia. This is her fir.st year at St. Alary’s, and she is a Sigma. Tuck’s activities at school include the office of Secretary- Treasurer of the Granddaughters’ Club and membership in the YWCA, Doctors’ Daughters and Muse staff. She is also on the Belles feature staff, the public relations committee, and is a new member of the Altar Guild. Bunn Elected Hall Council Secretary Beverly Bunn of Winston-Salem was recently electedi Secretary of Hall Council. This year she was also elected by her class to be one of the Legislative Body members. She is a Sigma. When she finishes her two years here, “Bunn” plans to attend Salem College at home.