Belles OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXIII, No. 10 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA March 11, I960 Wolff and-Frank Elected to Senior Offices . The incoming senior class elected hila Wolff, of Greensboro, as their president for the coming year on Tuesday, Alarch 8. This is not a compliment, but also a vote confidence in Lila’s distinct abil- as a class leader. In her first ^^'ar. as a junior, Lila has served ®unirably as president of the larg- class on cam])us and has dis- Y'“j'g«l beautifully the demanding ' uties of her office. The whole stu- '‘‘I't body joins the junior class in 'Congratulating their itresident for next year. . hatsy Frank, of Pensicola, Fla., Ids been elected to be a represen- ntive to the Honor Council for the c ass.^ Patsy has ably served on ^ 'e Constitution Committee and as n iiieinber of various school activi ties. ^^vimming Club Gives Annual Program I'lie Swimming Club of St. ' ary s is to present their annual ater ballet on Alarch 17. It prom- to be one of the best ever. This -ears theme i^^ “The Four Sea- there will be grou]) num- .duets, and solos with accom- music typical of the s]>e- e seasons reju'esented by each (li !• "-‘n- The club members will be p ''ded into three groups for the ns^entation of the group numbers. j, .'*'^anne Rochow and Ann Oster- perform one of the duets, li ' Tila Laxton and Nancy Seig- will present another. The wa in'. is one of the most en- . ed events of the year. ^ENton SPEAKERS TO VISIT 1). Ap the Lenten season St. ® will have several visiting ^.^'akers. Definitely on the sched- Air. 'U’inston Hope and I ' ■ E. B. .leffncss. The other eahers will be announced after vacation. ' ^^*^Pe> who will speak on j,i ’^''ay, Alai'ch 18, is now at Vir- L'll" Seminarv. He was formerlv f Jh WTAR radio and. TV in Nor- SQj .• ^ a. He was also a baritone S; and trained at the .luiliard Iln*°°' of Alusic in New A'ork. Air. Hn hi the St. Paul’s choir a lay reader in Norfolk ,'"'e he decided to take his wife Hj^j,.^/our boys and go to the Semi- ' deffness will speak at the At ' aosday chajiel service on hsift r' director of Chris- V Education for the Diocese of ''’T, Carolina. Zschau To Present Vocal Concert Aliss Alarilyn Zschau. an alumna of St. Alary’s'jr. College, will give a voice concert in the school audi torium at St. Alary’s on Tuesday, Alarch 15, at 8:30 P.AI. A native of Raleigh, Aliss Zschau graduated from St. Alary’s in .lime. 1957. She enrolled at the Univer sity of North Carolina in Septem ber, 1957 and was graduated there in 1959. For the past year and a half. Walter Golde has instructed Aliss Zschau in music, which is to be her career. While at St. Alary’s Aliss Zschau was in the Glee Club and the Dra matics club, and was on the Belles staff. She jilayed active parts in Bastien and Bastienna and The Magic Flute. Aliss Zschau was al so a counselor. M Idle here she was known for her great talent, origin ality, and intellect. St. Alary’s wel comes her back with much pride. Alanv honors have been bestow ed upon Aliss Zschau, but one of her greater feats was accomplished on December 28, 1959. At this time she won the regional contest of the Southeastern Division of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She then entered the National contest in Cincinatti, Ohio, on December 28, 1959 and won second place. In December Aliss Zschau sang the alto-solo parts in The Messiah at Duke Uni versity and University of North Carolina. She sings in the Duke choir every Sunday. Granddaughters Club Plans Program The Granddaughter’s Club of St. Alary’s .Iimior College will present Dreams oj the Future on April 7. This intense iisychological drama m its off-Broadway premier, is writ ten by vouthful Hannah Wright, satiricarBettv Latta, and that ris- ino- voung ]daywrite Blanche Bon ner ' Assistant writers included Anna Cay Henry, Sally Stevens and Alary Anne Carter. Unfortun ately, tiie jiroduction staff of Dreams was unable to procure the services of director Igmar Bergman but Aliss Latta, in the words of The Daily Worker, "does a phenomenal job.” The cast of this different new play has not yet been announced but' Aliss Latta promises such per sonages as dynamic Cleve Fletcher, versatile Haynes Walker, enticing Lila Laxton, and an additional cast of thousands. Don’t miss Dreams of the Future. Alston, Yamo.v, WHslit, and Ilamsoy are to hold .S.G.A. offlees in Student Body Elects Officers For 1960-’61 In a run-off election on AA’ednes- day, Alarch 2, Amelia A'ancey, the “Hey, A'a’ll Girl” from Alarion, be came the new vice-president of the S.G.A. for 1960-61. Amelia, who came to St. Alary’s three years ago as a freshman, was during her first two years a member of the W. D.C., AAW.C.A., Dramatics Club, and Belles staff. Being an active particiiiant in siiorts, she became a member of the Letter Club and also received the sophomore super lative for siiortsmanshii). This year Amelia was elected a junior class Honor Council representative, and is still active in clubs and vari ous other facets of St. Alary’s. This past week the rising senior class chose as one of their Hon or Council representatives Diane Blanton, of Alarion. On Thursday, Alarch 10, it was announced that she will succeed Blanche Bonner as secretary of the Student Govern ment Association. Diane, who has this past year served as a junior class representative to the Honor Council, was also vice-president of her sophomore class and a member of the Beacon. She has been a member of the Glee Club, Dra matics Club, and in many other school activities. The Student Government elected Hannah ’\\’right as Chairman of Hall Council for the 1960-61 aca demic year on Friday, February 26. “Aliss Hannah,” who is from Wilmington, N. C., attended Rose mary Hall in Connecticut for three years before she entered St. Alary’s last fall as a member of the junior class. At Rosemary she participated in many class activi ties and held various outstanding offices. She was a marshal, a mem ber of the Rules Committee, presi dent of the .lunior Class, and Presi dent of the Student Government. Hannah has been outstanding here at St. Alary’s. She is a member of the Granddaughters Club and the AA\CA, is Chairman of the Elections Committee, and is Vice- President of the .lunior Class. Also, Hannah is one of the memliers of her class who will be in the Alav Court. Our congratulations go to Linda Ramsay, newly elected secretary of Hall Council. Linda is from .lacksonville, Fla., where she at tended Landon High School. At Landon Linda served as secretary and vice-president of the Student Council, she was also a member of the Honor Society and a cheer leader. At St. Alary’s Linda'has been a capable representative to the Leg islative Body for her junior class. She is also a member of the choir. Glee Club and the YWCA. Mus Gains Victory Over Sigmas Last week the first volleyball game between the Sigmas and the Mus was played. After a hard earned battle the Mus took the Sig mas by three points in the first game and two points in the second game. These wins put the Mus one game ahead of the Sigmas in the tournament. For exciting enter tainment be sure to come out to watch the games between the Blue« and the Reds.