^'ebruary 10, 1961 BELLES OF ST. MARY’S SENIOR SAINTS fc,uC3l5L MARY LEE HIXSOX Town: Charlotte Hair: “My own concoction” Hyes: sparrow brown Always Seen: drinking iced coffee Always Heard: “I’ve never been so ticked off. . ”et Peeve: “Mickey mouse” cos- tume parties! favorite Prat; KA Ambition; To be a doctor’s wife Hobby; Getting ..the costumes for those parties! TTopia: Presbyterian College RETSY HtlELAXD Town: Arden, North Carolina Hair: Always falling yes: Expressive ‘Ways Seen: Performing ‘Ways Heard: I’ve got to do that p (%i%**&) Spanish ^et Peeve: the weekly fashion shows Prat; Above such! ^mbition: Lives for the moment obby; still considering the matter Topia; Depends upon the mood JOY HICKS ow’n; Wilson — “home of the T, CROPPERS” Red—like her temper! HTfs: “Mabelined” Ai^^Ts Seen: at the Tower p , ^Ts Heard: glapplng feet eeve: sweeping Prat; Kappa Sig Ambition: to be a spy ^'mby: Making coffee P'a; Maurice’s T, LIZ HILL Raleigh Evr . ®"’ly acquired curls. Alw*' R*®*" ‘^all me Cyclops! . ays Seen: doing nothing ays Heard: I know I flunked Pet Peeve: that sardine can of a Eg aay student’s room! orite Prat; Are you serious? APibition; Pass Quizes. few more Soc. ^by: listening to Lou and Linda 'Pia: To get out of the Spinster’s Club fain and Henry are collecting old papers? •"cl Holt likes to hear alarm clocks ring? Hanes don’t take off in snow? Cold Cuts have larengitis? good photographer? good student-teacher relation ship? t- Mary’s girl (Katherine) PQ*- a request to “Our Best To You • have you heard? SAINT SALLIES The watchbird saw St. Mary’s girls scatter the week-end exams ■ ended even though the ice fell heavily. Most girls went home to catch up on their sleep and to relax, but several girls chose to go elsewhere. Erwin Parrott and Vicki Coxe went to W. & L. for the Fancy Dress Ball and had a wonderful time. A dinner dance was held in hon or of bride-elect Branchie Watson who attended St. Mary’s last year. Those seen at the dance were Muff Nabers, Joy Hicks, Carter McAlis ter, Sophia Pike, Hadley Morgan, and Alolly Cooper. The week-end of February 3 and 4 took five girls to the beautiful campus of Sewanee. Those who went were Anna Cay Henry, Gin- ny Simmons, Courtney McDowell, Carter McAlister, and Lucy Shand. Roger Williams came to Raleigh and among those seen at the con cert were Barbara Britton, Vicki Chubb, Betty Lynch, Charlotte Williams and G. G. Saunders. Congratulations to Beverly Pow ers who became engaged during exam break! Davidson’s raid-winters took many girls to Davidson the week end of February 10 and 11. Among the girls who went were Ann Ben son, Becky Elmore, Elaine Gray- bill, Betty Lynch, Martha Rose Lambeth, Cleve Fletcher, Alary Brent Elmore, Jane Brooks, Ginny Herron, and Arden Fobes. February 3-5 saw Kappa Sigma’s Black and White at Carolina. Those attending wei’e Joy Hicks, Muff Nabers, Anne Benson, Dede Keyes, Helen Reid, and Edith Kellerman. Going north to Dartmouth is Winston Conner; going south to Presbyterian College for a wild, wild west party (costumes, too!) is Alary Lee Hinson. IREXE CAROL HOLCOMBE Town: The Holy City Hair* auburn—on special occasions. Eyes: slits under granulated lid's Always Seen: in that ghastly Ha waiian rag!! Always Heard: “Who has the trans lation of the latest Pr. play? Pet Peeve: A.S.W. Pavorite Prat: I.H.S. , ^ -r, Hobby: 04 3 E.W.—love that Prench, eh, Gill? Utopia: an ivycovered rectory LIXDA JACOBS mown; Raleigh Hair: shorter, but straighter Eyes: Greenish—bluish—grayish blindish . Always Seen: Rushing home to wait for the mailman Always heard: “This is true. . . Pet Peeve: Skinny people Favorite Prat: Who can afford to be choosy? . Ambition; To date Sam twice a week-end (Just once!) ^ Hobby: Listening to Lou’s and Liz s problems. Utopia: Duke. Greensboro, etc. ELOUISE HORXER Town: Oxford, N. C. Hair: Curly?? Byes: Well-rested Always Seen: Being domestic ^ Always Heard: I hate People.. Pet Peeve; “Girlies” Favorite Prat: “Zetes’ Ambition: to be a mystic Hobby: being a degenerate dilettante Utopia: “A house by the side of the road where the race of men go by.” JLLRGUERiTE HOWARD Town: Raleigh, N. C. Wair* OoO • • • OOO Eyes*: like two burned holes in a Always^Seen: on the hall Sat. night A ways Heard: Wait for me! Pet Peeve: being asked. “How much have you studied? ImbTuo"n:"'Ta^^ Fla. UtSii: ™Y^cottage with pick’d fence. Daisy’s Day In Winter Wonderland At 6:30 Daisy Day Student is rudely awakened by her mother. Snow is falling and transportation is at a standstill. She dresses hur riedly; after all, she must be at school at 8:30. St. Alary’s will go on without her, while she is left with piles of homework. She must get to school. At 6:45 she begins calling cabs. All are busy—but she continues to call until 7:45. Finally, in des peration, she sets forth into the blinding blizzard and slowly trudges toward THAT institution of finer learning. Breathless, froz en, and exhausted, she arrives at school in time to hear the last bell. She rushes into her class (long pants, boots, and all) to find that her 8:30 teacher is not coming. For an hour she sits in the Day Student’s Closet, recovering from her ordeal and pensively wonder ing how in the world the Coca Cola people get all those cigarette buts out of the bottles. The bell rings; she moves mechanically to ward her 9:30 class. The morning slips by, and then the lunch bell rings. Daisy opens the door and cuts her way through the smoke to her locker. She opens the door—a barrage of books comes tumbling out and lands very squarely upon the big toe of her right foot! Groping through the mess, she finds her lunch. Opening the small, very smashed brown bag, she finds a peanut butter sandwich with marshmellows, a squashed, over-ripe pear, and a small piece of cheese. She gobbles her lunch up in a matter of minutes and then begins the big search for her gym suit. At last she finds both pieces and dashes out into the elements for her gym course in shoveling snow from sidewalks. After gym Daisy dresses in the privacy (?) of the Day Student’s Room and settles down to wait for three hours until THAT lAIPORT- ANT AIEETING. The minutes and hours creep by, and finally it is time. Then comes the rude awakening to harsh reality—the meeting has been postponed! Once again Daisy pulls on her boots, bundles uj), and sots out on her long journey home. Bravely she fights the bitter cold and ar rives rather pooped at her front door. What a Valentine’s Day! No candy, no flowers, no valentines— just snow. Poor, poor Daisy Day Student. At this point we begin to feel sorry for her. QUESTIONAIRE 11 ? Two-thirds of the Senior class was on the honor roll? ^^'■‘^Sew^nref (>lfntaUrnot physf- cally)! rinss are becoming Engagement rings a rather popular here. That the University of the South has anything, everything, and all that you would want, wish for, or need?! What would you do if you pos sessed a skitsabphloeinium? 1. Margaret Atkinson: I’d send it to the Kappa Sig house. 2. Haynes Walker: I’d send it to the doctor. 3. Linda Parker: Drink it! 4. Burnley Kinny: I’d Marry it; it’s the only one I’ll ever get. 5. Becky Petrea: See if it would help me on English. 6. Edith Alston: I’d eat it. 7. Courtnay McDowell: I’d send it to a psychiatrist. 8. Tricia Armstrong: I’d send it to an analyst. 9. Winston Conner: I’d flush it (down the John). 10. Jane Coleman: I’d sell it to see how much I could get to go to Port Lauderdale Spring Vacation. 11. Mary Daniell: I’d trade it for a train ticket home. 12. Robin Pleasants: I’d give it to Lila Wolff and Lucy Southall to argue over. 13. Sally Upton: I’d mail it to Dr. Browne. 14. Muff Nabers: I’d find out which side was good and bulky and take the good one. 15. Gee Canada: I would have it amputated. P. S. In case you’re wondering, the skitsabphloeinium is Mr. Shell- an’s briefcase.